Zhou Shuai conducts 400-meter obstacle training. Li Ruhui/Photo On June 21, 2021, the auditorium of the Armed Police Police College was full of seats and there was thunderous applause. A report meeting on the advanced deeds of outstanding students of the Armed Police Force who we

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Zhou Shuai conducts 400-meter obstacle training. Li Ruhui/Photo On June 21, 2021, the auditorium of the Armed Police Police College was full of seats and there was thunderous applause. A report meeting on the advanced deeds of outstanding students of the Armed Police Force who we - Lujuba

Zhou Shuai conducts 400-meter obstacle training. Li Ruhui/Photo by

On June 21, 2021, the auditorium of the Armed Police Officer Academy was packed with people and there was thunderous applause. A report meeting on the advanced deeds of outstanding students of the Armed Police Force who went to the border was grandly held. Zhou Shuai, a platoon leader of a squadron of the Second Mobile Detachment of the Armed Police Tibet Corps, walked up to the podium and shared his story of guarding the border.

 "Platoon Leader Zhou, why did you go to Tibet?"

 "A good man aspires to the frontier. If I had never been to Tibet, I would feel that there is something missing in the military." Faced with the students' questioning, Zhou Shuai gave his own answer Answer.

Now, looking back on his original choice, Zhou Shuai is proud of himself and his family is also proud of him. "My life route has undergone major changes, which also makes my military life more valuable and meaningful." He said.

In June 2019, Zhou Shuai graduated with honors from the Armed Police Special Police Academy. When selecting a position, he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to stay in Beijing and chose to go to Tibet.

"The motherland is in need, and we have no hesitation in heading west. Take off your spring clothes and start the journey at any time." After writing his youthful vows on the application for aid to Tibet, Zhou Shuai packed up his bags and set off for the plateau.

The Second Mobile Detachment of the Armed Police Tibet Corps, where Zhou Shuai works, is a unit with a glorious history. He felt very honored to join the group of heroes. At the same time, he also felt deeply that he had a mission and a heavy responsibility. He was determined to do something good based on his position.

However, when Zhou Shuai arrived in Tibet for the first time, he suffered from altitude sickness, and his scores in physical fitness subjects, which he was proud of, dropped significantly. In order to adapt to the plateau as soon as possible and complete the task of leading new recruits, he "returned" himself to the new recruits, starting from the basics and practicing from the feet. He worked hard to adapt and adjust his mentality, and learned from the training outline and doctrine. The experienced squad leader learns from the backbone and works hard with the soldiers in the training ground, enduring hardships and growing up together.

At the end of the new training, Zhou Shuai led 27 recruits to win the overall first place in the new training team, and he was also rated as an outstanding new training cadre. Nearly half a year's experience in leading troops has allowed Zhou Shuai to lose his "student spirit" and complete the leap from "being a good soldier" to "leading a group of good soldiers", laying a solid foundation for his return to the squadron. Base.

In April 2020, Zhou Shuai began to serve as the squadron branch secretary due to his outstanding performance in the position of squadron platoon leader. He insisted on being a youth friend, not a youth "official", and did his best to help the squadron officers and soldiers.

Sergeant Zhang Yongqiang was once a well-known training leader in the squadron, winning many awards in competitions. However, in his fourth year of service, Zhang Yongqiang suffered from gout, which is common in plateaus. When the attack occurred, his joints were red, swollen, and painful, and he was unable to engage in high-intensity exercise. His strong nature was deeply affected, and he even had the idea of ​​​​retiring.

One night, Zhang Yongqiang suddenly suffered a gout attack. Zhou Shuai hurriedly took him to the hospital and registered him when he overheard Zhang Yongqiang talking to his family: "I performed very well in the army..." Zhou Shuai realized that Zhang Yongqiang didn't really want to retire, but just couldn't find him at the moment. to the forward direction.

Under the dim light of the hospital corridor, Zhou Shuai opened the photo album on his mobile phone, pointed to the photo of Zhang Yongqiang who had won a martial arts competition and said: "If we work together, you will be able to stand up, believe me?" But Zhang Yongqiang did not express his position.

