"The CPPCC Observation Room is performing its duties." This slogan became the opening line of the 2023 "People's Livelihood Hotline" CPPCC Observation Room series interview program. In recent years, the proportion of people's livelihood issues in CPPCC consultations has been incr

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"The CPPCC Observation Room is performing its duties." This slogan became the opening line of the 2023 "People's Livelihood Hotline" CPPCC Observation Room series interview program.

In recent years, the proportion of people's livelihood issues in CPPCC consultations has been increasing. In order to better focus on the people's attention and participation in the CPPCC proposals and social conditions and public opinion, and enhance the enthusiasm, breadth and sense of gain of people's participation, in 2023, the Jiading District CPPCC and the Jiading District Media Center jointly planned and launched 3 issues of "CPPCC "Observation Room" series of interviews invites the proposers of relevant proposals, sponsors, organizers, and citizen representatives to be guests in the live interview room to conduct dialogue and discussions on relevant proposals. The

3 program focused on three different categories of concerns: urban construction, economic construction, and culture, sports, and medical care, and was provided to all parties through the Shanghai Jiading app, Jiading video jcmc video account, and FM100.3 MHz audio and video simultaneous live broadcast. As a bridge of communication, while discussing and discussing together, it also further enhances the transformation of proposal results. We have compiled some of the conversations in the three programs into text to share with you. We also look forward to your joining and discussing the development of the conversation with us.

'The CPPCC Observation Room is performing its duties.' This slogan became the opening line of the 2023 'People's Livelihood Hotline' CPPCC Observation Room series interview program. In recent years, the proportion of people's livelihood issues in CPPCC consultations has been incr - Lujuba

Excerpts from the dialogue content of the first "CPPCC Observation Room" program

Encourage property companies to develop multi-dimensional income generation. Is an opportunity or a waste?

Shen Haoping, member of the District CPPCC, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the District Housing Authority: I think it is an opportunity. For our Jiading community, there are great differences in hardware facilities, service capabilities and technical skills between old communities and new communities, and property fees There is also a huge difference in income. Some of our property companies now charge as low as 45 cents in property fees. How do you support yourself? So now we encourage them to expand their business scope and increase their operating income from another aspect. For example, if the greening and cleaning of the residential property are done well, you can consider carrying out green plant maintenance and housekeeping, because it will serve as a demonstration, and the owner will feel confident to leave it to you when he sees the tangible results. On the other hand, the biggest advantage of property management in generating income is that it has access to the huge traffic resources of the community, so that services can be carried out more smoothly and conveniently. Of course, there are at least two ways to do it. One is to do it yourself, and the other is to build a platform to cooperate together. The platform is also very important.

Chen Jing, member of the Standing Committee of the District CPPCC and director of the District Real Estate Transaction Management Affairs Center: I very much agree with Commissioner Shen’s point of view. Property companies are both managers and service providers. They understand the needs of our communities and the needs of owners, so they can integrate these communities. resources to provide targeted services that meet the needs of community residents. In particular, we can provide some customized and personalized services, which may be a new breakthrough.

At present, what is the demand for home-based elderly care? Property management provides elderly care and other related services in the community. How can we provide support?

html Zhang Yaping, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the 3 District Civil Affairs Bureau: Judging from the layout of our entire elderly care service supply system in Shanghai, 90% of the elderly still solve their elderly care problems through home care. As the population ages, I think there is still room for real estate companies to participate in elderly care services, especially home care.

The Civil Affairs Bureau is in charge of the elderly care service. We have the responsibility to gain insight into the entire elderly care service needs, and hope to create some elderly care service products through the government. Of course, these products and services are more about solving the needs of the people through market forces. Actual demand. For example, we are currently promoting a project: caring visits to the elderly. Our government department is also organizing various efforts to form such a caring team, which will provide care visits at least twice a week. And I think the most direct force comes from our property companies.

Whether the relevant visit forms can be better improved through mechanisms such as government purchase of services in the later period remains to be discussed, but this may be a breakthrough for many property companies to develop multi-dimensional income generation.

