China News Service, Hong Kong, January 14th. Title: Mainland and Hong Kong join forces to show off cultural soft power by dancing to Hong Kong. China News Service reporter Xiang Luping. At the beginning of the new year, the National Ballet of China’s most popular productions of "

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China News Service, Hong Kong, January 14th. Title: Mainland and Hong Kong join hands to show cultural soft power by dancing in Hong Kong

China News Service reporter Xiang Luping

At the beginning of the new year, the National Ballet of China’s popular productions "Red Detachment of Detachments" and "Swan Lake", China Mainland dance dramas such as Oriental Performing Arts Group's "Only Green" and Shenzhen Opera and Dance Theater's "Wing Chun" were staged in Hong Kong one after another, setting off a dance drama trend.

China News Service, Hong Kong, January 14th. Title: Mainland and Hong Kong join forces to show off cultural soft power by dancing to Hong Kong. China News Service reporter Xiang Luping. At the beginning of the new year, the National Ballet of China’s most popular productions of ' - Lujuba

Recently, the dance drama "Wing Chun" was performed in Hong Kong, and the venue was packed with people. Photo by China News Service reporter Li Zhihua

Many mainland art troupes have chosen Hong Kong as the first stop of their world tour, reflecting their emphasis on Hong Kong's advantages of "international connections". In recent days, it has been hard to get tickets for these dance dramas, and the performances have been well received. Officials even have to sell additional tickets to meet the demand, and there are many foreign audiences.

Dance dramas produced in the Mainland have the following characteristics and are deeply loved by Hong Kong people. First, the works are of high standard. For example, "Swan Lake" performed by the National Ballet of China was performed by the world's ballet master Natalia Makarova. The choreography retains the tradition of the Russian school and combines elements of British and American art. It is famous in the world of dance for its large cast and profound skills, and is regarded as one of the best versions.

Second, it embodies the integration of Chinese and Western cultures. On the basis of Western classical ballet, "Red Detachment of Women" cleverly integrates unique elements of Chinese classical dance and traditional opera, creating a spark of artistic exchange between China and the West. This dance drama, which has been performed for more than 4,000 times around the world, has also awakened the memories of older audiences. Ms. Wang, a Hong Kong audience member, said in an interview with reporters: "I am very excited to see it again in Hong Kong today. It is the same as the first generation "Drama" in my memory." "Red Detachment of Women" is very close."

"The third is that it has elements of Hong Kong movies. Wing Chun can be said to be the "protagonist" of Hong Kong Kung Fu movies in recent years. Shenzhen Opera and Dance Theater's original dance drama "Wing Chun" innovatively combines "dance" and "martial arts". Wing Chun and Xiang Yunsha are two intangible cultural heritages of strength and softness. Together, it shows the civil and martial spirit of the protagonist, and the Chinese kung fu boxing routines performed by the dancers have been praised as authentic. Many of the characters in the play are iconic figures in Hong Kong movies, which is a tribute to Hong Kong movies. As Zhou Lia, the chief choreographer and director of the dance drama "Wing Chun", said: "What our generation remembers about Hong Kong are Hong Kong movies."

Mainland art troupes performing in Hong Kong will undoubtedly make Hong Kong's literary and artistic stage exciting. With the support of the country's "14th Five-Year Plan", Hong Kong is making every effort to become a center for cultural and artistic exchanges between China and foreign countries. Although it has advantages such as complete infrastructure and international networks, it must continue to play the role of cultural exchanges between China and the West and enhance the export of cultural soft power. , cooperation with the mainland is still indispensable. This is also one of the directions for Hong Kong to develop a cultural and artistic exchange center between China and foreign countries.

After watching the dance drama "Wing Chun", Yang Yuntao, artistic director of the Hong Kong Dance Company, praised the drama for solving the relationship between "drama" and "dance". He invited the choreographer of the drama to come to Hong Kong to participate in dance choreography in the future. "Martial arts deserves to be developed as a cultural gene." He believes that Hong Kong is the intersection of Chinese and foreign cultures, and it is necessary to absorb good things from the outside and at the same time promote good things to the world.

In fact, Hong Kong has held Hong Kong Week in the mainland since 2019 to deepen the mainland’s understanding of Hong Kong’s literary and artistic development. It has also signed agreements with Beijing, Shanghai and other places to jointly promote Chinese culture to the world. In recent years, it has strengthened exchanges with other Greater Bay Area cities. In October this year, Hong Kong will host the fourth Greater Bay Area Culture and Arts Festival, and will work with other Greater Bay Area cities to demonstrate the cultural soft power of the Greater Bay Area through innovative and diverse methods.

From the completion of the West Kowloon Cultural District to a series of cultural and artistic events staged in Hong Kong, Hong Kong has demonstrated its determination to develop into a cultural and artistic exchange center between China and foreign countries. With the support of the state, Hong Kong will expand the cultural and artistic industry from multiple angles, and the mainland can also use Hong Kong as a window to tell the Chinese story to the outside world, so that excellent Chinese culture can be spread. (End)

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