Once, when the company organized weapons maintenance, Zhou Shuai noticed that Zhang Yongqiang specially bought a small toothbrush to clean the dirt in the gaps of the guns.

During the roll call, Zhou Shuai specifically praised Zhang Yongqiang. Considering his seriousness and practicality, he was appointed as the equipment custodian. After that, every time war preparations were launched, Zhang Yongqiang was always the first to rush to the warehouse to ensure the goods were shipped out. When the pulling is over, he will count all the items, and the last one will leave the warehouse.

Zhang Yongqiang has found his own value in his new position, and his fighting spirit has been rekindled on the training ground. When his illness was not serious, he studied hard and practiced hard, and his grades in climbing subjects were far ahead. Later, Zhang Yongqiang was awarded third-class personal merit for his outstanding performance in his position.

Zhou Shuai’s wife Chang Xin said: “His feelings for the soldiers are very pure, without any distracting thoughts, and he gives everything just for their growth and success.This "phone porridge" arranged by two military families is often interrupted by Zhou Shuai's "I will deal with the affairs of my comrades first." This all stems from the "three meals a day" that Zhou Shuai has set for himself. "Hungry, cold, warm hands can be touched, difficulties and confusions can be dealt with" work standards.

Corporal Ji Peng of the squadron is a typical "mid-range" comrade. He is introverted, neither outstanding nor making mistakes, and receives little attention. "Except for the leader of the troops Limited energy makes it difficult to cover everything. Some comrades have "Buddhist" personalities, which is also one of the reasons. "Zhou Shuai said.

However, Zhou Shuai's philosophy of leading troops is to never give up on anyone and to maximize the potential of every soldier. During an armed 5-kilometer training, Zhou Shuai and Ji Peng walked together. After taking off their equipment, Zhou Shuai again Take him to practice explosive power. "I'm 5 years older than you, and my physical fitness may not be as good as yours, but we all have to run hard and add glory to the squadron." "

For these "mid-range" soldiers, Zhou Shuai requires the backbone of party members to master their family information, encourage everyone to develop their special hobbies, establish military plans, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, accurately determine positions, and design a growth roadmap based on their actual situation. "The most important thing is, Don't stop."

Under Zhou Shuai's influence and encouragement, struggle became the main theme of the officers and soldiers of the squadron. During the three years when he served as secretary of the regiment branch, 14 soldiers of the squadron were developed into Communist Youth League members, and 33 were identified as members of the Communist Youth League. Twelve people became active members of the Communist Party of China.

While doing a good job in the regiment branch, Zhou Shuai also insisted on being a "vanguard" in training and preparing for war. At the end of 2020, when he learned that the corps was about to hold a competition, he took the initiative to volunteer. Taking full advantage of his "scientific class", he imparted new knowledge, new skills, and new ideas to the team members, and finally led the four team members to pass the test, winning first place in the sharp knife reconnaissance team, first place in the drone major, and second place in the armed reconnaissance major. Excellent results, and was awarded the second-class personal merit.

Soon after, in the training organized by the Armed Police Force, Zhou Shuai won two first places, one second place, and one third place in a single subject.

In June 2023, Zhou Shuai was promoted to the instructor of a certain squadron. Before leaving the team, many officers and soldiers of the squadron shed tears because of their reluctance.

Youth is brilliant through hard work, and life is sublimated through struggle. In the five years since he entered Tibet, Zhou Shuai has completed major projects He served more than 30 missions and was awarded second-class and third-class merits once each. He was successively commended by the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission and the Communist Youth League Central Committee as "Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadres in the Army" and "National Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadres". He was honored to be elected to the 24th "China "Top Ten Loyal Guards of the Armed Police". When "lay flat" and "Buddhist" have become the mantras of some people, Zhou Shuai used unremitting struggle and selfless dedication to write a youth answer sheet belonging to the soldiers in the new era.

Sun Guoyu China Youth Daily·中Qingdao reporter Gong Ayuan Source: China Youth Daily

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