’s multi-dimensional revenue creation will certainly involve the recruitment of personnel. Any suggestions?

html Ye Benxi, Chief of the Employment Introduction Section of District 3 Employment Promotion Center: The human resources and social security department is also working hard to create a "15-minute employment circle." If some long-term unemployed young people in the community can join the multi-dimensional income-generating services provided by the property management, it may be a great opportunity. A good win-win.

If a long-lost young man works in this community, he will firstly be familiar with the situation, and secondly, he will not have to travel too far. When he is helping others, such as delivering meals to an elderly person, the elderly person may express his gratitude, and then he will also receive it in the process of helping. In this way, you will slowly be able to better return to broader social employment opportunities.

Of course, if real estate companies recruit long-lost young people to engage in related employment work, social security can be partially exempted. If long-lost young people under the age of 35 who have been unemployed for six months are re-employed, then we will have to change the maximum number of personnel for the relevant companies. 12-month social security subsidy policy.

'The CPPCC Observation Room is performing its duties.' This slogan became the opening line of the 2023 'People's Livelihood Hotline' CPPCC Observation Room series interview program. In recent years, the proportion of people's livelihood issues in CPPCC consultations has been incr - Lujuba

Excerpts from the dialogue content of the second "CPPCC Observation Room" program

Faced with new changes and new challenges in the field of intelligent connected automobiles, how to maintain our district's leading position in the intelligent connected automobile industry?

District CPPCC member, professor and deputy dean of Tongji University School of Automotive, Xiong Lu: Shanghai, as the leader in the national intelligent networked vehicle innovation and development system, has a good industry foundation, especially in our district, the advantages are more obvious. On this basis, our three committee members suggested: First, we should expand demonstration applications in multiple scenarios, combine with the construction of dual-smart cities, create an industrial application environment that fully integrates intelligent connected cars and intelligent transportation, and further optimize intelligent connected cars in a targeted manner. Automobile related infrastructure construction. The second is to strengthen the coordination of resources across the entire industry chain, further guide leading enterprises to assume the task of building and leading the industry chain, optimize the supply ecological construction in the region, so as to achieve the effect of coordinated advancement of the industry chain, and build a "big fish leads small fish, small fish leads" A new supply model of "Xiami". The third is to improve the public service platform, collaborate with enterprises, universities and research institutions, accumulate a large amount of road test data, and use the public service platform as a carrier to improve the intelligent connected vehicle testing and certification system.

Ge Yanyan, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the District Economic Committee: Next, we will further improve the top-level design and provide policy guidance for the cultivation of industrial ecology. Strive to build a group of internationally competitive intelligent connected car leading companies by 2025, create brands with international influence, build a global leader in industrial scale, internationally leading core technologies, complete industrial ecological elements, global leaders in innovative applications, and data At the same time, it will also actively strengthen the connection between supply and demand and build a platform for the coordinated development of enterprises in the region. Let the upstream and downstream of the intelligent connected automobile industry chain join forces to give full play to their respective resource advantages, forming a vertical supply ecosystem from an industrial perspective and gradually evolving into an industrial collaborative ecosystem from a regional perspective, supporting the continuous improvement of the comprehensive competitiveness of industrial clusters. .

Dai Mengying, deputy director of the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Business Department of Shanghai International Auto City (Group) Co., Ltd. and deputy general manager of Shanghai Songhong Intelligent Automotive Technology Co., Ltd.: In recent years, the total mileage of open test roads for intelligent connected vehicles in Jiading has reached 1,117 kilometers. There are about 9,100 test scenes, covering 464 square kilometers of Jiading. Especially in terms of demonstration operations, in May this year we also promoted the official launch of Shanghai's high-speed highway test of intelligent connected vehicles in the Automobile City, further advancing the commercialization process of high-level autonomous driving. Currently, there are a total of 50 smart rental demonstration vehicles in operation, and a total of more than 40,000 orders have been completed. Within this year, the scale of vehicles will be further expanded to reach 100 vehicles. In the next step, we will continue to promote large-scale commercial operations of intelligent connected rentals, accelerate the commercial implementation and scale expansion of scenarios such as autonomous driving cleaning and distribution, and further promote the implementation of large-scale, full travel chain, and all-area autonomous driving commercial applications and operations.

