Text/Lu Zimo "Flowers" When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is

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Text/Lu Zimo 'Flowers' When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is  - Lujuba

Written by Lu Zimo

When I saw the end of "Flowers", I thought it was a tragedy.

At least for A Bao (played by Hu Ge), it is not a happy ending.

It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot.

Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is trapped in her past identity of Chen Zhen and cannot get out.

Lingzi is hypocritical, loves money and loves Abao, but in the end she decisively reluctantly bids farewell to the past and concentrates on her own career.

Ms. Wang made a big fall on the 27th and ended up on the flat Roman Avenue, but she didn't expect to really break out of her own dock and start her own company.

It was painful in the past, but at least Mr. Fan and Mr. Wei were there to help me when I was lonely, my master was there to support me, and I had Lingzi’s blessing. In the end, Mr. Bao didn’t stand idly by.

Lu Meilin's past glory has completely become a thing of the past. She lost her husband, lost her career, and could not save the Jin Meilin Hotel.

Looking at Abao again, it was obvious that he was originally the center of the crowd, but looking again, he found that he seemed to be just in the center of the crowd.

This time I just want to say, Hu Ge (A Bao), you really lost miserably.

Text/Lu Zimo 'Flowers' When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is  - Lujuba


Why is it said that Abao lost miserably?

Because of this banquet in the first half of Abao's life, it was completely broken up.

gained a lot, but if you calculate carefully, you will lose even more.

Looking back, how prosperous was Abao in the past?

Uncle's phone book is not easy to dial. Every time he dials a number, he makes an exception for Abao.

On the Yellow River Road, every restaurant has its first-class boss come to have a meal. Not only can they make money, but they can also bring in a steady stream of contacts.

People on the Yellow River Road, no matter how big the conflict is, they must give Mr. Bao some face.

There are countless people who want to do business with Mr. Bao. You will know it when you see that Lingzi makes a lot of money by helping to contact A Bao.

Text/Lu Zimo 'Flowers' When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is  - Lujuba

Regardless of whether it is true or false, there is always a lot of excitement around you.

Especially there are two women, Miss Wang and Lingzi.

Apart from Uncle Ye and Taotao, these two women are the only ones who truly care about A Bao.

Everyone knows the rumors about Miss Wang and A Bao, so no one dares to have bad thoughts about Miss Wang, otherwise A Bao will just show his fist.

For A Bao, Miss Wang took action as soon as she could. She spent 20,000 yuan to buy a car, and then she dared to drive to a remote factory alone to save A Bao, for fear that something would happen to him.

In order for A Bao's business to stay afloat, Ms. Wang can go back and forth between A Bao and Mr. Fan, advising each other.

As for Abao, Miss Wang's position in his heart is also different.

When Ms. Wang lost her position as section chief, Abao worked hard to find connections, hoping to help Ms. Wang's career return to its original state.

At the critical moment when Ms. Wang started her business, Abao was the most rival. He was just letting things go, and he even took the initiative to create trouble for his own people and help Ms. Wang when it was time for him. Although Ms. Wang didn't appreciate it.

Text/Lu Zimo 'Flowers' When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is  - Lujuba

But at least it shows that the two people sincerely want each other to live well, which cannot be discussed.

But for A Bao, the ending was that he was nosy, and Miss Wang refused his help.

It is enough to show that the relationship between Miss Wang and A Bao has completely returned to the position of ordinary friends.

But regardless of whether there is contact or not, when Miss Wang is in trouble, Abao will still help.


Some people’s ending will be soon forgotten; while some people’s ending is like a chronic disease, with pain from time to time.

Lingzi is the former, and Miss Wang is the latter.

After Miss Wang's promotion was ruined because of a pair of earrings, Lingzi completely fell out with Abao.

She simply disappeared for a while. When

appeared again, Reiko was very calm.

Once a woman calms down, she will be cruel, and Reiko is no exception.

Reiko took the shortest time to draw a clear line with A Bao, kicked A Bao out, decided to run Night Tokyo on her own, and also considered raising shares again.

Not only that, Lingzi wanted back the luck she had given to Abao, and clearly handed over the account book that she had prevaricated in the past that she could not remember clearly to Abao.

account one by one, clearly. The strokes of

are accounts and boundaries.

had been talking about renovating Night Tokyo for a long time. After the breakup, Reiko quickly put it on the agenda to start a new life with a new look.

Text/Lu Zimo 'Flowers' When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is  - Lujuba

When Tokyo reopened at night, Reiko did not invite A Bao; and A Bao, tacitly, did not come.

This is the most decent farewell for adults. There is no tearing or entanglement. Once you turn around, it may last a lifetime.

The departure of the two people made Abao's two biggest scandals disappear.

There are no longer two people around Abao who can sincerely do his best.

Li Li, who is a latecomer, has sincerity to A Bao but not much, more about mutual benefit and reciprocity.

Li Li is beautiful, smart, attractive, and mysterious. Abao spied on the first three, but did not take a closer look at the mystery of Li Li.

When Li Li drove to Zhenyuan, Abao helped him gain a foothold on Huanghe Road.

Of course, Li Li also reciprocated, reminding A Bao to avoid the Sanyang high imitation product scandal; in the business war between A Bao and Mr. Qiang, he helped A Bao in a subtle way.

But Li Li has always been a person who wants to leave.

She can't escape her past identity, and there will be no place for A Bao in her heart, even if A Bao may really have feelings for her.

But Abao is hiding someone in his heart.

They are all the same type of people, only obsessed with their own hearts, so breaking up is the inevitable outcome.

Text/Lu Zimo 'Flowers' When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is  - Lujuba


For A Bao, women are not everything in life. What he wants is never just feelings.

He also needs Mr. Bao’s identity, as well as the power and benefits that this identity brings.

Beyond emotions, Uncle Ye is the most important person to A Bao.

Uncle Grandpa taught him how to do business since he was a Bao, and he has been teaching him how to do business until he reached the position of Mr. Bao.

Uncle Grandpa has only recognized A Bao as a person from the beginning. He cares about everything, but he also sees that he is trapped in human relationships and cannot get out.

advised me, but I also respect it, or I can say that I have no choice but to do so.

But in the end, Uncle Ye never thought of giving up on A Bao.

But the order from Wal-Mart was my uncle’s escape route for Abao.

Text/Lu Zimo 'Flowers' When I saw the end, I thought it was a tragedy. At least it’s not a happy ending for Abao (played by Hu Ge). It seems that everyone has gained a lot, but if you think about it carefully, everyone has lost a lot. Li Li Renmei is very resourceful, but she is  - Lujuba

Po wanted to enter the stock market. Uncle knew that he could not stop him, so he tried his best to find a way out for him and tried his best to help Po win.

But Abao was secretly helping his rival Miss Wang, which completely annoyed his uncle.

Uncle’s departure is a sign of disappointment, anger, respect, and mutual fulfillment.

Of course, Uncle Uncle's departure is actually what Abao is looking forward to. He hopes that this kind of business war will not involve Uncle Uncle.

For Uncle Ye, whenever Abao needs him, he can appear at any time.

And my uncle also understood that A Bao didn’t want to implicate himself, so they helped each other.

html The three people left one after another. The banquet centered on A Bao was finally coming to an end.

Just like my uncle said, if Po can't stay any longer, just leave this place.

Perhaps Abao will also ask himself, what exactly was gained and what was lost.


picture source/screenshot of "Flowers" stills, infringement and deletion of

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