Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede

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text/Wang Xinxi

Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD ’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, with 4.44 The sales volume of 10,000 units is leading, and Wuling Motors exceeds 10,000 units. Among them, what the industry is most concerned about is that the sales volume in December is as high as 50,000 units. In the first week of 2024, the number of insured units will directly increase from 14,000 units last week. 04,300 units were sold. This number has dropped significantly. The weekly sales of and (06,000) also exceeded the ideal (04,300) for the first time.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

Judging from the data, in the first week of 2024, the downward trend of ideal sales is looming. Sun Shaojun, an industry insider, previously predicted that the market will change much faster than expected. The ideal orders in the first week may be between 6,000-7,000, and delivery in February will not be enough. Going to fall!

Ideal’s weekly orders are now less than previously predicted by the industry. Judging from future trends, the downward sales trend of Ideal will most likely continue. What are the reasons behind this?

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

First of all, Ideal received the car purchase bonus at the end of the year and overdrafted the demand in January in advance.

To put it simply, Ideal’s sales in December were very good, with a wave of monthly deliveries of up to 50,000 units, which just ate up the demand at the end of the year. Wave car purchase bonus. However, this also resulted in part of the car purchase demand in January being overdrawn in advance. In fact, it is the norm in the future of new energy. The sales volume of a car will decline after a cycle, especially after Ideal rushed to deliver a wave of 50,000 monthly deliveries at the end of December last year, just in time for the purchase tax policy to decline, its models except the l7 air In addition, the average price is above 33w, which leads to a wave of cooling.

Secondly, the launch of Ideal Mega was postponed. Because it could not be launched before the year, there were 20~30% unsubscriptions.

This 20%~30% unsubscription has a great impact on ideal sales, because for consumers, when buying a car before the year, one of the most important needs is the demand for cars during the Spring Festival. If you cannot use the car during the Spring Festival, it will have a negative impact on consumers’ desire to buy cars. had a great impact. Therefore, one is the demand for car purchases in December, and the other is the cancellation of Ideal Mega, both of which have had an impact on Ideal.

The launch of Xpeng It has been compared by all aspects of the industry, but the price range of Xpeng x9 is only 359,800-419,800, which is hundreds of thousands or even 200,000 cheaper than the mega, and the product power of x9 is not weaker than the ideal mega.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

In comparison, each has its own merits in terms of appearance design, various configurations, and internal space, but they are basically evenly matched. The exterior space is ideal. In terms of space, the mega is 6.48 square meters, which is 0.2 square meters more than the Xpeng x9. In terms of intelligence, x9 is stronger. Judging from the rear-wheel steering technology released by x9, at least in terms of turning radius, x9 wins.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

Home users need a large car with flexible space, and it also needs to be easy to drive, easy to move and turn around. Xpeng x9 undoubtedly meets one of the needs of MPV home users. From the previous news of and Xiaopeng , the number of x9 has exceeded 5,000. For an MPV with a starting price of 359,800, this number is not bad. Now the average number of x9 in each store has reached more than 20 tower.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

Therefore, to a certain extent, Xpeng x9 will form a certain diversion from Ideal Meag. This diversion may also be reflected in ideal first-quarter sales figures.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

From another point of view, compared with Xpeng x9, the mega core still loses in price and has no advantage, and the ideal product strength label is reflected in the extended range. As soon as it switched to pure electric, the price reached 600,000, which violated the positioning of new products. error on.

The production capacity of Wenjie m7 is climbing, and Wenjie m9 is benchmarking against Ideal L9, and its product strength is suppressed.

From the perspective of market competition, Ideal l9’s biggest opponent has suffered the strongest impact from Wenjie. In the past, Wenjie has never exceeded Ideal in the weekly list, but judging from the current data, Wenjie's weekly sales reached 6,000 units, surpassing Ideal's 4,300 units. The reason is very simple.

