On January 12, some media reported that "anti-fraud Internet celebrity" Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was "stunned by a bottle of water and sent to

entertainment 3507℃

On January 12, some media reported that

"anti-fraud internet celebrity" Xing Weilin

was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

"Water stun and sent to Myanmar"

Reporters found out

Xing Weilin once used the above experience to promote "anti-telecom fraud"

However, his self-report

has been questioned many times as "making up stories"

According to Xing Weilin's own account, the incident happened Previously, he was the founder of a tourism company in Guizhou. had hundreds of stores across the country and had a net worth of over 10 million.

In early 2023, Xing Weilin posted a video on his personal social platform saying that on August 30, 2022, he met a boss who called himself Yang Fei and was a tourist in Thailand while taking the high-speed train. After being invited to Thailand, fell into a coma after drinking a bottle of water handed over by the other party. When he woke up, he found himself trapped in a fraud den in northern Myanmar.

Xing Weilin said that he went through torture in the next 50 days. He was "suffering inhuman torture in a telecom fraud group and was forced to join a telecom fraud gang. He was later resold many times." After jumping out of a window and escaping, breaking his leg bone, he crossed the river. After entering Thailand, after many twists and turns, I finally returned home and lost over 40 kilograms.

Since then, Xing Weilin has been interviewed by many media, and related reports have been on hot searches many times. Xing Weilin also frequently recounted these experiences on his personal account and in media live broadcasts, attracting a large number of fans and becoming an "anti-email fraud Internet celebrity" .

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

The cover news reporter noticed that

Xing Weilin not only opened accounts on different platforms

and even opened multiple accounts on the same platform

In addition to using the above experience to promote "anti-email fraud",

also promoted a large number of travel products of companies under his name.

Some netizens reported that

came across the online travel recommendation officer project he promoted in Xing Weilin's live broadcast room

He said that as long as he helped them post videos and had netizens comment

they could get 20 yuan for each video

but after paying 998 After signing the electronic contract with a deposit of RMB1

, the netizen failed to get the RMB20 due to many additional conditions

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

After the news of Xing Weilin’s arrest came out

A large number of netizens left messages on his accountrequesting a refund of the previous recharge

The franchise fee

Some people exclaimed that they used to watch him talk about anti-fraud every day

but they didn’t expect that he himself was the leader

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

Starting from the end of 2023, news spread on the Internet that Xing Weilin was suspected of fund-raising fraud and was arrested by the Guiyang police. According to the City Express Chengshi Interactive report, when the reporter asked the Guiyang police, he was told that Xing Weilin was captured in December 2023, and the case is still under further investigation.

According to information from Tianyancha, "Guizhou Shitong International Travel Agency" under the name of Xing Weilin was administratively punished by the cultural and tourism department in 2023 due to violations of the terms of the travel contract regarding service content, number of purchases, additional charges, etc. 27 branches under his name were included in the list of operating irregularities for failing to submit annual reports on an annual basis, and 3 branches were punished for failing to declare personal income tax on time and failing to provide a "Travel Agency Business License".

In addition, in the past three years, "Guizhou Shitong" and its branches have had a total of 92 changes in key personnel and registered addresses. They have also been included in the list of business abnormalities because they cannot be contacted at their registered residence.

Xing Weilin’s self-reported experience has been questioned by many

Some netizens found that Xing Weilin was still posting daily photos through foreign social platforms during the period of being "trapped"

Among them, there were photos with suspected electronic fraudsters

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

and Netizens said

some of the contents of the videos posted by Xing Weilin were even contrary to common sense.

For example, when he allegedly exposed the shady story of the electronic fraud industry,

the hearts, livers, spleens, lungs, kidneys, and even skins of those who were defrauded were cut alive

and he still vowed to

"There is no anesthesia for organ harvesting"

"Good organs (for surgery) cannot be anesthesia

This is the origin of organ harvesting alive"

Such remarks without scientific basis

actually have nearly 60,000 likes and nearly 60,000 likes 50,000 retweets

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

Netizens’ doubts mainly include

Doubt 1: Xing Weilin’s T-shirt was very clean and crisp many days after he fled; and the gold necklace, Gucci watch and more than 10,000 Thai baht he wore were not defrauded. The group takes it away?

Doubt 2: In the case of real-name purchase of high-speed rail tickets, why did Xing Weilin not pursue the person who tricked him out after returning to China?

Doubt 3: Is there a drug that is both colorless and odorless, and has just the right amount of control to ensure that people travel to northern Myanmar?

Some netizens once asked Xing Weilin

a lot of questions:

How can you walk normally after 14 days after a fracture?

How can I freely post daily photos while being trapped?

In the live broadcast screen clip circulating on the Internet

Xing Weilin asked the doubters to provide evidence

The doubters asked him to prove his innocence, and then Xing Weilin went offline and left

On January 12, some media reported that 'anti-fraud Internet celebrity' Xing Weilin was arrested by Guiyang police on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Xing Weilin entered the public eye in early 2023. At that time, he claimed that he was 'stunned by a bottle of water and sent to  - Lujuba

Netizens once confronted Xing Weilin online

According to the cover According to news reports, reporters noticed that in Xing Weilin’s social account, successively released a number of “clarification videos” in the second half of 2023, saying that he had been slandered by black fans, and that someone had used his identity to register an account and modify photos in his name. time. Some fans of left messages saying that Xing Weilin's anti-email fraud propaganda "tampered with other people's cakes" and attracted retaliation.

In previous reports on Myanmar’s electronic fraud cases, a trapped person once said that “was knocked unconscious by a bottle of water and then left the country to the electronic fraud park.”. Several volunteers who rescued the trapped people told reporters that these statements are "most likely false".

Due to work, volunteer Ah Wei's team has contacts with the local electronic fraud park in Myanmar and has participated in the rescue of more than a dozen "trapped people". According to their understanding, most of the people who went to Myanmar's electronic fraud park were not deceived or abducted in the so-called way. Many people knew they were going to commit electronic fraud, and then they were beaten and resold due to poor performance. Ask for help as a victim.

In order to evade police accountability after being rescued, some people will publicize their so-called experiences of being cheated and beaten. "It is false to say that a bottle of water will make you faint. Taking people across the border requires evading inspections, crossing mountains, riding bicycles, and wading through water. It cannot be completed without the cooperation of the person."

The police reminded

as The criminal space is squeezed, and more people engaged in telecommunications fraud are "returning"

Now there are some bloggers on the Internet who claim to have escaped from fraud dens in northern Myanmar and other places

In their self-reports

they often say that they went through hardships in the fraud dens before escaping. Shengtian

They broadcast live broadcasts, and were even dubbed "anti-fraud fighters" etc.

But in fact

the authenticity of their experiences cannot be tested

Be careful of "returning" people who come back and change themselves

Engage in telecommunications and network fraud

Anti-fraud, and also Beware of "return fraud"

Tags: entertainment