"Who of you dares to call the police, try it!" This was the "threatening speech" made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, "My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?" Dare you t

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"Who of you dares to call the police? Try it!" This was the "threatening speech" made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, "My dad is Li Shuangjiang, you guys Who dares to control me?".

Li Yitian was only 15 years old at that time, and his father Li Shuangjiang was already a 72-year-old senior movie star.

As a well-known singer in China, Li Shuangjiang has won the love of the audience with his profound singing skills and personality charm. No one expected that his son's behavior would be controversial in his later years, even triggering a lot of criticism and accusations on the Internet.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

What is shocking is that just one year after the incident, Li Yitian was arrested by the police on suspicion of rape. When he was arrested, he still had an arrogant attitude and uttered wild words: "My father is Li Shuangjiang, let me see if any of you dare to touch me!"

This incident seriously damaged Li Shuangjiang's reputation, and many fans expressed their disappointment. At the same time, he was deeply distressed by his son's behavior and fell into depression for a time.

Many netizens began to speculate whether Li Shuangjiang’s eldest son Li He was as bad as his younger brother. But in fact, it's not.

Although Li He grew up in the shadow of his father, he has become an outstanding young talent through his own efforts.

He is not only academically successful, but also humble and courteous to others, which is in sharp contrast to his younger brother Li Yitian. When his father and stepmother were in their later years, Li He became their spiritual support and life support.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

Although Li He is Li Shuangjiang's eldest son, due to the special nature of his father's occupation, he has hardly ever truly felt his father's love. In his memory, his father's figure was always so vague and out of reach.

And his childhood seemed a little warm only when he was accompanied by his mother Ding Ying.

Ding Ying, an excellent dancer, resolutely gave up her beloved stage in order to support her husband's career and became a full-time housewife.

Whenever Li He saw photos of his mother dancing when she was young, he would always ask curiously: "Mom, why don't you dance now?"

At this time, Ding Ying always smiled and said: "Because mom loves you and Dad, I am willing to give everything for you, and I am not sorry to give up dancing."

Although Ding Ying always tried his best to maintain his father's image in front of Li He, the child's desire for father's love is irreplaceable. Whenever he sees other children acting coquettishly in his father's arms, Li He always feels an inexplicable feeling of envy in his heart.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

He often asked Ding Ying: "When will dad come back?" Ding Ying always explained patiently: "Dad is very busy. He is a singer. His singing can bring joy to many people."

In Ding Ying In Ying's narration, Li He gradually understood the greatness and difficulty of his father. He knew that his father was an excellent man and his singing could touch countless people.

Therefore, Li He secretly vowed in his heart that he would become an outstanding person like his father in the future. When Li Shuangjiang came home occasionally, Li He always seemed a little reserved and strange.

He did not dare to look directly into his father's eyes, nor did he dare to take the initiative to communicate with his father. But whenever Li Shuangjiang leaves, he can't help but miss and look forward to him.

He longs for his father's company and care, and hopes that his father can give him more support and encouragement as he grows up.

Until Li He was three years old, Ding Ying told him the good news: "Xiao He, we will live in Beijing from now on, and we can see dad every day." This news made Li He full of expectation and joy.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

He thought that their family was about to usher in a better life, but he did not expect that this was only a short-term happiness. Within a few years, cracks appeared in Li Shuangjiang and Ding Ying's marriage, and the family was once again in trouble.

Even after coming to Beijing, Li He's life didn't seem to have changed much. He still rarely sees his father Li Shuangjiang. His father is always busy with work, performances, and his singing career.

Although Li He was still young, he noticed the subtle changes in the relationship between his parents early.There were often quarrels in their room, which made Li He feel scared and uneasy.

He could only pray silently in his heart, hoping that his parents could reconcile as soon as possible, but in reality things often backfired. One day, her mother Ding Ying came home. She sat on the sofa without saying a word, just crying silently.

Li He suddenly felt panicked when he saw this scene. He knew that the relationship between his parents might have come to an end.

Sure enough, Ding Ying pulled him to his side and told him softly: "From now on, you will be the only one left to protect your mother, but Li Shuangjiang will always be your father."

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

These words made Li He feel sad. He knew that his parents' divorce was inevitable, but he still hoped that they could live in peace, at least for his sake.

The reality was so cruel. Ding Ying and Li Shuangjiang eventually divorced, and the two almost severed all contact. Li Shuangjiang had never even seen Li He, which made Li He feel very lost and frustrated.

