Ding Yifeng, a magical investment company. The number one character, Sui Guangyi, has a snow-white beard all year round and his gray hair is pulled back, giving him the image of a worldly master; the number two character, Ma Xiaoqiu, calls himself a writer, philanthropist, musici

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Ding Yifeng, a magical investment company. The number one character, Sui Guangyi, has a snow-white beard all year round and his gray hair is pulled back, giving him the image of a worldly master; the number two character, Ma Xiaoqiu, calls himself a writer, philanthropist, musici - Lujuba

Ding Yifeng, a magical investment company.

The number one person, Sui Guangyi, has a snow-white beard all year round and his gray hair is pulled back, giving him the image of an outsider; the number two person, Ma Xiaoqiu, calls himself a writer, philanthropist, musician, fashionist, and a well-traveled person. They are all celebrities, and it can be said that there are no idlers. Ding Yifeng, an investment company co-founded by

, has been standing in Shenzhen for more than ten years. The annualized return rate of any product is close to 20%. A document on January 10 even showed that all investors who have completed 10 years of investment will have their assets increase by a minimum of 20 times.

Now, Ding Yifeng is facing an unprecedented crisis. Since its products have expired in August 2023, Ding Yifeng, a mysterious organization, seems to be on the verge of collapse. According to the 21st Century Business Herald, Ma Xiaoqiu was detained by the police in December 2023 and is currently on bail pending trial; Sui Guangyi has also been missing for many days; Liu Xinyi, the No. 3 figure who once held an important position in Ding Yifeng, Social media accounts such as Douyin also stopped updating on December 11, 2023...

How long can investors follow the precarious Ding Yifeng?

01. If you want to join the company, invest 200,000 yuan first.

"You said that a salary of 3,000 yuan is not high. In fact, as long as you have sufficient credit qualifications, for example, your Huabei and Jiebei have qualifications of 100,000 yuan. If you invest in our company, choose first." After interest, the principal will be 6,000 yuan per month including the basic salary." Guangdong job seeker Wu Hao (pseudonym) told "City Circle" that on October 21, 2023, he applied for a sales position at Ding Yifeng, and the other party offered him The salary is very low, with a basic salary of only 2,360 yuan/month. What surprised Wu Hao was that before he decided to join the company, the interviewer tried to induce him to borrow money from online loan channels such as Jiebei and invest in Ding Yifeng's financial products.

"If you have good qualifications and can earn 200,000 yuan, then your monthly fixed income will be nearly 10,000 yuan. In this way, after one year, you will have a monthly income of 10,000 yuan, and the principal of the next 200,000 yuan will be repaid. Here you go. Look, it’s worth a lot!” In the video material provided by Wu Hao, Ding Yifeng’s interviewer said so.

The interviewer also added: "Actually, it's very simple, just borrow your credit qualifications, but many people don't understand it, so if you come here for an interview, I will tell you this trick. I usually don't talk about this stuff outside."

Ding Yifeng, a magical investment company. The number one character, Sui Guangyi, has a snow-white beard all year round and his gray hair is pulled back, giving him the image of a worldly master; the number two character, Ma Xiaoqiu, calls himself a writer, philanthropist, musici - Lujuba

The interviewer's actions made Wu Hao suspicious, so he did not join the job. Wu Hao told "City Circle": "They are obviously a fraud." Recently, he discovered that something happened to Ding Yifeng, so he decided to send out the video recorded at the time to remind everyone to pay attention.

investor Zhang Lei (pseudonym) also recently posted a video to remind investors to pay attention to risks. He and his family have purchased Ding Yifeng products.

"I am a beneficiary. Our family has subscribed for almost 18 million of Ding Yifeng's high-risk products in total. But we kept a careful eye on it and purchased it through an intermediary who provided a guarantee. In addition, this intermediary is also recognized as powerful by us. Friend." Zhang Lei said: "I don't know what interest rate the middleman gets from Ding Yifeng, but our annual rate is 16%. The contract was signed for three years, and we redeemed it in the last two years. It was the middleman who took it. He repaid our principal and interest with his own money."

According to Zhang Lei's knowledge, "The middleman put all his wealth in Ding Yifeng, and he is considered a half partner. As for how he is doing now? I I didn’t know and didn’t ask. I can’t help someone in need, and there’s no need to gloat.”

“However, it’s more likely that he’s already gone.” Zhang Lei said that these middlemen are well versed in all kinds of ways to make money. "They were very smart. They first used shell companies to raise funds, and then 'money' the money overseas. After the incident, even if they restricted his high consumption and confiscated his property, he was not afraid. Because he had mortgaged his property and other properties to the bank. , changed it into a loan and invested cash in Ding Yifeng.”

02, Don’t be fooled by digital options

“If you want to get 100% of the money back from Ding Yifeng, it will be very difficult at this stage.” Investor Zhang Lei believes.

The reason why he made this judgment is that since August 2023, Ding Yifeng has had a redemption crisis due to lack of money. In December, news came out that Ma Xiaoqiu Juanqian, one of the founders and the company’s second-in-command, had fled.Especially on January 10 this year, a "major good news" for investors completely panicked them. They changed their past Buddhist image and rushed into Ding Yifeng's Shenzhen office to ask Sui Guangyi for an explanation. .

