Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Dialogue: Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program "Qi Pa Shuo" with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the ent

entertainment 2132℃

Chief reporter of Jimu News Zhang Cong

Dialogue person:

Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, is an actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program "Qi Pa Shuo" with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the entertainment industry for several years - in 2002, she signed a contract through the "Shaolin Football" recruitment campaign She participated in Stephen Chow's movie "Kung Fu" from Xinghui Company. In the end, only one line of the character's scene was cut. Even so, Fan Tiantian's dream of being an actor has always been there. After "The Story of Strange Pa", Fan Tiantian started acting as a bit player in film and television dramas. He has appeared in "Psychological Crime", "Detective Chinatown 2", "My True Friend", "I Am Yu Huanshui" and " Even if the Wind Rises" and other works have outstanding performances.

In 2024, "Flowers" hit the screen. On the flowery Yellow River Road, Fan Tiantian plays the role of Jin Meilin's boss lady "Lu Meilin", which is a role destined to be unforgettable by the audience.

Dialogue background:

For two consecutive days, the audience watching "Flowers" shed tears for "Lu Meilin" played by Fan Tiantian.

In the scene, Boss Jin slipped and fell from the building and died in front of Lu Meilin. She had just learned that the hotel had been mortgaged by her husband, and she suddenly received the bad news before she was angry. At that moment, the most arrogant woman on the Yellow River Road lost her voice and only had two lines. Tears fell suddenly;

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Dialogue: Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program 'Qi Pa Shuo' with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the ent - Lujuba

the scene showed that even after she put down her dignity, she still could not borrow working capital and had to leave Jin Meilin, who had worked hard for half her life. When she walked into the crowd with her head held high, she still seemed to be the same proud woman, until the car slowly stopped beside her, and the moment she saw the person clearly, the ends of her eyes that were always upturned finally shed tears for a moment...

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Dialogue: Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program 'Qi Pa Shuo' with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the ent - Lujuba

Of course, what the audience will never forget is the failure to win the "Yellow River Road Defense Battle" and Lu Meilin's pain and anger when she faced Hong Gen and was unable to support her; they must also remember that after she slapped Mr. Bao, she looked around The loss of finding that no one can protect you.

Audiences said that Lu Meilin was the toughest woman on the Yellow River Road, and also the most pitiful woman. For Fan Tiantian, Lu Meilin is "the woman who married the Yellow River Road", and she herself, who has always insisted on the "Yellow River Road" of film and television, is far luckier than Lu Meilin.

A "tyrant" in the drama unexpectedly made the audience burst into tears

Relying on that "softness", he became the woman who married the Yellow River Road

Jimu News: Perhaps no one could have imagined at the beginning that the audience would be so reluctant to part with "Lu Meilin" in the end , after all, in the beginning, this character was more like a villain, domineering, loud, and a "tyrant" on the Yellow River... Unexpectedly, the audience shed a lot of tears for her.

Fan Tiantian: I didn’t expect that many details of this character would be felt by everyone so quickly. I thought it would take two or three swipes to discover her detailed expressions, including the part of her that is hidden in the hard shell. So soft, I didn’t expect netizens to get it quickly.

Including the scene between me and Hong Gen, and the scene where I slapped Po, the audience was commenting on every expression of hers. This moved me very much. I really felt the audience’s attention while watching the movie. The level has improved too fast, and we have to keep up with the pace.

Because in the past, if many film and television dramas had complicated characters, they would be constantly questioned and pushed by the audience, so I was also very nervous. I didn’t expect that the audience’s interpretation and understanding would be so thorough and clear this time.

Of course, there are also a small number of viewers who have doubts, but I think it is normal for a film and television work to have various controversies, including when it first aired. Many controversies made me very nervous, worried that such a good work would be criticized , and Cancers are very soft-hearted, so I am also worried that the director (who is also a Cancer) will be hurt. But I didn’t expect that good things will definitely be seen, and gold will definitely shine!

Jimu News: How do you understand the character Lu Meilin? Do you think she has any weaknesses?

Fan Tiantian: Lu Meilin is a person who is "nine points hard and one point soft". After all, she worked hard from Zhapu Road to Huanghe Road to gain a foothold in Shanghai, especially in such a catering industry that is similar to Jianghu. It is not easy. of.There are so many people coming and going on the Yellow River Road, watching tall buildings rise and falling. Without these "baring teeth and claws" things, she would not be able to gain a foothold.

