Recently, the issue of "Fudan University alumni wandering in the United States for 16 years" has received widespread attention. Netizen "Inspector Wang in New York" released a screenshot of the video. Latest news: Fudan's doctor studying in the United States spoke out and changed

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"Fudan University alumni have been wandering in the United States for 16 years"

The matter has attracted widespread attention

Recently, the issue of 'Fudan University alumni wandering in the United States for 16 years' has received widespread attention. Netizen 'Inspector Wang in New York' released a screenshot of the video. Latest news: Fudan's doctor studying in the United States spoke out and changed - Lujuba

Screenshot of the video posted by netizen "Inspector Wang in New York"

Latest news:

Doctors from Fudan studying in the United States speak out

Put on new clothes and cut short hair

1 On the 7th, it was learned that Sun had been properly resettled, and Dr. Sun himself once again expressed his gratitude to the volunteers for helping him restart his life. On the morning of the 7th, the reporter learned from volunteers and the Fudan University American Alumni Association (New York) It was learned that Dr. Sun had put on new clothes and had his hair cut short . Someone was staying with him in the temporary residence during the day, and the alumni association would make the next step of helping plans based on his mental condition.

Recently, the issue of 'Fudan University alumni wandering in the United States for 16 years' has received widespread attention. Netizen 'Inspector Wang in New York' released a screenshot of the video. Latest news: Fudan's doctor studying in the United States spoke out and changed - Lujuba

live video screenshot (Source: Netizen Lin Xiaobei). Mr. Wang, the earliest volunteer of

to pay attention to this matter, has posted the latest progress of the matter on his personal social account. In the video, Dr. Sun has put on new clothes and cut his hair short. He looks very energetic.. Dr. Sun said that he has experienced some life changes and fallen into trouble over the years. is very grateful to all the friends who cared about and helped him, allowing him to get back on his feet and start a new life . Mr. Wang also wrote in the text: "Next, volunteers will arrange for Dr. Sun to receive treatment in the United States, and will also apply for cooperative social welfare and assistance for him, hoping that he can return to normal life and work."

Recently, the issue of 'Fudan University alumni wandering in the United States for 16 years' has received widespread attention. Netizen 'Inspector Wang in New York' released a screenshot of the video. Latest news: Fudan's doctor studying in the United States spoke out and changed - Lujuba

Video posted by Mr. Wang screenshot.

The contact person of Fudan University American Alumni Association (New York) also told reporters that Dr. Sun's current condition is relatively stable. They are still discussing follow-up plans. Currently, there are alumni to accompany him during the day. They need to make a long-term plan. Dr. Sun himself Mental state is a consideration.

Alumni established a help group of more than 200 people

html On the afternoon of January 6, the WeChat public account of the "Fudan American Alumni Association" released the "Progress Statement on Helping Fudan Alumni Studying in the United States" (hereinafter referred to as the "Instruction"). It was mentioned that after the video was released on Tuesday, Fudan alumni immediately initiated the establishment of a Sun Alumni Help Group. There are now more than 200 people, including many old classmates who know him. The New York volunteer core help group was also established and started taking action:

1. Get in touch with the video publisher;

2. The main person in charge of the Jiangyin Municipal Government contacted the volunteer group and thanked the hometown government for its concern;

3. January 4th week Fourth, Fudan classmates have met with Sun. On Friday, several Fudan alumni and fellow students in New York visited him and asked him to move into temporary residence.

In terms of donations, the "Note" stated that the alumni volunteer team is currently having serious discussions and will inform everyone after professionals work out a suitable plan. At the same time, the "Note" stated that every step of the alumni association's actions will strive to consider the long-term interests and personal wishes of Alumni Sun. The Alumni Association will continue to pay close attention to the progress of the incident and will promptly update the public on the latest situation while ensuring its personal privacy.

Recently, the issue of 'Fudan University alumni wandering in the United States for 16 years' has received widespread attention. Netizen 'Inspector Wang in New York' released a screenshot of the video. Latest news: Fudan's doctor studying in the United States spoke out and changed - Lujuba

"Fudan American Alumni Association" WeChat public account screenshot

It is also reported that on the morning of the 6th, a reporter called the Chinese Consulate General in New York. Due to local non-working hours, the call was automatically transferred to the Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The hotline staff told the reporter that according to the information provided by the reporter, if Dr. Sun has a U.S. citizen certificate, he can contact the relevant local government departments in the United States to handle the matter of returning to the country; if Dr. Sun has a Chinese citizen certificate, he can directly contact the Consulate General in New York; If Dr. Sun currently does not have a certificate, his family can contact the public security bureau in his hometown or volunteers from the alumni association contact the Consulate General in New York, report his personal details to the relevant departments, and then seek solutions.

previously reported:

html On January 5, reporters learned through video that Sun graduated from Fudan University majoring in physics, completed a master's and doctoral degree in physics in the United States, and stayed at the school for less than two years as a postdoctoral fellow. He worked in computers on Wall Street for less than two years and is currently a U.S. citizen.

As can be seen in the video posted by another photographer, the photographer and classmate Sun were eating at a Chinese restaurant in Brooklyn. Classmate Sun said that when he was working in the computer field on Wall Street, his salary was "almost more than 100,000 in total, about 130,000 or 140,000," and he had a four-year marriage. He has been "living in no fixed place and wandering" since 2007. The reason is that he has hallucinations, and he still has hallucinations sometimes. When asked by the photographer why he didn’t go to the relief stations and shelters opened by the government, Sun said that the local police in New York once wanted him to go, but he thought it was too far from where he is now, so he didn’t choose to go. There are kind-hearted people every day. People brought him food.

Netizens are generally concerned about what happened to Sun that caused the former "genius boy" to live on the streets of the United States for 16 years and become a veritable "tramp".

html On January 5, a relative of Sun told reporters that much of the information about Sun on the Internet was "untrue." Relatives and friends had communicated with the Fudan University Alumni Association, and the two sides were discussing how to deal with the incident. It helps.

html On January 5, Mr. Liu, who was in the same class with Sun in primary school and junior high school, told reporters that Sun used to have a cheerful personality and loved sports. At that time, he was particularly good at studying. It was spread by school teachers for more than ten years. A "myth" of the year. Mr. Liu himself did not expect that decades later he would see videos of his classmates living on the streets of the United States on the Internet, which would make him feel very sad.

"I saw these videos on the Internet a few days ago. I recognized him the first time I saw him." Mr. Liu, a citizen of Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, told reporters that Sun Moumou was from his primary school and junior high school. They were classmates, and their homes used to be less than 1 kilometer apart.

Mr. Liu said that Sun's academic performance was very good when he was in elementary school and junior high school. The full score of the high school entrance examination that year was 640 points, and Sun scored 628 points. "He had a pretty good personality at the time. He was a bit outgoing. He also liked sports, especially high jump. After graduating from our junior high school in 1982, he was admitted to Nanjing Middle School, our local key high school in Jiangyin, and he never returned to school after that. We haven’t contacted each other, but the story of his academic performance has been circulated in our school until the 1990s. Later, the teachers who taught him retired one after another, and the story about him in the school gradually faded away."

Mr. Liu Said that their former classmates often contacted each other through WeChat and learned that Sun's mother was still alive and that Sun's brother worked locally in Jiangyin. "Sun Moumou has probably not had contact with his family for more than ten years. Before he lost contact with his family, he once said that he was doing confidential work abroad. Later, he lost contact. We all still felt that he was living a good life outside. OK. But when I saw him in the video this time, I was shocked and very sad."

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