This may be directly related to the sales impact brought by Wenjie m9 and Wenjie m7.First of all, after the release of Wenjie's new m7, the number of orders has continued to accumulate. As the production capacity continues to increase, we are currently in a state of delivering as many as we can, and we will continue to make great efforts in sales from January to March, giving The pressure brought by ideal l7 may still be coming.

In addition, the industry basically compares the Wenjie M9 to the Ideal L9. The positioning and user base of the two are very close. During this period, there were a lot of people test-driving the Wenjie M9 in Huawei stores, and there were not enough cars on display. 46.98 According to Yangchengpai data, 54,000 Wenjie M9 vehicles have been ordered for cars starting at 10,000 yuan.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

The order potential of Wenjie m9 may have a continuous impact on the future sales of Ideal l9. The reason is that Wenjie m9 has completely suppressed Ideal l9 from the product level, and the user groups and product positioning of the two are very close.

Refrigerators, color TVs, and large sofas have always been the core advantages of Ideal, but Wenjie m9 has all of these, and has even achieved an experience that exceeds the ideal. On the screen, Wenjie m9 is equipped with 10 screens in the entire car, especially the new projection Behind the scenes, this has also become a major attraction for consumers to buy cars. Secondly, Wenjie m9 suppresses ideals in its intelligent driving capabilities. It is the first to implement the Huawei ads 2.0 intelligent driving system that can be driven nationwide. Therefore, from the perspective of refrigerators, color TVs, large sofas to smart driving advantages, Wenjie m9 completely suppresses the ideal l9.

The safety label of Wenjie highlights

In addition, Wenjie m9 had a large truck crash test before. This actual test video seems to be just an inconspicuous test, but it is very lethal and is widely circulated on the Internet. It has aroused great discussion and attention in the industry. Judging from the video, in the collision test in which the Wenjie M9 was hit by two large trucks, the A-pillar, B-pillar, and C-pillar were not deformed, and the occupants in the car were completely protected, which is a great benefit for middle-class and above car buyers. The psychological impact of groups is very great.

First of all, this test is aimed at the extreme scenario that consumers are most afraid of when driving - the extreme situation where there are large trucks in front and behind, and the large trucks behind cannot stop the car. In this case, everyone knows that if the speed of the truck is too high, Come on, tragedy is a high probability event, but in this test of Wenjie m9, the A-pillar and B-pillar were not broken, which made Wenjie's safety label more prominent, which may lead many people to switch to Huawei.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

As for the time of the collision test of the Wenjie M9, shortly after the Qingyuan car accident in Ideal, everyone was still very impressed by the Qingyuan accident of the Ideal L7.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

The accident caused a lot of controversy at the time. Everyone's focus was on the safety of the car body - the roof was lifted and the A and B pillars were completely broken. This contrast has had a certain impact on ideals.

Text/Wang Xinxi Recently, according to data provided by a car blogger, the new energy insurance volume in the first week of 2024 has finally been released. Judging from the list, BYD’s trend of leading the pack has not changed, leading with sales of 44,400 , Wuling Motors exceede - Lujuba

The focus of many users has gradually shifted to the quality and safety performance of cars. For consumers who can afford the price range of 400,000 to 600,000 yuan, they pay more attention to safety. is an indicator that consumers in families with children are very concerned about.

In fact, for ideals, it is very necessary to benchmark Huawei now and conduct a truck crash test in the future. This is actually an move to rebuild trust. The impact of

on Ideal may continue, and the overall potential of Ideal is declining. Due to the suppression of product strength, at this time, needs to shift its core to safety performance, and strengthen the quality and quality of Ideal Auto products in new products. The safety label breaks the stereotype of the outside world. adopts a price war strategy, appropriately reduces prices, and adjusts the priority of profits to sales. This may be a means to ideally stabilize the current momentum.

Author: Wang Xinxi, senior commentator of tmt. Reprinting of this article without permission is prohibited

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