Despite this, Li He did not give up his concern and longing for his father. He knew that he was Li Shuangjiang's son, and no matter what happened, this fact could not be changed.

He has been paying attention to his father's news and read the news about his father and Meng Ge's marriage from the newspaper. At that moment, he knew it was time to withdraw from his father's life completely.

Although he felt a little sad and reluctant, Li He still chose to accept the reality. He knew that he could not disturb his father's new life, nor cause any trouble to his mother.

He could only silently wish that his father and Mengge could live together happily, and at the same time, he also hoped that he could get out of the shadow of his parents' divorce as soon as possible and live his own life.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

Although Li He is not by Li Tianyi's side, he can still feel his father Li Shuangjiang's deep love for the new family, especially his younger brother Li Tianyi.

This kind of pampering was in sharp contrast with his own growth experience, which made him feel a little bitter. He understood that it wasn't that his father didn't like his child, he just didn't like him.

Li Shuangjiang's attitude towards Li Tianyi can be described as submissive. No matter what Li Tianyi asks for, he will try his best to satisfy it.

This extreme pampering made Li He worried. He was worried that his younger brother would go astray because of this excessive pampering. Sure enough, his worries soon became reality.

In 2011, Li Tianyi, who was only 15 years old, was sent to a juvenile detention center because of a beating incident. This incident attracted widespread attention from society and seriously damaged Li Shuangjiang's reputation.

​This did not make Li Shuangjiang realize that there was something wrong with his education methods. He still doted on Li Tianyi. Two years later, Li Tianyi was arrested again by the police for more serious crimes.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

This incident caused Li Shuangjiang to completely collapse, and his reputation also plummeted. Many people began to avoid him as if he were a plague.

At this difficult moment, there is only one person left by Li Shuangjiang's side, and that is his eldest son Li He.

Li He did not alienate him because of his father's neglect and his brother's evil deeds. Instead, he took the initiative to run to his side to provide support and comfort.

This kind of selfless love and tolerance made Li Shuangjiang feel deeply guilty and moved. He realized that he had ignored Li He's existence and contribution for so many years.

Li He's kindness and tolerance made Li Shuangjiang feel warm at the lowest point in his life. He knew that the mistakes his younger brother Li Tianyi had committed were too serious to be easily forgiven, but he couldn't bear to see his father shed tears every day.

So, he chose to use his own way to make his father happy every day, hoping to bring some comfort to his father.

Li He's figure and actions made Li Shuangjiang begin to reflect on his past behavior. He realized that he had ignored Li He's existence and contribution for so many years, always thinking that his eldest son had grown up and could take charge of his own business.

​But he forgot that no matter how old the child is, he will always be a child in need of care in front of him.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

Li Shuangjiang once asked Li He what he wanted. He thought Li He would make some material requests, but he did not expect that Li He's answer moved him deeply.

Li He said that his biggest wish is that his father can be healthy. This sentence made Li Shuangjiang burst into tears instantly. He felt Li He's filial piety and sensibleness.

What moved Li Shuangjiang even more was that Li He also promised to take good care of him and his stepmother. This made Li Shuangjiang feel the warmth and dependence of his family, and also made him reflect on his own education methods.

He realized that his excessive pampering of Li Tianyi not only failed to let the child go on the right path, but also caused him to fall into an abyss. However, Li He's growth and understanding allowed him to see the correct direction of education.

Although Li Tianyi’s behavior is unforgivable, he has been punished by law. However, some netizens still persist in spreading rumors and attacking Li Shuangjiang's family.

'Who of you dares to call the police, try it!' This was the 'threatening speech' made by Li Yitian, the youngest son of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang, after a street fight in 2011. His momentum at the time seemed to be saying, 'My dad is Li Shuangjiang, who of you?' Dare you t - Lujuba

This behavior is irrational and irresponsible. We should believe that the law will ensure that every person who commits a crime will be punished as he deserves, instead of spreading rumors and attacking others at will.

As for Li He, although he is not famous, according to insiders, he has achieved great achievements, but he is relatively low-key.

Moreover, his marriage is also happy, which is the result of his own efforts and the reward for his love for his family.

In contrast, Li Tianyi’s ending is disappointing. This once again proves the principle of "spoiling a child is like killing a child". Excessive spoiling of children will only make them go to extremes.

Tags: entertainment