So Lu Meilin’s scenes at the beginning were more explosive and explosive. As the audience said, she had a very loud voice. I have always said that the director is actually a composer. He used various notes to compose the score of "Flowers". Some people use bass notes, and some people use treble notes. Then I may be a "super treble note." . Director

told me that every time I come out, I must "hear the person's voice before I see him." This sound is made by "roaring" and "rush out like a lion." Including my afro, there is always something eating in my mouth, or a toothpick in my mouth, always busy, noisy, always fast and explosive...

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Dialogue: Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program 'Qi Pa Shuo' with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the ent - Lujuba

But at the same time, the director is very good at mastering and controlling. As an emotional person, director Kar Wai will give us such a 40+ actress, and she is also a supporting role, to lay out such rich emotional lines and form her three-dimensionality and tension. I am only grateful.

I remember that after he decided on the tone of this character, he often said to me, "Meilin, you can't keep arguing. Meilin, your softness needs to be seen by others." I said, "Then How do you see it? Director, the scenes you have arranged for me are so noisy every day that I’m going to have a cerebral hemorrhage!” He said, “Don’t worry, it will happen.”

Jimu News: So the arc of this character is actually him. Do you slowly find something rich in your creation?

Fan Tiantian: Well, was added slowly. The director's creative method is not to have a fixed impression of an actor or a character right from the beginning. He observes you in your daily life, observes you when you are acting, and then constantly fleshes out and polishes the character. He It's not about pressing the actors into a frame, but letting the actors unleash their full potential, superimposing many parts that we ourselves can't see, and giving them an appropriate space.

In essence, Lu Meilin is a person who is unwilling to show her weaknesses to others, because to get along on the Yellow River Road, she relies on her fierce strength. Without this strength, without the shell of arrogant claws, she would be easily defeated. Those who are defeated will leave the battlefield on Huanghe Road. But her weakness may appear inadvertently, and after occasionally revealing it, she will immediately disguise herself as strong.

For example, in the scene where Mr. Bao slapped Mr. Bao, I felt a little disappointed standing there alone after filming, because the person who hit the person was actually very stressed and even in pain. The director ran over to me and said, "Meilin, you see Miss Wang is being protected. This man of yours is lying on the ground and having an affair with Xiao Jiangxi. You have to remember this emotion. We are going to film you in the next scene." "."

Such prompts and shooting created the complex emotions of Lu Meilin in the back of this scene, and my own personal emotions were also included in it. The director also said: "Meilin, you must raise your head, Lu Meilin will not lower her head." Yes, if you do it, you will do it, if you hit it, you will hit it. She is not afraid. This is Lu Meilin's background. !

Jimu News: Meilin’s ending is actually very sad, from the perspective of circumstances and career. But it seemed that the relationship was complete again, and Honggen finally came to pick her up.

Fan Tiantian: She abides by the rules, but she abides by the old rules. The theory of success she believes in, and the fighting over it, actually establishes her narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness. The wheel of the times really does not let anyone go. As a person, her ending is destined not to be too happy.

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Dialogue: Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program 'Qi Pa Shuo' with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the ent - Lujuba

I said on Weibo that we used to be Ms. Wang, and we never looked back on love. It was good to sell tea eggs together. Later, we became Lingzi and read thousands of sails. We only have a trace of nostalgia for love, holding it in our hands. Banknotes are the most real existence. Sorry, I ended up turning into Lu Meilin, using her teeth and claws to cover up the feathers on the ground - which middle-aged person is not like this? That must be the case.

The last look she looked back at Huanghe Road was the highlight of this character in my heart. She felt that she was the woman who married Huanghe Road. I don’t know if you can understand this sentence. It is not the love between men and women, but the love between men and women. It's the love and hatred between her and Huanghe Lu - her reluctance and unwillingness are actually reserved for Huanghe Lu.

"I burst into tears" when I received the invitation to "Flowers"

Shooting dozens of scenes in one scene is not torture, it is enjoyment

Jimu News: Too many viewers are impressed by you because of "Flowers", so what on earth did you do? What about Director Wang’s fancy?