This document, which was considered by netizens as "explaining running away as a benefit", shows that Ding Yifeng International Asset Management Group (hereinafter referred to as "Ding Yifeng International") is applying for listing and trading on the international digital asset exchange. Yifeng International Assets is anchored as the underlying asset, and "digital options" of equivalent value are issued on international digital asset exchanges based on asset valuation for global transactions. Special attention should be paid to the signature at the signature and seal place as "Sui Guangyi".

Ding Yifeng, a magical investment company. The number one character, Sui Guangyi, has a snow-white beard all year round and his gray hair is pulled back, giving him the image of a worldly master; the number two character, Ma Xiaoqiu, calls himself a writer, philanthropist, musici - Lujuba

At the same time, the notice also requires that all investors will not be able to withdraw from January to September 10, 2024, and will be closed for eight months; starting from February 1, all dividends will be paid at a monthly rate of 0.5%, quarterly. Dividends will be distributed, and the part with less dividends will be compensated for digital options according to the listing conversion; all listed investors will sign a guaranteed asset management contract, and those with 10 years of experience will have a guaranteed asset appreciation of 20 times.

It is worth noting that after the "Major Good News Notice" document caused strong dissatisfaction among investors, on January 17, "Ding Yifeng Holdings (00612.hk)", where Sui Guangyi was the second shareholder, issued a clarification announcement, saying that "good news" The notice was not issued by the company; the board of directors declares that the publisher of the good news is not a subsidiary or affiliated company of the company."

Since both companies are registered in Hong Kong, China, Tianyancha has not yet shown whether the two companies are related. In addition, the "digital options" mentioned in the "good news" have also aroused the alarm of many people in the industry.

"The new digital options contract is not just a temporary measure, it is very likely to cause investors to lose money." An investment manager from a large financial institution analyzed that: "Investors may really lose their money after signing the new contract. Because in option products, the party that takes fixed income actually has limited gains and unlimited losses."

He took the snowball product that has been frequently liquidated recently as an example: "Snowball is a kind of put option, and investors take It is a fixed income, but it bears unlimited downside risks. The water here is very deep, and formal financial institutions do not recommend that customers without professional knowledge participate."

"This digital option product should be focused on a certain number. Asset options may be call options or put options.” The investment manager believes: “Investors receive fixed income, called option premiums, which are similar to the insurance premiums collected by insurance companies. In the future, this digital asset may rise. or falls, investors will have to bear losses like insurance companies until the contract expires."

Since we have not yet seen a specific digital options contract, we only take the situation mentioned in the "Good News" as an example: "This number The term of the option is 10 years. Assume that the contract price of the digital option is 100 yuan. It is a call option and the exercise price is 110 yuan. Then in 10 years, when the digital asset rises to 210 yuan, the investor’s principal will be If it rises to 310 yuan, investors may lose double the principal of the counterparty."

The investment manager believes that investors cannot sign digital options contracts. "Some people say that digital assets are illegal. I don't agree and just don't give them money. But you were reasonable, but you were ignored after you signed it. In future lawsuits, it may be a contract dispute. According to the digital options contract If you are judged to lose and require you to compensate; or if the transaction is not accepted because it is an illegal transaction... all investors will suffer losses."

In addition, there is a question about whether Ding Yifeng has the right to unilaterally announce that all products will be closed for 8 months. Lawyer Gong Zhengyu from Guangdong Shengdian Law Firm told "City Circle" that before the public security organs have opened an investigation into Ding Yifeng, the civil aspect depends on whether there are relevant contractual agreements. "At present, there are no similar provisions in the several different versions of equity investment contracts and supplementary agreements that I have seen. In this case, Ding Yifeng unilaterally announced that the product will be closed, which is a civil breach of contract. Investors can request Terminate the contract and refund the money."

03, open secret

Ding Yifeng has always been a mysterious existence, with many doubters and many followers.According to the official website of

, Ding Yifeng Group was established in January 2011. The founder was Sui Guangyi, a businessman and Chinese scholar. The company is mainly engaged in financial investment banking and investment management business, with assets under management exceeding HK$150 billion.

This Sui Guangyi can be said to have a "great background". He is called "Chairman Sui" and "Old Ding" by his followers. The official website shows that he was born in Changchun City, Jilin Province in 1962. There are also rumors that he is a famous local "Qigong Master". However, these claims cannot be verified.

According to the introduction on Ding Yifeng’s official website, Sui Guangyi likes to study “Oriental traditional culture”. “From the late 1990s to 2010, he worked on the topic of combining traditional Chinese wisdom with modern investment science, and created the ‘Oriental Classical Philosophy Value Investment Theoretical System.’” the official website reads.

Later, Sui Guangyi met Ma Xiaoqiu in Sichuan, who had just been defrauded of all his family wealth, and later became another core figure in Ding Yifeng. It is said that the two hit it off immediately, and the reclusive Sui Guangyi decided to take Ma Xiaoqiu to Shenzhen to start a business.

