Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie "Hot and Spi

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Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #有名名综合电影被福利福利片# shot to the top of Weibo’s hot searches, attracting the attention of netizens.

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

Today (January 23),

The Spring Festival movie "Hot and Spicy"

also issued a statement through its official Weibo, saying that

the film's first producer

Xinli Media Group Co., Ltd. stated in a statement that

there have been criminal elements recently

pretended to be the producer, investor, etc. of the film, and

conducted illegal financing in the name of film investment, copyright subscription, income transfer, etc.


The company has not authorized any individual, company or institution

to carry out any investment and financing cooperation in the name of the film.

hereby reminds investors

to be vigilant and guard against being deceived.

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

It is reported that this film is Jia Ling’s second self-directed and starred film after the hugely successful "Hello, Li Huanying". The cast also includes Lei Jiayin, Zhang Xiaofei, Zhao Haiyan, Zhang Qi, etc. It is currently scheduled to be released in February. It will be released on the 10th, the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

According to reports, the topic that everyone is paying attention to, #A number of celebrities participating in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases, involves the "8·17" film and television investment fraud case being handled by the Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau. On January 16, the Lanzhou City People's Procuratorate, The Lanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau jointly solicited clues on the case.

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

In April 2022, many readers reported to the media that they had been deceived by companies such as Beijing Zhongrui Taifeng Cultural Communication Company and Beijing Eight Millimeters Cultural Media Company for investing in film production. The investment movies written on the contract issued by

readers are concentrated in these movies: "The Monkey King: The Sky-Eating Demon Monkey", "The Van Gogh Project", "The Poet", "Fist Mom", etc., all mentioned in today's Lanzhou Public Prosecutor's Collection of clues in 12 movies.

(12 movies: "The Van Gogh Project", "The Monkey King: The Sky-Eating Monkey", "Mailu Man", "Rescue from the Raging Sea", "The Poet", "Desperate Rescue", "Oppa, You Are So Handsome", "Ruffian Lover", "Money Is Embarrassed" Journey", "Love You with All My Heart" (renamed "Fist Mom" ​​or "Fist Mom"), "Shanghai Shanghai" and "Luban Underground Palace").

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

The readers who were defrauded came from all over the country, and they were all retirees. The amount of money defrauded was more than hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Ms. Duan invested in three movies including "The Monkey King: The Sky-Eating Demon Monkey" and was defrauded of 550,000 yuan.

Ms. Duan from Beijing invested in three movies and was defrauded of 550,000 yuan.

Ms. Duan also does stocks. In April 2020, Hu and Yang, who recommended stocks, added her on WeChat and said they had good stock selection methods.

"At first they were giving lectures, and then they let everyone participate in film investment." Ms. Duan subscribed for 180,000 yuan for the movie "Sun Wukong: The Sky-Eating Demon Monkey" that Beijing Zhongrui Taifeng Cultural Communication Company claimed to make, Beijing Eight Millimeters Cultural Media The company's two movies, one priced at 130,000 yuan and the other at 240,000 yuan, are "Poet" and "Fist Mom."

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

However, none of the above-mentioned movies were released as scheduled. Ms. Duan asked the two companies, and the companies said they were reviewing it. She went to court to sue, and the Beijing Chaoyang District Court informed her that the case had become a criminal case.

Another reader "Dahai" was defrauded of 880,000 yuan. He and Ms. Duan met the same cultural communication company and used similar methods. "Dahai" usually does stocks, and after being pulled into the stock investment group, the teacher in the early group also analyzed stocks, and later proposed movie investment, "They said that some movies will transfer the amplification cost premium to us and let us buy shares." "Dahai" subscribed for "Sun Wukong: The Sky-Eating Demon Monkey" for 720,000 and "The Van Gogh Project" for 160,000. But by October 2021, the company was unreachable.

Mr. Guo, a reader from Weifang, Shandong, was also lured to invest in "The Monkey King: The Sky-Eating Demon Monkey" and "The Van Gogh Project" and was defrauded of 520,000 yuan. He said: "In July 2020, Zhongrui Taifeng (Beijing) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. used real movies to invest at a false premium, and used a WeChat stock group to let Yu and Zhu use the method of explaining stocks to exaggerate and talk about movies. New investment in the market, the scammer encouraged everyone to buy movie shares. I was also deceived into investing 160,000 yuan in "The Van Gogh Project" and 360,000 yuan in "The Monkey King: The Sky-Eating Demon Monkey". Li Moumou of Zhongrui Taifeng came forward to sign the contract. By July 2021 I found out that I had been deceived after Li, Yu, and Zhu lost contact last month."

The person who came forward to sign the contract was actually a "stock teacher"

Readers also reported that the "teachers" who analyzed stocks in the stock group were employees of this cultural company, and the investment film share contract was also signed by these "stock teachers" " came forward to sign the contract.

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

After paying the money and transferring the money, the other party only issued a receipt, not an invoice, and then got the income rights holding certificate from the other party's company. When signing the contract, a "Risk Warning Letter" was also required.

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

The contract of more than ten pages has many terms and conditions, and it also says: If the prize is awarded, Party B (investor) can also share the honor. After deducting the participation cost, Party B will enjoy the bonus according to the actual transfer ratio. These are the things that look good. The terms and the fraud of scammers, they were finally fooled.

Yesterday (January 22nd), the related topic #A number of celebrities participated in movies involving film and television investment fraud cases # topped the trending search on Weibo, attracting the attention of netizens. Today (January 23), the Spring Festival movie 'Hot and Spi - Lujuba

"Zhongrui Taifeng Cultural Communication Co., Ltd." was listed as operating abnormal in November 2021. On November 23, 2021, the Market Supervision and Administration of Chaoyang District, Beijing The bureau listed the company as an enterprise with abnormal operations due to "unable to contact through registered residence or business premises." Zhou, the legal representative of Beijing Bammie Culture Media Company, has been included in the list of persons subject to execution for dishonesty, and has been restricted from high consumption, travel abroad, etc. .

On Aiqicha and on the website of Zhongrui Taifeng Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., there is also this self-question and answer message that is confusing:

Judging from the feedback from readers, they began to be exposed to film investment projects in March and April 2020. The deception lasted for more than a year, and the company involved was listed as operating abnormally more than a year later. This is also a characteristic of investment and financial management fraud: the cycle is long and it is difficult to detect in time. When the victim discovers that he has been deceived, the fraud gang has already been involved. The money ran away.

There are so many steps in investment movie scams

In the past two years, there have been more money-making scams in investment movies. This type of scam can be summarized into several steps:

1. First, attract people into the stock investment group. The instructor talks about stock investment and analyzes stocks.

2. Later, the instructor recommends movie projects to the students in the group, or says that he knows a certain director and has new investment channels. And these makers, for the sake of credibility, may We also prepared information in advance, such as shooting trailers, etc.

3. To induce signing of a contract to transfer money or to transfer money on the app. This may be in the early stage, because the victim is also trying to invest a little money, and the platform will issue some income, and you can also withdraw cash, and wait for the victim. I completely believe that after additional investment, the platform will collapse, the company will close, and the instructors will not be able to be contacted...

4. Some so-called "instructors" broadcast live broadcasts on social media to attract people to take the bait.

The police said that ordinary people are actually interested in I don’t know anything about investing in movies. Investing in movies is not as simple as investing some money. It requires investors to have strong professionalism and risk resistance. Don’t sign an investment just based on the film and television company’s project announcement ppt, movie posters, etc. protocol.

News Square Comprehensive Red Star News, Chengshi Interactive

Tags: entertainment