In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che

entertainment 3946℃

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Chen Minghao, a true acting talent hidden behind the bright stars.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Chen Minghao, this name may not make people think of those dazzling stars on the red carpet at first glance. But he is a Master of Arts from Peking University in the same class as Mei Ting, Zhang Ziyi and other big names.

On the screen, he is the tough guy Wang Dayong in "The Three Brigades", and the light-footed detective captain Ma Desheng in "The Long Season". He has numerous works, and his acting skills are astonishing. Even the Golden Rooster Award has been thrown away to him frequently. Come to the olive branch.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

However, this actor who is like a drama queen has always been a silent contributor behind the scenes. His fame and his talent never seem to match.

"The Grassroots Struggle Behind the Stars: Chen Minghao's Extraordinary Road"

In Beijing in 1996, an ordinary high school student was standing at a crossroads in life. This is Chen Minghao, a child with a planned future waiting for him: either becoming a computer expert or picking up a doctor's scalpel. But in his heart, there lived a sparkling dream on a theatrical stage.

In that era that was full of prejudice against the entertainment industry, Chen Minghao's wish was like building a building in the clouds, out of reach. His appearance does not have the kind of brilliance that people will remember at a glance. He is more like a drop of water in the crowd. He is just that kind of ordinary person who you might not give a second glance to when walking down the street. But who would have thought that such an ordinary science student would decide to break into the entertainment industry.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

That year, China National Theater broke the rules and admitted students regardless of arts and sciences. It was like fate gave Chen Minghao a sudden surprise. Against his parents' expectations, he secretly signed up and took the exam with a glimmer of hope.

During the interview, his unpretentious and innocent performance left a deep impression on the examiner. In this way, he became a member of the 96-level acting class of China National Opera and began his acting journey.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

The moment he entered college, Chen Minghao seemed to be in a dream. He fantasized about becoming a big star that attracted much attention, but this dream was soon shattered by reality. The classmates in the class are all the proud ones, with numerous beauties and talents. He, an ordinary man with a height of 1.78 meters and a slightly rounded figure, looked dim among these star-studded figures.

Facing these shining classmates, Chen Minghao's heart was complicated. He not only has the longing of young people, but also has low self-esteem. He once had a crush on Mei Ting, the goddess in his class, but because of his low self-esteem, he never dared to confess her love, and eventually missed her quietly.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

In such an environment, Chen Minghao’s path was not easy. He does not have amazing looks or a strong background. He can only rely on his persistence and love for art to move forward step by step. His story is about the struggle and growth of an ordinary person in the entertainment industry, and it is a story about persistence and hard work.

Chen Minghao's story has given us a profound revelation: In the glamorous entertainment industry, not only appearance and background determine everything, but persistence and talent

are equally important. His experience is like an imperceptible crack under the bright starlight, allowing us to see those neglected and hard-working grassroots actors.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

In this circle where good looks dominate and strength is occasionally ignored, Chen Minghao's persistence and hard work are like a fresh spring of water. He may not have the brilliance of those naturally beautiful stars, but in his own way, he proved what true art and talent are. Although his journey is full of ups and downs, it is precisely because of this that every step he takes becomes more precious and meaningful.

"The Iron Tree Blooms: Chen Minghao's Extraordinary Entertainment Journey"

In the bustling and noisy film and television industry, Chen Minghao is like a persistently growing iron tree, waiting for the arrival of spring.He knew that his face was not the type that could be recognized in a crowd at a glance, so he chose a path different from others - taking the route of strength.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

After graduation, he did not jump into the bustling Hengdian studio like other classmates. Instead, he joined the Youth Art Theater and became a drama actor. This decision was like finding a quiet and pure land in a noisy world.

In the world of drama, he quickly won the favor of the famous drama director Meng Jinghui with his extraordinary acting skills, like quietly making waves on the silent sea.

But when he finally ushered in his first TV series "Young Ulanhu" in 2004, it did not cause as much sensation as expected.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Such setbacks did not discourage Chen Minghao. He returned to his drama world and continued to shine in classic dramas such as "Two Dogs' Opinions on Life", "Four Generations Under One Roof" and "Secret Love in the Peach Blossom Land". His performance is like performing the most beautiful music in a silent world.

However, compared with TV dramas, the audience group of dramas is limited after all. While his classmates shine on the screen one by one, Chen Minghao can only contribute silently on the drama stage. He once set a record of touring 600 shows a year, but his popularity in China is still negligible.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Despite this, Chen Minghao was not fooled by fame and fortune. In his view, acting is his hobby and a means of making a living, but it is by no means a tool for pursuing fame and fortune. This kind of attitude is rare in the entertainment industry.

