I remember when "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" was formed, Ning Jing once said: "The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power." Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. ....

entertainment 8886℃

I remember that when "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" was formed, Tranquility once said:

"The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power."

Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

In domestic entertainment in 2023, many undefined women will emerge.

They strive to break the secular prejudice brought about by age and fame, and take a path that has not been taken by their predecessors.

These sisters who suddenly became popular this year have one obvious thing in common, that is, a sense of relaxation.

Relaxation has been talked about for so many years, but few can actually achieve it.

Before, there was Gong Li strolling on the streets of Paris to take photos for magazines, and later Tang Wei was running around in Cannes wearing a skirt to catch the red carpet.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

The big flowers seem to be naturally free, flexible and informal.

Let’s look at the young actors in the entertainment industry. They look nervous in front of the spotlight. They feel tired and lack of energy.

is coquettish in front of the camera and wildly competitive behind the camera.

said he didn't care, but he couldn't let go at all.

’s gesture really doesn’t speak of female power, let alone charisma.

I'm tired of watching it. I'm really tired of watching it. I really want to watch something different.

As soon as the camera turned, Gao Ye, the most powerful sister this year, walked towards us.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

In "Hurry Up", she was dressed in gorgeous clothes and stood on a high-rise building, her condescending look of contempt for everything is still vivid in my mind.

doesn't have many roles, but in every highlight, she uses her own body language to play the role of sister-in-law.

Speaking of which, there are many actresses who have played the role of sisters-in-law in movies and TV dramas, but starting from this year, Gao Ye is the one who pioneered the role of sisters-in-law.

's sudden popularity has doubled Gao Ye's net worth, he has received weak advertisements, and he has been walking on the red carpet non-stop.

Just as the fans were gearing up, Gao Ye shocked everyone with his move.

She disbanded the fan support club without any hesitation and without any room for negotiation.

In this domestic entertainment industry that does not strive for acting skills and traffic, Gao Ye is tantamount to self-destructing his future.

But she didn’t have a single explanation, and she didn’t even bother to pay attention to the many questions on the hot search.

As a result, she was unintentional. Instead of losing anything, she attracted more people who liked her valiant personality.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

I think the real female power is to have a clear understanding of oneself and an attitude towards the outside world that is neither humble nor arrogant.

It does not necessarily require women to be great or outstanding people, but to be able to clearly know the path they want to take and go on it firmly.

Gao Ye allows us to see another new type of woman besides the so-called "independence". This kind of relaxation is what many people desire but cannot achieve.

is no different. There are several sisters in "Flowers and Young Silk Road Season" who also have a sense of relaxation.

Who would have thought that when "Flowers and Boys" reached its fifth season, it would unexpectedly re-establish the reputation of this IP.

Multiple data show that it is one of the most popular variety shows this year, and can even be said to be the most popular variety show.

There is no female competition, no fighting between each other, everyone plays together lively and happily.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

Some of the most out-of-the-circle scenes are about everyone's understanding of each other and the fights. There is Xin Zhilei's understanding of Dilireba's tardiness, there are also Xin Zhilei and Electronic Dora's quarrels everywhere, and there is Xin Zhilei's "teasing" sister. Zhao Zhaoyi.

Okay, Xin Zhilei, why are you everywhere?

"Flowers" took three years to film, but in the end the dividends it brought to Xin Zhilei were not as good as a variety show.

Generally speaking, "Flowers and Boys" allows the audience to see the most real Xin Zhilei.

She can relax and eat a big meal in front of the camera, and she can also lie down with an empty look on her face. She does not regard herself as a female star at all.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

They are more able to rescue a little stray cat with sincerity, and after failing to rescue it, they will also feel truly sad for it.

Playing tricks overtly or covertly will indeed bring topics and popularity, but in the final analysis, only the big picture, down-to-earth atmosphere, and positive emotional value to the audience are the reasons why it can become popular and get out of the circle.

Why do we like to watch girls help girls? Because we know that kindness and warmth are the most beautiful qualities of women.

This season's "Flowers and Boys" had no intention of focusing on female values, but it unexpectedly reaped the dividends here.

It displays a rich group of female portraits, allowing us to relax our minds in the fast-paced world.

Through the interactions between Xin Zhilei, Dilraba Dilraba, Zhao Zhaoyi, Qin Hailu and Qin Lan, we see the true appearance of women in the entertainment industry who are not misunderstood by public opinion.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

Especially Qin Lan, many people's impressions of her are Zhi Hua who made tea for love, Lu Ping who was crazy for love, and Queen Fucha who married into the royal family for love and was tortured to death. The influence of the role of

on Qin Lan is not small, but in fact Qin Lan is a person who is not afraid of rumors and takes both love and career into his own hands.

How about not getting married? So what if you talked about an actor 10 years younger than you? You have the final say whether you want to make it public or not. Do you think you care about the enthusiasm of netizens?

So what if my throat is broken? No one wants to shut up my electronic Dora.

Qin Lan's sense of relaxation seems to be innate, which makes her still lively and cute like a little girl at the age of 44.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

After watching Qin Lan, I realized that women who truly shine do not necessarily have to stand at the top of their career or love.

It is enough for her to keep a young and sincere heart and live a life without being coerced by the world.

In this bizarre entertainment circle, it seems that female stars should not feel relaxed.

I have also seen a lot of comments similar to "What's the point of living without ambition?", and I have been led astray by this concept.

Admittedly, there is nothing wrong with ambition, as long as it is aboveboard, it should be praised.

However, not everyone in this world is working hard to move forward, nor should they feel that not doing so is wrong and should be despised.

I remember when 'Sister Riding the Wind and Waves' was formed, Ning Jing once said: 'The reason why everyone likes this show is because we bring a kind of spiritual power.' Regarding what this spiritual power is, I think it is probably the undefined female power. .... - Lujuba

Women have been put on too many shackles, and today, we are still dictating their choices, and we do not require them to become the heroines who cut off love and climb to the top of power in reality. Isn't

another extreme form of bullying against women?

The power of women should have many possibilities, and we are also happy to see women blooming.

They can be Gao Ye who goes against the grain, Wen Yongshan who makes a comeback against the wind, Liu Shishi who shoots costumes no matter what you say if she wants to make costumes, Ni Ni and Zhou Yutong who oppose female competition, and those who resist the pressure and use three Tang Yan, who filmed a movie every year...

No matter what profession or position, whether they are female stars or ordinary people, they can shine in their lives.

This is the female power we want to see.

Tags: entertainment