Recently, in Harbin, Heilongjiang, the cultural tourism market in Harbin continues to be booming. Hot memes such as "Southern Little Potato" and "Potato Princess" have emerged, and the Oroqen and Ewenki people have taken to the Central Street, triggering a lot of discussion among

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Recently, in Harbin, Heilongjiang, the cultural tourism market in Harbin continues to be hot. Hot memes such as "Southern Little Potato" and "Potato Princess" have emerged, and the Oroqen and Ewenki people have taken to the Central Street, triggering a lot of discussions among netizens. Harbin has also done a lot of "fancy work" to entertain tourists from all over the world. Local netizens also bluntly said, "Erbin, you make me feel strange."

However, according to official responses from relevant departments, the explosion in Harbin did not happen by chance.

On January 2, He Jing, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said in an interview with CCTV News: Harbin’s popularity this winter is actually not accidental. It has been prepared for a year.

In January 2023, Harbin launched the "Hundred Days Action" for summer vacation tourism and the "Hundred Days Action" for ice and snow tourism in winter. After that, he planned many high-traffic IPs, such as "Truant Penguin", "Heilongjiang in Singing", etc., and used these IPs to detonate Heilongjiang's tourism market. At the same time, we put ourselves in the perspective of tourists. For example, some tourists said that it was too cold in Harbin, so many small warm houses were built to make tourists feel comfortable and respected. He Jing said.

On January 3, staff from the Harbin Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau responded to the explosion, saying that the entire ice and snow season included mass cultural activities, and 100 activities were designed to allow the Oroqen and Ewenki people to take to the Central Street of Harbin. In addition to wanting tourists to have fun, we also want to promote the unique national culture to the outside world.

Harbin's tourism market continues to heat up, and officials have held symposiums for two consecutive days to remind practitioners to cherish the city's "out of the circle" opportunities.

Recently, in Harbin, Heilongjiang, the cultural tourism market in Harbin continues to be booming. Hot memes such as 'Southern Little Potato' and 'Potato Princess' have emerged, and the Oroqen and Ewenki people have taken to the Central Street, triggering a lot of discussion among - Lujuba

An article was posted on the official website of the Harbin Municipal Government.

Representatives of Harbin hotel management companies said during the discussion that they will strengthen industry self-discipline, improve service quality, adhere to clear price tags, and fully demonstrate the good image of Harbin's hotel industry in accordance with the requirements of the Harbin Municipal Government. Some hotels have simultaneously launched extended breakfast hours, complimentary Harbin specialty foods such as frozen pears and sticky bean buns, equipped rooms with local snacks, added concierges in the lobby, and provided many value-added services such as souvenirs and cold-warming supplies to enhance the guest experience. Let guests have a safe and comfortable stay. Next, we will further improve the service quality, enhance the strength of industry self-discipline, the warmth of industry services, and the enthusiasm of industry spirit, so as to provide more experience and emotional value for tourists from all over the country.

The Harbin Municipal Government requires Harbin hotel operators to cherish the opportunities brought by the warming of Harbin’s tourism market, take the lead in strengthening industry self-discipline, take the initiative to assume social responsibilities, and effectively enhance service awareness. Hotel operating companies must not excessively float prices, not blindly adjust prices, and not mark prices inflated, and truly provide high-quality services that match quality and price, so that foreign guests can truly experience Harbin’s atmosphere and authentic goods, in order to promote Harbin’s winter tourism , the sustainable development of all-season tourism creates a better business environment.

In addition, Harbin’s market supervision, culture and tourism, public security and other departments need to further increase supervision of room prices, food safety, fire safety, social security, service quality and other aspects, resolutely crack down on illegal activities that infringe on tourists’ legitimate rights and interests, and make every effort to Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of tourists and the good image of Harbin City. Before

, there was "Zibo Barbecue" that became popular, and later there was "Southern Little Potato" who bravely entered Harbin, and urban IPs came out of the circle one after another. What is the traffic password? Netizens couldn't help but sigh, "Sincerity is the last resort!"

(Comprehensive from CCTV, Harbin Daily)

(Source: Dute Client Comprehensive)

Tags: entertainment