Nandu News Reporter Li Ling On January 18, 2024, the 10th China Charity Annual Conference hosted by the China Charity Federation was held in Beijing. The top ten hot events in China's charity industry in 2023 were announced at the meeting, including the passage of the amendment t

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Nandu News Reporter Li Ling On January 18, 2024, the 10th China Charity Annual Conference hosted by the China Charity Federation was held in Beijing. The top ten hot events in China's charity industry in 2023 were announced at the meeting, including the passage of the amendment to the Charity Law, the establishment of the Central Ministry of Social Work, and Lei Jun's personal donation of 1.3 billion yuan in cash to Wuhan University.

According to the organizer, the top ten hot events were selected by reviewing and taking stock of the development of China's charity industry in the past year - including policies and regulations that have attracted keen attention from the industry, as well as landmark innovations and breakthroughs.

A reporter from Nandu noted that the completion of the amendment to the charity law ranked first among the top ten hot events. On December 29, 2023, the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress passed the amendment to the Charity Law of the People's Republic of China. The improvement of top-level institutional design is self-evidently important to promoting the development of domestic charity.

At the meeting that day, Gong Puguang, President of the China Charity Federation, also took the lead in mentioning the completion of the amendment of the Charity Law in his keynote speech, saying, "This is another milestone in the legal construction of my country's charity industry since the promulgation and implementation of the Charity Law in 2016. big event".

Other guests mentioned in their speeches that the newly revised Charity Law will come into effect on September 5, 2024. This marks that my country’s charity has entered the fast lane of legal construction and will accelerate the promotion of high-quality charity. develop.

According to Nandu reporters, the new charity law makes up for the legal deficiencies in emergency charity, community charity, and the construction of personal help-seeking network platforms. It improves legal regulations in various aspects such as charitable trusts and public fundraising, and also clarifies the competent authorities and relevant departments. responsibilities.

Taking personal help-seeking online platforms as an example, this revision of the Charity Law specifically adds a provision requiring help-seekers and information publishers to be responsible for the authenticity of the information, and shall not defraud aid through fabrication, concealing facts, etc.; at the same time, it is clear that platforms should Verify the authenticity of the help information released, and disclose relevant information to the public in a timely and comprehensive manner.

In terms of policies and regulations, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a guidance on the effective connection between government assistance and charity assistance, which was also selected as one of the top ten hot charity events of the year. On September 4, 2023, in order to further unblock the channels for public welfare and charity forces to participate in social assistance, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Effective Connection between Government Assistance and Charitable Assistance." According to industry insiders, the issuance of this guidance further clarifies the positioning, goals and functions of charitable organizations' services, and will affect the project direction of many charitable organizations.

Among the top ten hot events, there is also a policy document related to the private economy. On July 19, 2023, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" were released. While promoting the development and growth of the private economy, private enterprises should be guided to consciously assume their social responsibility of promoting common prosperity. Explore the establishment of a social responsibility evaluation system and incentive mechanism for private enterprises, guide private enterprises to participate in public welfare and charity, participate in emergency disaster relief, and support national defense construction.

Nandu reporter noticed that in recent years, large individual donations are not uncommon. Among the top ten hot events this time, a case involving entrepreneurs helping charity was successfully selected. On November 29, 2023, Lei Jun, the founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, donated 1.3 billion yuan in his own name to his alma mater on the 130th anniversary of Wuhan University. This is the largest donation received by an individual alumni from universities across the country. Cash donation.

Also ranked among the top ten hot events are the establishment of the Central Ministry of Social Work, the active participation of social emergency rescue forces after the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei floods, low-temperature rain and snow disasters, and the Gansu-Qinghai earthquake, and the Hong Kong Jockey Club announced a donation to build a charity research institute. , the Ministry of Civil Affairs, together with relevant departments, jointly launched a special campaign to crack down on illegal social organizations. The 12th "China Charity Award" commendation conference was held, and 274 social organizations were paired with 160 key counties for rural revitalization.

Nandu News Reporter Li Ling On January 18, 2024, the 10th China Charity Annual Conference hosted by the China Charity Federation was held in Beijing. The top ten hot events in China's charity industry in 2023 were announced at the meeting, including the passage of the amendment t - Lujuba

picture according to the organizer.

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