Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a

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Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before.

What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic.


The hotly searched topic is: If you support Zhou Shen again, you will dig into the ground. There are actually only two possibilities for this hot search:

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba

. One is bought by Zhou Shen Studio, and the other is bought by the program team.

But no matter which one it is, I personally don’t like this hotly searched word: holding, digging into the ground. Although

is said to have a sense of irony, it is not actually the case.

gives people the impression that Sun Nan is forcibly praising Zhou Shen, but Zhou Shen cannot accept it.

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba


However, the fact is that Sun Nan's evaluation of Zhou Shen is objective.

I also hope that singers can evaluate each other, whether it is good or bad, how can I put it, I prefer to hear the opinions of singers rather than the opinions of strangers on the Internet.

If you observe the real-time comment area, you will find that most fans are relatively confident. For example:

"I can't praise Zhou Shen enough..."

"The more excellent people understand him, the more they will like him... "

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba

After all, being a fan of Zhou Shen is actually quite happy. Fans of a capable singer have the confidence to say such things when faced with such praise.

Today's Zhou Shen, from being unknown in the past to becoming an influential singer in the music industry, has not been easy along the way.

The author first met Zhou Shen in "The Voice of China", but I didn't really like him at that time because his voice was unique enough at that time, but his singing skills were not very strong.

Even after "Big Fish" was released in 2016 and became a hit, I still wasn't that cold about Zhou Shen, because I preferred the heavy-duty voice at that time.

Until 2018, I was completely impressed by Zhou Shen. He participated in a variety show: "Sound into the Heart"

At that time, he was so comprehensive, except that he could not use heavy functions in the mid-range and high-pitched positions to sing songs , he is almost perfect. I think many people understand the subsequent story of


Now Zhou Shen has not only established a firm foothold in the Chinese music scene, but has also set a good example for the younger generation of vocal singers, letting them know how to take this path.

The first point: cannot be copied

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba

Let your voice always be in a state that cannot be copied. Only when resources find you and are irreplaceable can you have more resources and have a better future.

Second point: Variety shows maintain exposure

The exposure of variety shows is indispensable. Don’t give up on variety shows because of some strange remarks.

The third point: Music resources cannot be cut off.

Since it is a vocal route rather than a singing and composing route, it is extremely dependent on ost and song creators. It has a greater demand for resources, so it is very important to make good friends with more original singers or producers.

Point 4: Modesty

No matter what the behavior of the fans is, as an individual singer, you should not be arrogant and your attitude towards the senior singers must be respectful.

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba


Even though Zhou Shen is so good, there are still people who are against him.

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba

From time to time, we can still see someone with a dark and deep voice. For example, we think his singing is too shrill and unpleasant to listen to.

In fact, this kind of evaluation is completely acceptable. After all, everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables, but complaining about Zhou Shen's poor singing skills is really embarrassing.

Some people also complained about Zhou Shen's height...

I can only say that personal attacks are really not advisable.

Some people complained that Zhou Shen can’t create...please, do vocal singers have to create?

Those who are naysayers should really listen to Sun Nan’s words: Because I am not qualified to say that I am happy, I can only say that I appreciate it very much, yes!

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba

Regarding the chat session between Zhou Shen and Sun Nan, the author has already written an article before. What the author expected was that this matter was a hot search topic. 01The hotly searched topic is: Zhou Shen will dig into the ground if he praises him again. There are a - Lujuba

Even Sun Nan feels that he is not qualified to say that he is happy but can only say that he admires the singer. Do the black people really need to embarrass him?

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