In 2011, Sui Guangyi and Ma Xiaoqiu founded Ding Yifeng Group. Sui became the chairman of the board of directors and Ma was the president. Judging from public information, Sui and Ma have a clear division of labor. Sui Guangyi is the "investment" master, while Ma Xiaoqiu is a female entrepreneur with great business acumen. At the peak of

, the listed companies that Sui Guangyi and others actually invested in included: Ding Yifeng Holdings (00612.hk), Huayin International Holdings (00989.hk), Entrepreneurship Group Holdings (02221.hk), and Fuhui International (01034.hk). hk), Wanma Holdings (06928.hk), Yuanhui Group Holdings (00585.hk). It should be noted that almost all of these companies are "penny stocks" with a stock price of about 1 yuan.

In fact, Ding Yifeng also has a number three figure, Ma Xiaoqiu’s daughter and Douyin celebrity Liu Xinyi. She once served as the general manager of the second marketing department of Ding Yifeng and held important positions in several companies under Ma Xiaoqiu's name. "City Circle" also found in the promotional materials of Ding Yifeng's past products that Sui Guangyi, Ma Xiaoqiu, and Liu Xinyi occupied the C position on the page many times.

It is worth mentioning that at the Douyin Annual Carnival held by Douyin in December 2023, Liu Xinyi also became the first place in the most competitive Sichuan division with 287 million sound waves. Based on the price of 10 Yinlang equivalent to 1 yuan, Liu Xinyi spent a total of 28.7 million yuan to reach the top. However, because the number of people participating in the live broadcast room did not match the normal ratio of the number of people shown in the live broadcast room, she was insinuated by netizens for "making a star at her own expense."

Ding Yifeng, a magical investment company. The number one character, Sui Guangyi, has a snow-white beard all year round and his gray hair is pulled back, giving him the image of a worldly master; the number two character, Ma Xiaoqiu, calls himself a writer, philanthropist, musici - Lujuba

Let’s talk about Ding Yifeng. According to public reports, Ding Yifeng’s products include regularly closed, pure income rights, original equity, option products, etc. The annualized rate of return ranges from 20% to 160%. Most of the product terms are The period ranges from 6 to 36 months, and the term of option products ranges from 7 to 20 years. According to Ding Yifeng’s official website, the projects that have actually been implemented include the Changbai Mountain Cultural Tourism Integrated Wellness Complex and Dunhua City’s innovative magnetic energy industry.

Among them, the product with the most sensational return rate is the original equity - 1 yuan/share, with a closed period of 10 years, and a dividend of 1% of the initial contract amount once a year. If you exit after 5 years, you will be recycled at 3.95 yuan/share, with a total income of 5 years 3 times (equivalent to 60% annualized simple interest). If you exit after 10 years, you will be recycled at 10.9 yuan/share, and the total income will be 10 times in 10 years. Equivalent to investing 1 million yuan, you will get 10,000 yuan back every year, 3.95 million yuan back after 5 years, and 10.9 million yuan back after 10 years.

Sui, Ma, and Liu have attracted hundreds of thousands of investors in the past decade or so by relying on such ultra-high yields.

“Among investors, only 10% really believe in Sui Guangyi’s plan. Most people know that it is a scam, but they all have a fluke mentality, thinking that they are the smartest and will not be the last to be harvested. Son." An investor said that many people knew what was going on with Sui Guangyi and Ma Xiaoqiu's rhetoric, and it was considered an open secret. "But in Shenzhen from 2019 to 2022, there were still many people who used Ding Yifeng to pry out a house. However, those who did not run away at the time are now trapped in it."

Another netizen said: "I have a friend who was still in the house recently. I tried my best to recruit people to find funds, and I reminded him that Ding Yifeng was a big deal. He said that he didn't care, because he knew he could make money. I immediately blocked him."According to employees, according to the company's internal computer system registration statistics, Ding Yifeng currently has 500,000 investors across the country, and the debt it faces is about 132 billion yuan.

What will these investors who bought Ding Yifeng's products do? Do?

Lawyer Gong Zhengyu said: “As far as the several different versions of equity investment contracts and supplementary agreements I have seen, the stipulations in them are very unfavorable to investors, and there is a high probability that Ding Yifeng will not be able to repay. , if you really want to start civil proceedings, you may also have to find out whether the salesperson and company executives inside are likely to bear responsibility. "

" investors should pay attention to official public information and fix the evidence as soon as possible. If the public security organ files a case, report it promptly, register the investment amount, and wait for the public security organ to recover the stolen money. If no case has been filed or there has been no news and the investor plans to take the civil approach, it is recommended that the investor entrust it to professionals. "Lawyer Gong Zhengyu reminded that many of Ding Yifeng's products are "named investments but are actually loans," and it is difficult for ordinary investors to distinguish the risks involved. "The more important thing is to be vigilant and not believe in things without risks. . You are greedy for other people's interest, but what they are greedy for is your principal. "

author | Lu Chunfeng

editor | Han Zhongqiang

operator | Liu Shan

Tags: entertainment