Fan Tiantian: In fact, when every Shanghai actor knew about the project "Flowers", they were looking forward to it, including myself. I was still in my former company at the time, so I proposed to get in touch as soon as possible to see if there was any way to get on the line and convey and express that I really wanted to play and that I was willing to play even a small role. (Laughs) The news they sent later on

was that the crew did have your photo, and they all knew about you Fan Tiantian, but they didn’t say anything more. When I later heard that the series had started filming, I was very disappointed and disappointed because "there was no chance of it happening"! I always feel that there is a knot in my heart that cannot be opened.

never thought that one day, luck would fall from the sky! One morning I woke up and didn’t know what was going on. Our company sent me a message saying: Sister Tantan, Director Wang said he wants to shoot a commercial with you. I was very surprised at the time - wasn't it "Flowers" but an advertisement? ! Are you sure? ! They said: I am very sure, it is an advertisement, and it was Director Wang who appointed me.

I said, does Wong Kar Wai know who I am? Does he know me, Fan Tantan? ! Of course I was obligated and had to act, because I knew in my heart that this might be my "stepping stone"!

Jimu News: So your interview is a big advertisement.

Fan Tiantian: is right, it’s really good. When we met for the first time during filming, Director Wang was very, very nice. I don’t know if he had watched my previous variety show or something. When he saw me, he said to me, "Act well. You will have no problem. I believe in you." , in this advertisement of mine, you are the heroine." I felt very warm.

Our commercial was shot. Although the final presentation only lasted a few minutes, it took more than ten days to shoot, day and night. By that time, I already knew his shooting style - shooting commercials, one piece They all require more than 100 shots!

I was very nervous until the last day of filming. I was thinking whether I should tell the director and ask if there was a place for me in "Flowers", but I was too thin-skinned to say anything. I worked really hard during this process, treating it as an interview note. When the filming was finalized, the director grabbed me. Just as I was about to speak, he said, "What the hell, do you want "Flowers"?" Come on!" I really burst into tears at that time!

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Dialogue: Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program 'Qi Pa Shuo' with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the ent - Lujuba

Jimu News: So when you joined the team, the filming of the drama had already started?

Fan Tiantian: Yes, I joined the team about a year after the filming of "Flowers", because the filming of Huanghe Road had not yet begun, and the content they had previously filmed was the stock speculation section.

And before joining the cast, I was not asked to play Lu Meilin at the beginning, but another character. What’s interesting is that our costume teacher and styling teacher turned out to be my teachers when I was filming "Kung Fu" 20 years ago! When I was making clothes, my teacher also told me, Wow, you have gained half of your weight in 20 years. I also made the cheongsam for your "Kung Fu" movie before, remember? (Laughs)

The day before I joined the cast, I was told that the character had been changed to another character called Lu Meilin, and that she had to change clothes and style her hair again. I was also very surprised.

Jimu News: So what is Director Wang’s shooting style? How many times can one film be shot?

Fan Tiantian: I want to refute the rumor here, that is, Director Wang shot a lot of times. In fact, this is normal, because most of us shoot with a single camera, the camera is always moving, and the actors basically cannot watch. It is very difficult to shoot in a fixed camera position, because the light changes when people move, and it is difficult to achieve the effect the director wants. If people, lights, shadows and machines are to work well together, it is necessary to perform the scene twenty times beforehand. By the way, the actors will also become familiar with the lines, positions and emotions during this process. When they are well adjusted later, they will start to master the scene. content.

In the later stage, I felt that we all had the Stockholm Syndrome. If we only took one or two photos a day, everyone would be surprised and say: It’s over, it’s over! It will definitely not work this time, the director gave up on us. (Laughs)

This so-called "torture" that everyone talks about is a kind of "torture" with a smile, and I don't think it is a kind of torture. I enjoy it very much, and I am very happy, and I have done a scene 10 times. 20 times or 70 times, after the quantity increases, the quality will definitely improve, but actors rarely have the opportunity to make such an attempt.

"excessive force" along the way, just want to be seen

please don't worry! Don’t be fooled by the current “wealth and wealth”

Jimu News: Fan Tantan in "The Story of Strange Pa" also has a very strong aura and a vicious tongue, including the image in some other film and television works that is also a bit "ferocious" , so is Lu Meilin also starring in her true character?