In 2019, a news photo showed him riding a dilapidated scooter at the party celebrating the tenth anniversary of his graduation from the Chinese Theater Troupe, which caused a burst of ridicule. However, in the face of these discussions, Chen Minghao doesn't seem to care. He still maintains the most down-to-earth lifestyle.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

In 2020, with the small-scale popularity of the characters in "Sand Sea" and "Restart of the Extreme Sea Listening to Thunder", Chen Minghao began to attract more people's attention. His success is like the iron tree finally ushering in its

spring and blooming with bright flowers. This spring, he not only won the love of the audience, but also allowed directors to see what a "good actor" really looks like.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

This process can be compared to a marathon. Chen Minghao is not the fastest runner, but he is the most persistent runner. His journey is not as dazzling as other stars, but it is full of tenacity and perseverance. Every step he took, although heavy, was firm and powerful.

Unlike many celebrities who pursue instant fame, Chen Minghao is more like a cultivator, patiently sowing seeds in the fields of art and waiting for the harvest season. His story tells us: In this fast-paced and impetuous era, there are still people who are willing to stick to their original aspirations and carve out every character with heart, not for the momentary glory, but for the love and persistence of art.

"Dancers and ruthless characters on the screen: Chen Minghao's double life"

In April 2023, the TV series "The Long Season" cut through the sky like a dazzling meteor, carrying star lineups such as Qin Hao and Fan Wei as well as The fascinating "Murder and Dismemberment Case" plot caused quite a stir in the hearts of the audience as soon as it was aired.

In the drama, the most eye-catching thing for the audience is that in addition to Qin Hao's unrecognizable fat man, there is also a dancing "criminal police captain" Ma Desheng, played by Chen Minghao.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Chen Minghao's performance in the play is like an acrobatic troupe artist, making the audience laugh at one moment, and touching people's hearts affectionately at the next. Not only did he use his funny actions and expressions to become the concentration camp of laughter in the whole play, but he also vividly interpreted the inner drama of the character, like a clear spring in the desert, which makes people can't help but take a few deep sips.

He created the character of Ma Desheng vividly: a young and vigorous criminal policeman who fought for justice, but because of his impulse, he became a person "abandoned by society". After retirement, he may seem carefree, greasy and stingy on the surface, but his heart is still burning with undying passion. Encouraged by Gong Biao and Wang Xiang, he regained his past dreams and ideals.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Come to "The Three Brigades" in December of the same year. This drama once again broke the records in the TV series and film industry. In this drama, in addition to Cheng Bing played by Qin Hao, Wang Dayong played by Chen Minghao has become the most dazzling villain. He vividly performed this character who is both courageous and strategic, ruthless, and murderous, making the audience both love and hate this character.

This year, the combination of Chen Minghao and Qin Hao became a perfect match in the suspense drama world. The two "late blooming" classmates finally created a masterpiece together 27 years after graduation, bringing endless surprises and touches to the audience.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Chen Minghao's year can be said to be the peak of his acting career. His performance is like a gorgeous drag party, with both a sad undertone and a joyful rhythm. He can switch freely between laughter and tears, showing an actor's rare versatility.

Every change he makes is the best interpretation of the actor's plasticity. His performance is not only to entertain the audience, but also to interpret the multi-faceted nature of life and the depth of human nature in his own way.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Chen Minghao's year is not only his personal success, but also a tribute to the artists who work silently and carefully polish each character behind the scenes. His story allows us to witness how an actor can create unforgettable characters on the screen through unremitting efforts and a deep understanding of art.

This is not only an affirmation of an actor, but also a compliment to the art itself. In this fast-paced and flashy era, Chen Minghao uses his persistence and hard work to tell us: the real art does not lie in the external flash, but in the inner flame. He used his performance to prove to the world what real acting skills are and what the soul of an actor is.

In that world under the flashing lights and glittering stars, he was an anomaly. Imagine a man, not the typical celebrity who drives a luxury car and wears famous brands, but an ordinary man who rides a creaky old electric scooter and takes his family with him. This person is Che - Lujuba

Chen Minghao’s story is a story about persistence, love and transformation. He showed us that no matter what environment we are in, as long as we persist in our passion, we will always have our own stage and light. His journey is an inspiration to all those who love art, and the best tribute to everyone who perseveres on the road to pursuing their dreams.

Tags: entertainment