"The past is everywhere. The people we have met and the things that have happened make up our body, skin, breath, and heartbeat. The tree of life repeats itself in cycles. We know what kind of flowers we will bloom in every spring, and we also know that there will be no flowers i

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"The past is everywhere. The people we have met and the things that have happened make up our body, hair, skin, breathing and heartbeat. The tree of life repeats itself in cycles. We know what kind of flowers we will bloom in every spring, and we also know that autumn will definitely It won't bear any kind of fruit, but we will still look forward to the next winter and spring. The flowers are blooming, and the innocent heart is always there. No one is silent, God knows."

As Hu Ge finished the last part of the narration, "Flowers" 》Officially concluded!

The flowers have come to an end, things have changed and people have changed, but there are still people who continue to prosper. The wheels of history are rolling forward, and the pace of the times will never stop!

After Lingzi left, Miss Wang's business was getting better and better. After all, they still missed Mr. Bao, but they finally found their own way out!

'The past is everywhere. The people we have met and the things that have happened make up our body, skin, breath, and heartbeat. The tree of life repeats itself in cycles. We know what kind of flowers we will bloom in every spring, and we also know that there will be no flowers i - Lujuba

From Xuezhi to Miss Wang, to Lingzi and Li Li, these women have all become passers-by. Not to mention the people and things on the Yellow River Road, Jingxiu's small shop has also become "passing flowers and fruits".

In the torrent of the times, everyone is a passer-by. Whether it is withering or prospering, it always goes back and forth. Perhaps the most unexpected ending of

is Li Li's becoming a monk.

After entering Buddhism, no one may know whether Li Li saw through the mortal world or temporarily chose tranquility. For such a strong and courageous Li Li, it is not easy to let go of everything in the world. And this just illustrates Mr. A's influence on her life and his status in her heart.

went to Shanghai alone, with a purpose and a plan. She doesn't simply want to open a Zhizhen Garden or make a fortune, but for Mr. A, but at the same time she also wants to make a complete break with the past.

'The past is everywhere. The people we have met and the things that have happened make up our body, skin, breath, and heartbeat. The tree of life repeats itself in cycles. We know what kind of flowers we will bloom in every spring, and we also know that there will be no flowers i - Lujuba

The past is too painful to look back on, but the bonds must be broken.

takes Zhenyuan as its base, wandering among resources, looking for opportunities. To everyone she meets, they are just pawns in her chess game. But after all, she is still a person, and she is still a person who cherishes old feelings. The moment she saw Mr. Bao, she immediately saw Mr. A. Mr. Bao smelled like Mr. A everywhere.

Perhaps Li Li was lost for a time, but after she regained consciousness, she regained her composure and recognized the reality.

is named Li Li, but in the final analysis, she is still Chen Zhen, Mr. A’s right-hand man, and Mr. A’s favorite woman.

She must always remind herself who she is, where she comes from, and where she is going.

For Shanghai Tang, it is just her own stop. For everyone, it is impossible to trap her.

In the end, she had no nostalgia for Mr. Bao. After all, Mr. Bao was still Mr. Bao and failed to become the next Mr. A. Even if he becomes the next Mr. A, for Li Li, that has already gone with the wind.

Mr. Bao did help her overcome difficulties and resolve crises time and time again, but it was still difficult to replace Mr. A, and he could not let her let go of the past and start over.

Li Li is indeed resolute and determined, but he is also affectionate and righteous. After all, in addition to Mr. Bao, there are also Lingzi, Miss Wang, and even Mr. Wei, Mr. Fan, Manager Pan and Minmin along the way. She is worthy of anyone. During the game, he also showed his true feelings and helped.

But after everything is over, they are still passers-by.

She must also face reality and bear everything.

'The past is everywhere. The people we have met and the things that have happened make up our body, skin, breath, and heartbeat. The tree of life repeats itself in cycles. We know what kind of flowers we will bloom in every spring, and we also know that there will be no flowers i - Lujuba

In the end, she did not escape. She also took the initiative to confess to using someone else's identity. She was imprisoned for one year and was punished. A few years later, she became a monk in Huanan Temple and it was a new beginning!

Mr. Qiang may be the male version of Li Li, but he obviously has too much resentment and only wants revenge. Even though he has the ability and means, he overestimates himself and underestimates others. For personal revenge, I have long been lost or even completely ignored, and the result is the worst loss. In the battle of

clothing company, a miracle happened at the last moment. Mr. Bao made a comeback. Mr. Qiang not only lost blood, but also lost his face. Of course, he had already violated the law, and was sentenced to three years.

'The past is everywhere. The people we have met and the things that have happened make up our body, skin, breath, and heartbeat. The tree of life repeats itself in cycles. We know what kind of flowers we will bloom in every spring, and we also know that there will be no flowers i - Lujuba

As for Mr. Bao, although the final battle was not a complete victory, the promise to everyone was fulfilled.

He finally said goodbye to the Peace Hotel where he had been stationed for seven years. Although he missed Miss Wang again, he had already left a way out for himself.

Uncle Grandpa told me again and again to leave room and take a step back. It's not that Abao doesn't listen, it's that he watches people and things at different times.

Mr. Bao always adheres to the principle and bottom line that friendship is above all else, but he also knows what his ending will be. Therefore, he had left an escape route for everyone early, including himself of course.

From Mr. Bao of the Peace Hotel to Mr. Bao of Pudong Chuansha, Mr. Bao is still the winner.

Pudong Chuansha, a land of hope, is not only his retreat, but also a blessed land for the future.

Here, he can finally take off all the burdens and be a happy Abao.

'The past is everywhere. The people we have met and the things that have happened make up our body, skin, breath, and heartbeat. The tree of life repeats itself in cycles. We know what kind of flowers we will bloom in every spring, and we also know that there will be no flowers i - Lujuba

From A Bao to Mr. Bao, and then to A Bao, as the narrator said, "In the past seven years, like most A Bao in this land, I have gone through ups and downs, seen the world, and we have touched and A stone crosses the river, but we are also willing to be a good stone and let others touch us across. At the same time, we remind ourselves of the price of rash advancement."

Abao is not only a stone for others, but also a stone for the times. Stone only came into existence later and today. Of course, in every era, people have to make stones. Without each stone, there would be no smooth road, no hope and no future.

Prosperity comes to an end, the song comes to an end and everyone disperses. Regrets are common and perfection is difficult to achieve. In this train of the

era, there are people going up and down, and they are all passers-by. There is no end point, only forward movement.

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