Recently, the movie "Wonka" has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the "little orange man" with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people "eyeballs almost pop out of their head

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Recently, the movie "Wonka" has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the "little orange man" with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people "eyeballs almost pop out of their heads".

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

To be honest, when the name Hugh Grant is mentioned, I immediately think of the classic romance movies he has acted in. I think back then, the young prime minister he played in "Love Actually" was cutely clumsy about love and could make people laugh when he danced.

Also, the bookstore owner in "Notting Hill" was very impressive when he was in love with a big star.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

Not to mention the playboy Daniel Cleaver in "BJ's Diary". He deceived the heroine into being a mistress and fought with the hero like "elementary school chickens". He is simply synonymous with cynicism.

I think back then, Hugh Grant charmed thousands of girls with his blue eyes and gentle smile. More than 40 years after his debut, his charm remains the same as before. Some netizens even joked that he wanted to sleep with his uncle.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

But, having said that, Hugh Grant is really a "drama star". Looking at his transformation in "Wonka" this time, it is almost unrecognizable.

's "little orange man" look with green hair and white eyebrows is really different from the gentle and elegant image he had before. It seems that Hugh Grant also wants to challenge the limits of his acting skills.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

From a top student to a "scumbag", Hugh Grant's dramatic life

In 1960, a future film star was born in a British military officer family. He was Hugh Grant. Who would have thought that this little guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth would become the source of laughter and tears for countless people in the future?

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

His father is a retired captain who runs a carpet factory; his mother is an expert in French and music, and her "Oxford accent" was passed down to Xiaoxiu. He has been a top student since he was a child. He took a scholarship to attend the top high school Latimer and Oxford University, and finally received a bachelor's degree in English with honors. This is simply the script for a winner in life!

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

But top academics also have the craziness of top academics. In college, Hugh Grant was famous for having fun. He joined the Piers Gaveston Society, which is known for its "debauchery and decadence", which is simply a real-life version of "Zootopia".

Moreover, this guy also played a female role in the high school drama club, and continued his drama dream in Oxford.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

Speaking of drama, we have to mention Hugh Grant’s “entering the circle” experience. In order to chase girls, he participated in "Oxford Love", but was spotted by an entertainment agent. But the good times did not last long. He had no connections and could not compete for roles, and he was soon "released" by the entertainment industry.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

In order to survive, Hugh Grant suffered a lot. He has swept toilets, worked as a waiter, written advertising copy, and written comedy sketches for TV shows... But this man has an optimistic spirit of "remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet", and even said: "I am a waiter When I was a kid, I got a lot of tips because I was very good at twerking." It's really dumbfounding.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

In addition to doing odd jobs, he also formed a comedy sketch troupe with his friends. Unexpectedly, this small theater troupe actually performed well at the Edinburgh Music Festival and became popular on BBC programs.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

This experience not only allowed Hugh Grant to hone his unique acting skills, but also laid a solid foundation for his comedy career.

Since then, he has almost dominated the entire romantic comedy film area with a series of classic comedy romance films, such as "Four Weddings and a Funeral", "BJ's Diary", "Love Actually", "Notting Hill", etc. His performance was praised by the screenwriter as "the ability to accurately grasp the rhythm of each joke."

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

However, as he repeatedly played the role of an inarticulate bachelor, Hugh Grant was also criticized for being single and unable to get out of his comfort zone. By his own admission: “Every decision I make could be wrong."But he also said that he should have tried more different things, but chose to repeat similar performances.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

With the decline of romantic comedies, Hugh Grant also entered a state of semi-retirement. He began to enjoy family life, He gave birth to five children in a row. And his love life is as exciting as the peerless scumbag he played in "BJ's Diary". He even said self-deprecatingly: "No one understands scumbags better than me." ”

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

The transformation of a prodigal son into a loving father

Speaking of Hugh Grant, we have to mention his sensational 13-year love run. At that time, this handsome British man had a drama with the beautiful actress Elizabeth Hurley. The relationship was like firewood, and they were once known as the couple of gods and gods.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Hugh Grant was arrested for soliciting prostitutes after eight years of dating. This scandal detonated like a bomb in the European and American entertainment circles.

