The Spring Festival animated film "Bear Bears: Reverse Time and Space" is linked with the monster blockbuster "Godzilla vs. Kong 2" and released a short film. Godzilla in a pink dorsal fin and King Kong with a mechanical arm join hands to fight against King Scar. The bear is in a

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"Godzilla vs. Kong 2" teamed up with "Bear Bears: Reversal of Time" to release a short film Duration: 00:48 Source: Movie Network

"Godzilla vs. Kong 2" teamed up with "Bear Bears·Reverse Time" "Time and Space" released a short film Hide

Duration: 00:48 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News The Spring Festival animated film "Bear Infested Reversing Time and Space" and the monster blockbuster "Godzilla vs. Kong 2" released a short film, wearing a pink dorsal fin Godzilla and King Kong, who is wearing a mechanical arm, join forces to fight against King Scar, and Xiong Daxiong and Erbald Qiang, who are in reverse time and space, also come to help.

The Spring Festival animated film 'Bear Bears: Reverse Time and Space' is linked with the monster blockbuster 'Godzilla vs. Kong 2' and released a short film. Godzilla in a pink dorsal fin and King Kong with a mechanical arm join hands to fight against King Scar. The bear is in a - Lujuba

"Bear Bear Reversing Time and Space" will be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year. As the first ten years of the Bear Bear series, many classic characters will reunite for the first time. The tenth story focuses on time travel. Bald Qiang is an ordinary programmer, but he often dreams of strange forests and two bears. It wasn't until he went to visit a big client with his boss that he finally remembered that he was once a little tour guide in the forest, and by chance he got a chance to choose his life again. In order to save Xiong Da Xiong Er in the old timeline, Bald Qiang embarks on a wonderful space-time adventure.

The Spring Festival animated film 'Bear Bears: Reverse Time and Space' is linked with the monster blockbuster 'Godzilla vs. Kong 2' and released a short film. Godzilla in a pink dorsal fin and King Kong with a mechanical arm join hands to fight against King Scar. The bear is in a - Lujuba

"Godzilla vs. Kong 2: Rise of an Empire" will be released on March 29. The two monster kings, Godzilla and King Kong, have changed from tit-for-tat confrontation and declaration of war in the first film to two kings joining hands to reach their peak with Scar King. Confrontation.

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