Fan Tantan: Many people say that I act in my true colors, which is not the case at all. Lu Meilin is nine points hard and one point soft. I, Fan Tantan, is six points hard and four points soft. Although I may use my teeth and claws to hide some of my inner fragility, but Lu Meilin’s road was much more bumpy and cruel than mine. Everyone knows that I did not graduate from a major. Based on my qualifications and appearance, it seems that this road will be more bumpy, but I have always been a very lucky person.

I feel that over the past few years, especially after filming "Flowers", I have entered a cooling-off period. I have thought about it for a long time and think that the 40-year-old Fan Tanya should be different from the 35-year-old her in "Qi Pa Shuo" and the 32-year-old her in "Top Chef". I will do a lot of reflection.

There is something I have to say. When people saw me in variety shows before, I seemed to have to force myself to use some flamboyant expressions, language or attitude to let everyone see me. Maybe it was because I had been quiet for too long and I wanted to act and return to the public eye too much. My own family does not work in this industry, and I did not graduate from a major. There is really no other way for me to return to the acting path I want to pursue.

For ten years, many times I just want to be seen by everyone, but silence is useless, "no sound" is useless, especially for an actress with my appearance and age, so maybe I am along the way. It's "excessive force", but as long as it can be seen, doesn't it mean there is a chance? Of course,

will also attract a lot of criticism. If you ask me if I regret it, I don’t regret it. There is nothing to regret. If I do it again, maybe I will do it again, because there is no other way - if you are not seen, you will not have a chance. , it’s not my variety shows, I think maybe Director Wang won’t see me, and I won’t have the chance to star in “Flowers”.

Jimu News: What is the conclusion of reflection?

Fan Tiantian: I just wonder if I should calm down? I just want to be down-to-earth and work hard to be a good actor, so when I saw that the hot discussions about me recently were all related to my acting skills, I was moved in my heart. I felt that even if there is no new breakthrough in the future, I can I am satisfied as long as I continue on the path of being an actor.

What hasn’t changed about Fan Tiantian is his original intention of loving performance, which has never changed. You may be greedy and want to act in more dramas, be the heroine, and win acting awards... An actor who is not greedy is not a good actor.But I also thought, what is a good actor? Why do we need to define a good actor? I just need to be an actor.

I am not too afraid of being stereotyped, because if you can play a certain role to the "ceiling", I think it is also a success. Of course, I am still far, far away.

The "Master Class" of "Flowers" has really improved me a lot. My performance requirements, ideas, and character portrayal have reached a new level in all aspects. I certainly hope that a director can see me and be able to Give me more opportunities to try different roles. If not, I will not feel regretful, because I feel that as long as I can continue to act and can continue to act, I will be a lucky and happy person. This is my life goal. Isn’t it just because you want to continue acting forever?

People can't be too greedy, wanting this and that, wanting the horse to be good but also wanting the horse not to eat grass, that's impossible! Gaining means losing other parts. We have to transfer a lot in order to achieve something we have always wanted. As an adult, I have long recognized this.

Jimu News: But Fan Tantan is happy now.

Fan Tantan: is right! I am actually an actor who needs encouragement. I need to be praised. This feeling is a bit like compensating for my childhood. Maybe I suffered too many setbacks in my childhood or as a girl. Therefore, I really appreciate this kind of praise. But don’t worry, I won’t float, because I have floated several times and fallen several times, so I understand the ups and downs. (Laughs)

After the broadcast of "Flowers" this year, I got a lot of new invitations. This is something I never expected to be able to come so soon. I am very grateful that everyone likes Lu Meilin. Although I am reluctant to let go of this role, but also After knowing that "Flowers" has finished airing, I will start to set sail again.

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Dialogue: Fan Tantan, born in Shanghai in 1980, actress and host. In 2014, she became popular on the debate program 'Qi Pa Shuo' with her many golden sentences and sharp and straightforward performance. However, in fact, she has been in the ent - Lujuba

I have a big photo of Lu Meilin standing on the Yellow River Road at home. It is a still of me. It is a photo of me hugging the Yellow River Road. It proves that I was once married to the Yellow River Road. I am the Yellow River Road. woman! From now on, I will be down-to-earth in filming and will not be blinded by this incredible wealth. This is what I have said to myself over and over again!

(The picture is a screenshot of the public release materials or video of "Fanhua")

(Source: Jimu News)

Tags: entertainment