General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during a recent inspection in Shanghai: "Shanghai, as the forefront of my country's reform and opening up and an international metropolis with deep links to the world, must comprehensively deepen reform and opening up from a higher startin

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during a recent inspection in Shanghai: "Shanghai, as the forefront of my country's reform and opening up and an international metropolis with deep links to the world, must comprehensively deepen reform and opening up from a higher starting point to further enhance development momentum and competitiveness." " Accelerate the building of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence, and give full play to the leading and exemplary role in promoting Chinese-style modernization." The "must comprehensively deepen reform and opening up from a higher starting point" proposed here is the core of the Party Central Committee Based on Shanghai's regional characteristics, historical and cultural background, and economic and social development advantages, it is a strategic and major mission tailored for Shanghai by closely following the central task of Chinese-style modernization and focusing on the hard truth of high-quality development in the new era.

In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out how Shanghai should dialectically and systematically understand and grasp the three basic dimensions of a higher starting point for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up under the new situation, namely: how to accelerate the construction of a higher starting point for the "five centers" On the higher starting point of vigorously cultivating and radiating strong driving force for high-quality development, and on the higher starting point of comprehensively implementing the people's city concept, we will further comprehensively deepen reform and opening up. This is a "basic dimension" dialectical materialist methodology that adheres to the consideration of history and practice, and the combination of focus and comprehensiveness. Marx said in the preface to "Critique of Political Economy" that there are two major orders (two basic dimensions) from which to examine economic systems: one is capital, land ownership, and labor; the other is the country, foreign trade, and the world market. Using these two basic dimensions to examine the history and practice of reform and opening up across the country and in Shanghai, it is not difficult to find that the practical process of our reform and opening up is not the inheritance, transformation, arrangement, reorganization, and system integration of elements in these aspects? Such as the introduction of investment, the land contract system, the separation of land ownership and use rights, etc., the labor force has gained new vitality. Since entering the new era, the Party Central Committee has further proposed to give full play to the "dual roles" of the market and the government and "make good use of both international and domestic markets" in comprehensively deepening reforms, focusing on overall planning of the strategic overall reform of the reform, and in the construction of economic, political, cultural, and social ecology. The overall reform plan, road map and timetable are proposed on the basis of the "Five-in-One", which fully demonstrates the science and rationality of the "basic dimension" dialectical materialist methodology. When we implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech on his inspection of Shanghai, we should consciously adhere to the scientific methodology of dialectical materialism’s “basic dimensions” and comprehensively and systematically understand and grasp the three basic dimensions that will lead to a higher starting point for Shanghai to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up under the new situation.

First, comprehensively deepen the basic dimensions of reform and opening up from a higher starting point of accelerating the construction of the "Five Centers". In October 2023, the Standing Committee meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Supporting Shanghai to Accelerate the Construction of "Five Centers"". We are required to proceed from the strategic perspective of "four places" (placement in the central government's strategic positioning for the development of Shanghai, in the context of economic globalization, in the overall development pattern of the country, and in the country's overall deployment of the development of the Yangtze River Delta) to accelerate The construction of "five centers" is the main direction of attack, insisting on overall planning, coordinated advancement, key breakthroughs, and point-to-point guidance, to further coordinate the planning and promotion of Shanghai's new round of economic and social reform, opening up and development and other aspects of work. We are required to vigorously promote pioneering reforms and leading opening-up in all aspects, carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, adopt a broader vision and a more open mind, and aim at the forefront of international economic and trade to continuously improve the city's energy level and core competitiveness. We must take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, strengthen research on key core technologies, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the cultivation of world-class high-end industrial clusters, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and continuously enhance the status of the international economic center and the influence of global economic governance. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of modern financial institutions and financial infrastructure, implement high-level financial opening up, enhance the internationalization of the financial market, and better serve the real economy, technological innovation and the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". It is necessary to deeply implement the free trade pilot zone improvement strategy and promote the upgrading of the international trade center. In terms of high-end shipping services, it is necessary to speed up the filling of shortcomings to enhance the global allocation capabilities of shipping resources.

The second is to comprehensively deepen the basic dimension of reform and opening up from a higher starting point of vigorously cultivating and radiating strong driving force for high-quality development. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Without high-quality development, we cannot talk about socialist modernization. We cannot talk about high-quality development without talking about new development concepts." We must adhere to the inherent unity of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing. Shanghai comprehensively deepens reform and opening up in the new era. It is necessary to focus on promoting high-quality development and building a new development pattern, and accelerate forward-looking layout in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, digital economy, green and low carbon. Guided by promoting the development of new productive forces through scientific and technological innovation, driven by high-level, institutionalized reform and opening up and the systematic integration of comprehensively deepening reforms, we will further promote the pilot comprehensive reform in Pudong and steadily expand the institutional type of rules, regulations, management and standards. Open up, deepen the high-level opening up of cross-border service trade and investment, improve the level of openness in the manufacturing industry, further enhance the level of Hongqiao International Open Hub, actively participate in the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road", and continue to successfully host two-way opening up such as the China International Import Expo. A large platform to accelerate the formation of internationally competitive policies and institutional systems. Focusing on stimulating the vitality of various business entities, focusing on the operational difficulties of various types of state-owned, private and foreign enterprises, making good use of institutional measures such as service packages for key enterprises, we will use a first-class business environment to enhance the attraction of high-end resources at home and abroad. Effectively promote the effective improvement of Shanghai's economy in terms of quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and continuously create new advantages for high-quality development.

The third is to comprehensively deepen the basic dimension of reform and opening up from a higher starting point to fully implement the people's city concept. In November 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed for the first time the important concept of "a people's city built by the people and a people's city for the people" when he inspected Shanghai's Yangpu Riverside. During this inspection of Shanghai, the General Secretary emphasized: "We must fully implement the people's city concept." He required Shanghai to give full play to the party's leadership and the significant advantages of the socialist system in the great historical process of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up in the new era. , give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the masses in the reform and innovation of systems and mechanisms for people's urban construction planning and governance, accelerate the transformation of the development mode of mega cities, implement urban renewal actions, strengthen urban infrastructure construction, and create livable, resilient and smart cities . We must adhere to a blueprint for urban planning, implementation and renewal, accelerate urban digital innovation and transformation, actively promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, comprehensively promote the construction of resilient and safe cities, and strive to create a path for modernization and innovative development of megacity governance with Chinese characteristics. A new path, thereby accelerating the pace of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up from a higher starting point for comprehensively implementing the people's city concept, and providing a strong guarantee for promoting high-quality development and building a giant-scale modern city.

(The author is a distinguished researcher at the Shanghai Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, president and professor of the Shanghai Reform, Innovation and Development Strategy Research Association)

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during a recent inspection in Shanghai: 'Shanghai, as the forefront of my country's reform and opening up and an international metropolis with deep links to the world, must comprehensively deepen reform and opening up from a higher startin - Lujuba


Text: Li Qi Editor: Chen Yu Editor: Yang Yiqi

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