Live Broadcast, January 9th CCTV’s annual anti-corruption feature film “Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement” will air tonight the fourth episode “Promoting “Three Non-Corruptions” in One Body”, reporting on systemic and corrupt corruption in the football field. Domestic media

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Live Broadcast, January 9th CCTV’s annual anti-corruption feature film “Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement” will air tonight the fourth episode “Promoting “Three Non-Corruptions” in One Body”, reporting on systemic and corrupt corruption in the football field. Domestic media - Lujuba

Live Bar, January 9th, CCTV's annual anti-corruption feature film "Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement" will air tonight the fourth episode "Integrated Promotion of "Three Non-Corruptions"", reporting on systemic and systematic corruption in the football field. Domestic media people are hotly discussing the documentary, and the following are some excerpts.

Zhu Yi: regret medicine? With Chinese football in such a state, is there any regret medicine that can be taken? Everyone thought you were here to break the ice, but you came over and added a layer of ice. You started collecting money before you even took office. Where is your sense of responsibility...

Live Broadcast, January 9th CCTV’s annual anti-corruption feature film “Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement” will air tonight the fourth episode “Promoting “Three Non-Corruptions” in One Body”, reporting on systemic and corrupt corruption in the football field. Domestic media - Lujuba

Li Xuan: Today’s anti-corruption blockbuster revealed only a very small part of the relevant cases of Chen Xuyuan and Du Zhaocai. When describing the cases of Chen Xuyuan and Du Zhaocai, They all mentioned that they were involved in tens of millions of dollars in the case, and they all mentioned that they accepted bribes from the club. These can only be revealed after the court pronounces the verdict.

Although I have known many things before, I still feel very heartbroken after watching today's program. Chinese football has been harmed in this way. If the rotten skin is not removed, Chinese football will never have a future. In this sense, this time Chinese football Although the anti-corruption campaign is shocking, it is also an opportunity to start over.

hopes that the new leadership team of the Chinese Football Association can do a good job in anti-corruption, and at the same time truly do something for Chinese football, regard the implementation of the "50 Football Reform Articles" as a lifelong mission, and put Chinese football on the road to success. The right path.

Cheng Wenli: I posted on Weibo in September last year. The article mentioned the news that Zeng Zhenyu, the president of Shenzhen Yuheng, was taken away by the Hubei police. The reason was a game related to China Fortune's promotion to the Super League in the 2015 season. At that time, Huaxia Club bought Shenzhen Football Club, and in the end they succeeded in reaching the Super League as they wished.

This time the football world launched an anti-corruption campaign, I did not expect that Shenzhen Football Team would become the "hardest hit area". Not only were Ding Yong and Li Xiaogang, the two general managers of Kaisa, taken away by Hubei police on January 10 a year ago, but also during the 2015 season Zeng Zhenyu, the president of the Yuheng era, and the team leader at the time also followed suit.

Last year, I received the news that Li Fei, who was hiding abroad, was taken away by the police when he returned to China. Li Fei used to be the core midfielder of Shenzhen Football Team. In the problematic game in 2015, I heard that he received 5 million yuan from China Fortune Land Development. I only found out after watching TV today that it was 6 million yuan and he took it all alone.

I saw Li Fei on TV today and was filled with emotion. I have known him for many years. The former No. 8 and captain of Shenzhen Football Team was ultimately ruined by the word "greed".

Greed is one of the "three poisons" of Buddhism. This poison harms the body and mind and is the root of evil. Don't be greedy for money!

Liu Wenchao: Li Tie "want to be the coach of the national team so much"

The comment in the program is impressive: I wonder if he remembers that the reason why he was successful as a player was because he "can't run to death" rather than "can't run well" "Hurry up." When the

programmer explained that on the night he took office, the backpack and the congratulations were also shocking. "Congratulations, Chairman Chen. This is an old rule. Please take care of it in the future."...

's so-called "old rule, please take care of me" can probably be explained to some extent. Du Zhaocai said "go with the flow". As for his approach of turning processing into research, it feels like an old Jianghu...

What kind of environmental soil is this...

No matter whether these contents are related to the teams, players or individuals you support, you really like to love Chinese football. I'm afraid people can't get restless. In what direction will our Chinese football develop next? Will the "old rules" that have appeared among these people appear again in the future? Hopefully not.

There is no regret medicine in the world, as is football, and so is life.

Chen Hua: From the warning film , it can be seen that the relevant parties have been very cautious and careful. While punishing corruption in the industry, they also try their best to maintain the subsequent healthy development of Chinese football. Try to use the minimum cost to achieve the maximum warning effect. Of course, why Chinese football cannot be promoted is a big topic, but there is certainly nothing wrong with anti-corruption, and the punishment of corrupt elements is also very popular.

However, a group of people have been arrested in 2009. Why another group of corrupt elements will appear in 2022? The deep-seated reasons are still worth thinking about.Especially those in the industry should not just focus on the so-called eye-catching figures such as how much money a certain person receives, but should really sound the alarm. In the future, they should not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt. Anti-corruption is always on the road, and it is also the courage and responsibility of self-revolution.

Ran Xiongfei: The Li Tie case proved the value of my revelations, and basically confirmed that Chinese football is so dark! Many people in the Chinese football circle, represented by Li Tie, regard "making money, buying and selling balls, spending money to play football, spending money to be promoted and relegated, buying and selling championships, etc." as the "unspoken rules of football" that they are accustomed to!

Chinese Football For this virtue, insiders are the group that should bear the most responsibility!

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