What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at

entertainment 6315℃

What is a report? What is publicity? What is flattery?

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

Just give a random example: a crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance.

reported: On a certain day of a certain year and a certain month, crosstalk actor xxx held a crosstalk commercial performance at a certain theater in a certain city.

Promotion: On a certain day of a certain year, the famous cross talk artist xxx held a cross talk commercial performance at a certain theater in a certain city. The audience was full and the performance was a great success.

boasted: On a certain day of a certain year, the famous cross talk master xxx held a cross talk commercial performance at a certain theater in a certain city. His achievements in the cross talk industry were unprecedented and unparalleled. His arrival was welcomed by all the people of a certain city. pleasure.

To put it simply, a straightforward statement is reporting, a little praise is publicity, and excessive praise beyond the normal range is flattery.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

Starting in 2023, there has been a lot of flattery on the Internet around certain cross talk actors, and it is like a relay race of flattery. After the employees have praised themselves, the media has praised them, and the self-media has praised their own employees and then praised them again. Wave after wave, there is a tendency to never give up until certain crosstalk actors are praised to the sky, which has caused a lot of noisy voices on the Internet.

Some netizens joked: Although some people are just crushing Hou Baolin, Ma Sanli and Mei Lanfang, the next step may be to surpass Confucius and Mencius, and finally be praised as the most perfect person in the history.

What should we think of this farce of mindless flattery?

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

1. Why do some celebrities not need to be praised?

We are familiar with many big-name stars such as Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Jiang Wen, Liu Huan, Stephen Chow, Jacky Cheung, Stephen Chow... They are all famous in their respective fields and have been popular for a long time, but you rarely see anyone deliberately touting them.

Seniors such as Ma Sanli, Hou Baolin and Ma Ji also have a high status in the field of cross talk, and they are all recognized cross talk masters both inside and outside the industry, but few people on the Internet deliberately praise them.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

Why do so many celebrities remain popular with audiences for a long time without any need for praise?

First of all, these stars have classic works that have survived in the world. In other words, they have conquered the audience with their excellent works. Whether you praise them or not, their works are there and have become part of history. No one can deny it. .

For example, the ticket prices for Chow Huajian's concerts have long been crushed by various young singers, but this does not mean that the musical achievements of young singers have surpassed that of Chow Wakin.

Secondly, these celebrities and masters have a good reputation. They are truly good at both virtue and art. They do not have any dark history that greatly affects their image. Naturally, there is no need to cover up anything with deliberate flattery.

Therefore, many real stars do not need to be praised, and no one deliberately praises them, and there is no need to praise them.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

2. Why do some celebrities need to be praised?

This is a very interesting question. Some celebrities are very famous but do not need to be praised. Some celebrities are very famous but need to be praised. They even let their own employees take the lead in promoting them, regardless of word of mouth and reputation. Why?

In fact, the problem is very simple. First of all, some stars lack excellent works. If they are an actor without the support of excellent works, whether they are doing cross talk or acting in sketches, whether they are acting in movies or TV series, in order to maintain their popularity, and traffic, then the only way left is to find someone to brag about it crazily.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

Secondly, the actor's reputation is not very good, and there is some dark history that is difficult to clean up. If you want to whitewash it, the result will only become darker and darker.

Cleansing is equivalent to defense, and praise is equivalent to offense. There is a saying that offense is the best defense. Replacing crazy cleaning with crazy praise to cover up a bad reputation is really a good trick.

To put it bluntly, if an actor has no classic works and has a bad reputation, the more severe the praise, the more guilty he is.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

3. Why do some self-media like to flatter?

In the field of cross talk, many self-media that crazily praise certain cross talk actors have appeared one after another since 2023. Why are these self-media bloggers obsessed with this?

First of all, some self-media are internal employees, and crazily praising the boss of your own company is part of daily work. If you perform well, you will be rewarded, which is what we commonly call flattery.

Secondly, there are also some self-media that are externally cooperative. If they wildly praise certain crosstalk actors, they can get some fixed-point feedings such as moon cakes and fruits, just like the black bear in the zoo bows to tourists in the hope of getting bananas.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

Again, there are some self-media that crazily praise certain cross talk actors in order to gain fans. For example, a certain self-media blogger only had one or two hundred people watching the live broadcast at the beginning. Since then, he has started to wildly praise certain cross talk actors. After the actor, the number of people in the live broadcast room suddenly increased to more than a thousand. Whether it was selling things or receiving rewards, the effect of cutting leeks was very good. Since

can be rewarded by superiors, can eat fruits, and can harvest leeks, it is natural to understand why some self-media have jumped into the ranks of crazy praise.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

4. Why do fans like to listen to others’ praise?

The practices of some fan circles are very interesting and very thought-provoking. Because some self-media bloggers wildly praise their favorite crosstalk actors, the fans will go to the live broadcast room to reward each other. Why is there such strange behavior? ?

There may be many reasons, but the core one is guilty conscience.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

Let’s take Andy Lau as an example. If a self-media blogger wildly praises Andy Lau in the live broadcast room, surpassing both Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, do you think Andy’s fans will go to support him with rewards?

doesn't know that at all!

Because Andy Lau's fans are very confident and have no guilty conscience. Hua Tsai's status in the world is there, and there are a large number of works and reputation to support it. There is no need for any self-media to flatter him.

On the other hand, if some self-media boasts that Andy Lau has surpassed Jackson and surpassed Elvis Presley, Andy's fans will think that this is a deliberate effort by the self-media to bring bad luck to Andy Lau, not to mention giving rewards. Fans will not pay attention to such self-media at all.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

To put it simply, the reason why some fans will gather together because some self-media praises their favorite actors is ultimately due to their own inner lack of confidence and guilty conscience. Things that they don’t even believe in naturally require other people. He believes in "help", and in order to thank others for their "help", he naturally wants to give rewards and encouragement.

This is the essence of the problem. Only actors who have a serious lack of works and reputation and have a guilty conscience need crazy praise. Only fans with a serious guilty conscience like to listen to other people's wild praise of actors.

What is reporting? What is publicity? What is flattery? Just give an example: A crosstalk actor went to a certain place to hold a commercial performance. Report: On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, crosstalk actor XXX held a crosstalk commercial performance at  - Lujuba

There is a Xiaoyao sect named Ding Chunqiu in "Dragon Babu". If we just talk about martial arts, he must be a top master.

boasted about it, but in the end the readers did not remember how high Ding Chunqiu's martial arts was, but only remembered the funny compliment line: Xingxiu Old Immortal, his magic power is boundless.

only adds laughter.

Tags: entertainment