Securities Star intraday news on January 5, Tianyu Digital (002354) hit the daily limit at 13:21. The current price is 5.97, an increase of 9.94%. The advertising and marketing industry to which it belongs is currently declining. The leading stock was Tianyu Digits. This stock is a hot stock in the concept of e-sports, free trade zone, and free trade port. The concept of e-sports rose by 0.54% that day.
htmlIn terms of capital flow data on January 4, the net outflow of main funds was 9.9731 million yuan, accounting for 2.89% of the total transaction volume, the net inflow of hot money funds was 2.2313 million yuan, accounting for 0.65% of the total transaction volume, and the net inflow of retail funds was 7.7418 million yuan, accounting for 2.89% of the total transaction volume. The turnover is 2.24%.An overview of the capital flow in the past five days is shown in the table below:
Tianyu Digital's main indicators and industry rankings are as follows:
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