"Mid-Autumn Charity" Fan Jingxiang and Warner produced "Contemporary Legends" are committed to the development of global physical and mental health

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'Mid-Autumn Charity' Fan Jingxiang and Warner produced 'Contemporary Legends' are committed to the development of global physical and mental health - Lujuba

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, China's fine traditional cultural festival, Fan Jingxiang, a charity artist, Warner charity musician, and promoter of ME/CFS urban slow life, was invited to serve as a charity ambassador and charity album producer, and joined hands with INDIGO, a global advocate of good life aesthetics, Shanghai Jing'an Indi Grand Hotel, global road safety advocate PORSCHE Porsche Center Shanghai Putuo, ME/CFS Urban Slow Life Charity Project, FJ Charity Pioneer Team, and the Always Spreading Love Action in the World jointly produced and released " INDIGO Contemporary Legend: PORSCHE "Pioneer Legend" Charity Joint Action Album" was officially released at Hotel Indigo Shanghai Jing'an.

'Mid-Autumn Charity' Fan Jingxiang and Warner produced 'Contemporary Legends' are committed to the development of global physical and mental health - Lujuba

This charity album also includes chapters of the "Legendary Seven", including: Legendary Afternoon Tea, Legendary Rooms, Legendary Dance, Legendary Images, Legendary Music, Legendary Dialogues, Legendary Treasures and other multi-dimensional cultural charity works, aiming to promote the physical and mental health of global citizens. With the awareness of health and happiness as the origin, targeted public welfare propaganda and care for ME/CFS chronic fatigue, advocating the public's correct understanding of the disease, understanding of modern nutrition awareness, and the importance of physical and mental health, and jointly practice contemporary legends, pursue dreams, and benefit The pioneering spirit of the times, and the album works practice the meaning of "perfection", pay tribute to and inherit the fine traditional Chinese culture, and jointly build the development of the global physical and mental health ecosystem.

'Mid-Autumn Charity' Fan Jingxiang and Warner produced 'Contemporary Legends' are committed to the development of global physical and mental health - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that Fan Jingxiang, who is a Warner charity musician, has authorized the inclusion of "The World's First Charity Song "Beside You" that cares about ME/CFS chronic fatigue, produced by Chinese Gold Award music producer Yang Junyao and released by Warner Music. For the "Legendary Music Chapter" and charity action theme song in this album, ME/CFS Urban Slow Life Charity Ambassadors Charmaine Sheh, Guo Biting, Zeng Guanxiong, Lin Yun, Shunzi and other charity ambassadors were invited to respond to charity, and once again advocated public attention through charity actions and attach importance to the correct understanding of "Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, CFS / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis,
ME", the attention and healthy development of patient treatment and care methods, in order to practice the social responsibility of the release of the Chinese cultural charity album , the mission of cultural public welfare representatives, this "INDIGO Contemporary Legend: PORSCHE "Pioneer Legend" Charity Joint Action Album" action and works have received support and response from the Shanghai Lujiazui Community Charity Foundation, international charity organizations

'Mid-Autumn Charity' Fan Jingxiang and Warner produced 'Contemporary Legends' are committed to the development of global physical and mental health - Lujuba

Talking about the charity-oriented "ME/CFS Urban Slow Life Charity Project" of this work, it was founded by the Shanghai Lujiazui Community Charity Foundation. It jointly launched a charity action with international charity organizations, hand-in-hand charity ambassadors, and friends of cross-border charity to advocate the public's support for the public welfare. Correct understanding of ME/CFS chronic fatigue syndrome, in order to care for and pay tribute to global ME/CFS chronic fatigue. In recent years, the "ME/CFS Urban Slow Life Charity Project" has become more oriented toward organizing a public welfare pioneer cultural community centered on understanding, popularizing science, and preventing "ME/CFS chronic fatigue", integrating health culture, sports awareness, energy art, learning education, and nutritional awareness. On behalf of China’s public welfare culture, it is committed to the sustainable cultural construction and development of the physical and mental health of global citizens.

'Mid-Autumn Charity' Fan Jingxiang and Warner produced 'Contemporary Legends' are committed to the development of global physical and mental health - Lujuba

This work was inspired by the opportunity to have a conversation with teachers Yao Runing, Hua Hong, Zhang Jiahua, and Lan Guochuan, Friends of Philanthropy, about the "Legend of Life", and was inspired by the concepts, culture, and architecture of Friends of Philanthropy Hotel Indigo Shanghai Jing'an and Porsche Center Shanghai Putuo. The humanistic culture of design, space installation, and social responsibility is deeply influenced, so we jointly created the "INDIGO Contemporary Legend: PORSCHE "Pioneer Legend" charity joint action centered on humanistic care, legendary spirit, contemporary art, healthy life, and energy access. Album" also hopes to create more "contemporary legends" with different life dimensions through works in the cultural public welfare dimension and strive to build a global citizen consciousness of "humanistic care".

Talking about the inspiration of the work and the profound memory of the production process, Fan Jingxiang shared: Each of his works comes from his gratitude for life, and it is also a joint presentation of every good relationship, benefit to others, and perfection. He hopes that through his works, he can Helping and caring for the ecology, environment and every life we ​​live in are also the teachings and education brought to us by our family, mother, mentors and friends.

'Mid-Autumn Charity' Fan Jingxiang and Warner produced 'Contemporary Legends' are committed to the development of global physical and mental health - Lujuba

Finally, Fan Jingxiang’s agency shared: During the Mid-Autumn Festival, as a charity artist, Fan Jingxiang invested in the production of new albums, sports charity, FJ charity pioneers, and the construction and development of ME/CFS urban slow life. This time at China’s fine traditional cultural festival- During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the work "INDIGO Contemporary Legend: PORSCHE "Pioneer Legend" Charity Joint Action Album" was released, and the copyright of the work was donated to public welfare activities to help promote ME/CFS chronic fatigue, and is committed to the development of project cultural public welfare, hoping to create ecological achievements More "Perfect Legends" are planned to participate in international art festivals to promote the fine culture of the Chinese nation and jointly practice the true meaning of legends through actions.

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