Many classic songs of Ulan Tuya exploded in Inner Mongolia's first farmers and herdsmen men's basketball game

news 1071℃

Grassroots players from all walks of life, passionate fans across the country, hot topics offline and online... This year, the "Village Game" represented by the "Village Super" and "Village BA" has infected and moved more Chinese people. On September 23, Inner Mongolia's first "Harmony Village" farmers and herdsmen men's basketball game to celebrate the sixth Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival and the "Anmuxi Cup" opened grandly at the National (Northern) Football Training Base in Hohhot. The Inner Mongolia Farmers and Herdsmen Men's Team played a wonderful friendly match against the "Village BA" team of Qingzhen City, Guizhou Province. During the period, many of Ulan Tuya’s classic songs ignited the competition scene.

Many classic songs of Ulan Tuya exploded in Inner Mongolia's first farmers and herdsmen men's basketball game - Lujuba

At the opening ceremony, rich cultural and artistic programs such as yangko, stilt walking, two-person stage, songs and dances, and fancy dunk performances fully demonstrated the colorful culture and sports style of the farmers and herdsmen in our district. The joyful mood of promoting harmony and beauty. After the opening ceremony, Inner Mongolia Basketball Association Chairman Battelle kicked off the game.

Many classic songs of Ulan Tuya exploded in Inner Mongolia's first farmers and herdsmen men's basketball game - Lujuba

On the field, in addition to the exciting competition between the two teams of players, which won bursts of cheers from the audience, the "little cheerleaders" from our district showed their energy and enthusiasm in the song "Come and Dance" sung by Ulan Tuya, and instantly The atmosphere of the scene was full.

Many classic songs of Ulan Tuya exploded in Inner Mongolia's first farmers and herdsmen men's basketball game - Lujuba

I couldn’t stop listening to the good songs. During the break, Ulan Tuya’s classic songs “Standing on the Grassland Looking at Beijing” and “My Mongolian Horse” resounded over the stadium again. The music was very rhythmic and extremely contagious. The singing voice makes the audience sing along with the beat. It has to be said that Ulan Tuya's music has unique charm and influence. When the music is played, the atmosphere of the scene will be brought to a climax. It is grand, lively and fashionable, and is suitable for people of different ages.

Many classic songs of Ulan Tuya exploded in Inner Mongolia's first farmers and herdsmen men's basketball game - Lujuba

It is understood that this competition is sponsored by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Sports Bureau and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department, hosted by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Sports Venue Service Center, and co-organized by the Inner Mongolia Basketball Association. Rural men's basketball teams from Ordos City, Tongliao City, Chifeng City and other places competed on the same field. During the 6-day competition, they will compete fiercely to win the championship.

This competition not only demonstrated the spiritual outlook and sports competition level of farmers and herdsmen in our district in the new era, but also conducted in-depth exchanges with the Guizhou "Village BA" team. It has further promoted the construction of a livable, industrial and beautiful countryside and the high-quality development of farmers and herdsmen's sports, and assisted rural revitalization and the construction of a strong sports and agricultural country. Hosting this event is of great significance for the all-round construction of a "model autonomous region" and for demonstrating the development level of rural and pastoral areas in the autonomous region.

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