That At that time, Hugh Grant's reputation was in disgrace, and everyone called him beaten. However, this Elizabeth Hurley was really a kind and righteous woman, and she actually chose to forgive him.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

The two went hand in hand for another 5 years. , In the end, they still couldn't escape the fate of breaking up. But after the breakup, their relationship remained as close as before, and they even became the godfather and godmother of each other's children. This kind of friendship is really touching.

As for Hugh Grant, it seems that he did not Because of one failure, he restrained his romantic nature. He still hangs out in various private parties and keeps hooking up.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

He even said wildly that he could not accept marriage and thought that being loyal to one person for decades was a fantasy. . As soon as these words were spoken, it immediately caused an uproar.

But the most shocking thing was yet to come. In 2012, 52-year-old Hugh Grant actually cheated on his girlfriend while she was pregnant. His ex and current girlfriend became pregnant in the same year, and the delivery date was only 3 months apart. months.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

As soon as this news came out, it simply refreshed people's understanding of open relationships. However, this love triangle did not break out as everyone imagined, but ended peacefully.

From "British Cai Guoqing" to "funny and mean" veteran actor

said that in 2016, Hugh Grant and Aunt May jointly created "The Queen of Tune", which was like a shot in the arm for his acting career. .

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

The husband he played in the film who loved his wife but secretly found a mistress, oh, it made people love and hate him at the same time. With this scene, Uncle Hugh returned to the awards season after many years, making everyone I saw what "Renaissance" is.

Then, good things came in pairs, and Uncle Hugh was spotted by Paul King, the director of "Paddington 2". This director was quite interesting, and he directly let Uncle Hugh play the role in the film. In it, he plays an outdated and narcissistic villain based on himself.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

This performance doesn't matter, the director directly became "Xiu Chui", praising Uncle Hugh's comedy talent when everyone met. Uncle Hugh would probably be secretly amused after hearing this , thinking: "This director is quite good. "As soon as the movie

was released, the drama villain played by Uncle Hugh became popular immediately. Domestic netizens even gave him the nickname "British Tsai Guoqing". Do you think this is ridiculous? But then again, this is enough to prove that Hugh Uncle's acting skills are so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

Time has passed six years ago. Director Paul King is going to make a new movie "Wonka". This time he needs to find someone who can play the role of Opar Lompa with both humor and wisdom. Actor.

Guess what? He immediately thought of Hugh Grant. In the director's own words: "This role must have a sense of contempt, superiority and irony. In my eyes, only Hugh Grant can perform this role." a feeling. "

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

Ever since, the director wrote a letter to Uncle Hugh, which probably means: "You are really suitable to play this has-been old ham..." After reading the letter, Uncle Hugh probably showed the kind of "you know it" " smile, and then he naturally accepted the role.

After the premiere of "Wonka", Uncle Hugh was not idle, and directly showed his "funny and mean" side in front of the media.First, he denounced his appearance: "Now I am as ugly as a cigarette, my hair is as white as cigarette ashes, and my face is as red as burning."

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

Then he complained about his acting career: "Now I specialize in playing weirdos and evil villains. , psychopaths, weirdos, perverts... Now it's the Opalumpa people's turn." As soon as these words were spoken, everyone burst into laughter, thinking that Uncle Xiu was really self-aware.

A few days ago, Drew Barrymore, who had collaborated with Uncle Hugh on "Korean Lover", asked him what he thought of the term "Renaissance" and why he wanted to transform.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

Uncle Hugh was also quite honest, saying directly: "I am old, fat and ugly now, and I am not suitable for making romantic comedies anymore." But he was also quite optimistic, "Ageing has given me more interesting things." It seems that Uncle Xiu really likes this situation.

Speaking of which, Uncle Hugh’s career has been full of twists and turns. From the handsome boy in his youth to the "interesting and mean" veteran actor now, every step he takes is interesting.

Recently, the movie 'Wonka' has become so popular that everyone is talking about it. But did you know that the 'little orange man' with green hair and white eyebrows inside is actually our old acquaintance - Hugh Grant! This news made people 'eyeballs almost pop out of their head - Lujuba

His 63 years of life are simply more exciting than a biographical blockbuster. Handsome, humorous, world-weary, scumbag... these words can all be found in him. No wonder some netizens said: "Hugh is really an amazing man." This is absolutely correct!

Tags: entertainment