Picture source Taiwan media Kuomintang's non-district "legislator" nominee Han Kuo-yu recently shouted that there is no such possibility as Taiwan leader Ke Wenzhe and "Legislative Yuan" Han Kuo-yu, and must fully support the most important Hou Youyi. He hopes that Korean fans wi

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Picture source Taiwan media Kuomintang's non-district 'legislator' nominee Han Kuo-yu recently shouted that there is no such possibility as Taiwan leader Ke Wenzhe and 'Legislative Yuan' Han Kuo-yu, and must fully support the most important Hou Youyi. He hopes that Korean fans wi - Lujuba

Han Kuo-yu, the Kuomintang's non-district "legislator" nominee, recently shouted that there is no such possibility as Taiwan leader Ke Wenzhe and "legislative president" Han Kuo-yu. He must fully support the most important Hou Youyi, hoping that Korean fans will return to the team and gather votes for the Kuomintang. In this regard, Taiwanese media person Huang Yangming pointed out that because Han Guoyu's close friends, media personality Wang Qianqiu and others were attacked, and if Han continued to be ambiguous with the People's Party candidate Ke Wenzhe, there might be conspiracy theories that are detrimental to the blue camp, so Han will Show attitude.

Huang Yangming said on the political commentary program "Weekend Big News" on the 6th that there is no doubt that Han Kuo-yu has completely returned to the team, but there are still Korean fans supporting Ke Wenzhe. At the same time, there are also many people who claim to be Han Kuo-yu supporters who are repairing "Hou Kangpei" " is a thorn in the back for the Kuomintang, so Hanguo Yucai must come forward to emphasize that "I do not support Ke Wenzhe, the only one I support is 'Hou Kangpei'" and make his attitude clear.

Huang Yangming pointed out that Han Kuo-yu’s actions were, on the one hand, to reassure Hou Youyi and KMT deputy leader candidate Zhao Shaokang in Taiwan. If Han Kuo-yu and Ke Wenzhe continue to maintain an ambiguous relationship, conspiracy theories may spread in the future. , which would be detrimental to the election of the blue camp, so Hanguo Yu knew that he had to speak clearly.

Regarding those who support Ke Wenzhe in the name of Korean fans, Huang Yangming believes that those people will not stop just because Han Guoyu speaks, but the credibility of these people’s speeches will be compromised because of this. After Han Guoyu finished speaking, the meaning of this paragraph The short video is circulated everywhere, especially in Korean fan groups, "This is called an oracle, and everyone must watch the boss's speech." Therefore, if Chen Qingmao and others who claimed to be Han Kuo-yu's spokesperson in the past still want to criticize, other Korean fans can Directly show this video of Han Guoyu saying that there is no Taiwan leader Ke Wenzhe.

Huang Yangming pointed out that in the next few days, we can also see how these self-proclaimed Korean fans will react, because they attacked former Kaohsiung City Information Director and host Wang Qianqiu and others some time ago, causing harm to Han Guoyu, and we will see The fact that people who interacted well with him were attacked was one of the reasons why Han Guoyu couldn't bear it anymore and spoke out. The

election campaign has entered the final countdown. Blue, green and white are all playing Han Kuo-yu's card. After Han called on Korean fans to return to the team, Hou Youyi said that Han Kuo-yu is fully supporting the election this time and welcomes all those who support South Korea, the Kuomintang and "Hou Kangpei" "People came forward to complete the rotation of political parties. Ke Wenzhe said that he and Han Guoyu are good friends and know that the other party is under pressure. At the last moment of the election campaign, the Democratic Progressive Party used the "anti-Korean card" to rush into the "legislator" election.

Straits Herald reporter Fang Yanyan compiled the report

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