Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama "Hurry Up" has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama "The Long Season" has gained a lot of reputation, and "The Legend of Magpie Sword"

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Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

Copywriter | Songli

Editor | Paste

In the Chinese drama market in 2023, various genres will flourish.

's anti-gang drama "Kurst" has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama "The Long Season" has a huge reputation, and "The Legend of Magpie Sword" has become the biggest comedy dark horse of the year.

html Various excellent works such as period dramas, science fiction dramas, and ancient puppet shows are constantly emerging. However, there seems to be one missing piece in this national drama puzzle: urban emotional dramas.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

Throughout last year, there were a lot of urban emotional dramas, but there seemed to be no undisputed masterpieces.

Dramas such as "Fearless" and "Little Man's Life" have received great ratings and their reputation has collapsed. "It's Just Love" and "Pretending to Be Apocalypse" have high ratings, but their popularity cannot keep up with the blockbuster hits.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

In short, there is a lack of urban emotional masterpieces that can truly break the circle.

Fortunately, 2024 has just begun, and the audience has seen hope.

Perhaps, this new drama aired on Kujia tonight can break the trend for urban emotional dramas - "You Too Have Today". After watching the trailer, I dare to say that this dark horse drama will explode when it starts airing.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

Love and work run parallel, this drama is worth watching

"You Too Have Today" is adapted from Ye Feiran's novel of the same name, telling the story of Qian Heng (played by Chen Xingxu), the founder of Junheng Law Firm, and rookie lawyer Cheng Yao (played by Zhang Ruonan) A story about accidentally changing from workplace partners to roommates, growing up together and staying together for a lifetime.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

Judging from the story, "You Too Have Today" obviously wants to be an urban love drama with "ideas". The biggest feature of the love drama in this drama is that it combines love and workplace.

Cheng Yao, who dreamed of being a lawyer, was accepted by a top law firm. Unexpectedly, she was cheated by the landlord when renting a house, and she had no choice but to endure it and share the house with another tenant.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

After arriving at the company, Cheng Yao found out that the roommate she shared with was actually the law firm owner Qian Heng. Qian Heng thought that Cheng Yao got into the law firm through connections, so he gave her devil training and tried to drive her away.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

Cheng Yao didn't know the truth and thought that she was receiving special care, so she redoubled her efforts and performed outstandingly in the devil training, which impressed Qian Heng.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

While getting along with Cheng Yao, Qian Heng discovered that Cheng Yao seemed to have a special magic power that could cure his insomnia. The two went from not dealing with each other to caring for each other, and gradually sparked the spark of love.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

In addition to the emotional line of the protagonist, this drama also depicts the emotional lines of the supporting characters. It can be said that "You Too Have Today" is more like an illustration of urban love.

The hero's friend and partner Wu Jun (played by Li Junxian) and the heroine's sister Cheng Xi (played by Chen Xiaojun) spent one night together after being drunk, and could not remember anything the next morning.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

Cheng Xi didn't care about what happened that night, but Wu Jun, who is known as the love prodigal, felt resentful when he saw Cheng Xi not caring, and the relationship between the two became more subtle.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

In addition, there is also the office romance of the lawyers in the law firm. The male protagonist Bai Yueguang fights for love halfway. In other words, the play covers different people and different emotional states. What

finally presents is an emotional group portrait full of urban fireworks.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

"You Too Have Today" is an urban emotional drama that not only has battles of wits and courage in the workplace, but also sweet interactions in love, making the audience unable to help but fall into it and feel the sweetness and bitterness of love.

The powerful director personally directs it, and national first-class actors join

. However, if you want to tell a good love story, you must have a reliable creator, and the director of this drama has a good background-

Chen Mingzhang.

has single-handedly created many popular hits such as "Sheep Star" with an 8.1 score, "Meeting Wang Lichuan" with an 8.9 score, as well as "Du Lala's Promotion" and "Carat Lovers".

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

He has a good grasp of love themes, and he can well grasp the "degree" between love and workplace, highlighting the charm of the story. "You Too Have Today", which he personally directed, is another hit movie.

Next, it depends on the performance of the actors.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

For ordinary urban emotional dramas, the audience is inevitably mainly young viewers, but it can be seen that "You Too Have Today" is aimed at audiences of all ages.

Apart from the good-looking protagonists Chen Xingxu and Zhang Ruonan, what attracts me more is the supporting characters in the play. Let’s talk about them one by one.

ranks first, Chen Xiaojun.

Although Chen Xiaojun has been criticized for having a stiff face, in "Everyday Life", Chen Xiaojun's face is very natural, and his appearance and acting skills have improved.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

She perfectly interprets Hao Jia's early hope of spending the rest of his life safely with a man, and his helplessness in the later period when he becomes despairing and writes a final letter with gloomy eyes, allowing the audience to see the growth of a female image, which is highly recognized. In

's new drama, Chen Xiaojun plays the role of the gentle and just Cheng Xi. With her acting skills, it is no problem to win the role, and her facial status is online in the trailer. What surprises will she bring to everyone this time?

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

ranked second, Liu Jie.

Speaking of Liu Jie, the first thing that comes to my mind is the evil mother-in-law Bai Feng in "The Temptation of Going Home".

Bai Feng made things difficult for Ping Ru in every possible way, turning what could have been a happy family into a mess. The character was quite annoying, and Liu Jie brought the character's harsh, vicious and sinful face to the extreme. After many years, the audience still hates him. Gritting teeth.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

is worthy of being a national first-class actor. Liu Jie’s performance impressed the audience very deeply. In the new drama, she will play the heroine’s mother. Although she did not appear in the trailer, she has no role due to her strength. Can't take it.

ranked third, Weng Hong.

Weng Hong's acting skills are very outstanding, and he has shown outstanding acting skills in many dramas such as "The Legend of Jianan" and "Song of the Song Dynasty 2".

In last year's popular "Ning'an Like a Dream", Weng Hong perfectly interpreted the heroine's mother Meng's hard-spoken and soft-hearted attitude and her complex emotions towards her daughter.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

In the new drama, Weng Hong plays the role of the hero's mother. When urging her son to get married, she deliberately pretends to cry but can't squeeze out the tears. Don't be too funny. It seems that Weng Hong is playing a "funny girl" this time.

Copywriter | Song Li Editor | Lu Ka In the Chinese drama market in 2023, a variety of genres will bloom. The anti-crime drama 'Hurry Up' has aroused nationwide heated discussion, the suspense drama 'The Long Season' has gained a lot of reputation, and 'The Legend of Magpie Sword' - Lujuba

In addition, many actors such as Wang Zixuan, Jiang Yan, Li Junxian, Fan Shuaiqi, Ye Xiaowei, etc. also join the show, leading the audience to experience a sweet drama about love and workplace.


Love and workplace have always been two popular themes in urban dramas. When love meets workplace, various emotional entanglements and sweet interactions are inevitable.

Judging from the trailer, "You Too Today" is an urban emotional drama that has both the tension and excitement in the workplace and the sweet romance in love. The bickering scenes between the male and female protagonists are particularly interesting and make people laugh.

's plot, character setting, and scene layout are all full of highlights. Each character has its own unique personality and charm, allowing people to better understand and feel their inner world. How should the love story between the protagonists of

unfold? Is it full of misunderstandings or is it too sweet? All the answers will be revealed tonight.

Tags: entertainment