Chen Xin, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the District Science and Technology Committee and Deputy Director of the District Science and Technology Committee: In the next stage of , we will first highlight the precise supply of policy services.Implement new policies such as "unveiling the list and taking charge" and industry-university-research cooperation, and carry out solicitation of plans for the list and supply and demand cooperation for upstream and downstream enterprises. Continue to explore achievement transformation projects, support leading enterprises to carry out joint research through open technology docking, targeted cooperation and other means, and promote the transformation and application of relevant achievements in Jiading.

highlights the innovation and leadership capabilities of leading enterprises. Promote leading companies such as SAIC, NIO, Volvo, and Ideal to accelerate collaborative innovation. Support the Shanghai Automotive Inspection Automotive Chip third-party testing and certification platform to form full-process testing capabilities covering automotive-grade chips. Support the Shanghai Automotive Chip Engineering Center to speed up the connection between supply and demand of movement cores.

highlights the efficiency of R&D resource sharing services. Create an "Automotive Joint Innovation Workshop" with reference to the Toyota model, accelerate the preparation of the "Innovator Tribe" construction plan for the first launch project of "Future Valley" (site selection at No. 149 and 157 Changji Road, Anting Town, totaling 40,000 square meters), and improve the " Qinglan Geometry Experiment Shared Service Platform" experimental equipment resources and expert resource library, cooperate with Chuhang Radar and other companies to build open laboratories; accelerate the Shanghai Intelligent New Energy Vehicle Science and Technology Innovation Function Platform Fuel Cell Laboratory, Industrial Research Institute 8-inch Line Construction, and strive to provide equipment sharing services no less than 550 times throughout the year.

'The CPPCC Observation Room is performing its duties.' This slogan became the opening line of the 2023 'People's Livelihood Hotline' CPPCC Observation Room series interview program. In recent years, the proportion of people's livelihood issues in CPPCC consultations has been incr - Lujuba

Excerpts from the dialogue content of the third "CPPCC Observation Room" program

Attracting and retaining talents What is the importance of attracting and retaining talents to Jiading's economic and social development?

Fang Jian, deputy director of the Organization Department of the District Committee, director of the District Committee Editorial Office, and executive deputy director of the District Committee Talent Office: Talent is the first resource. Sustained economic growth and overall social progress must rely on the support of talents. Only by having a team of high-quality talents can we promote the progress of science and technology, the upgrading of industry, and the rapid development of the economy. Therefore, seizing talents means seizing the future. Over the years, Jiading has always insisted on taking talent work as a strategic task to promote regional economic and social development, deeply implemented the strategy of strengthening the region with talents, created a "1+10" talent new policy system, and promoted the "Five Brand Actions" (Global Talent Gathering and Navigation Action) , strategic talent increment and quality improvement actions, institutional and mechanism reform actions to break the situation, talent platform empowerment actions, and talent service quality improvement actions), with a comprehensive talent introduction and service guarantee mechanism, we will create a talent development that brings joy from near and far. ecology. What efforts can

make to attract and retain talents?

Kang Yunsheng, member of the District CPPCC and vice president of the District Federation of Industry and Commerce General Chamber of Commerce: Taking talents in the cultural and creative industries as an example, we believe that we can strengthen housing security and organize outstanding enterprises in the district (especially small, medium and micro enterprises) to cooperate with the district or city Close cooperation between relevant institutions and holding various colorful competitions and selection activities can help attract and retain talents.

Zhang Tao, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the District Culture and Tourism Bureau: committee members specifically mentioned that they hope to provide a stage for cultural and creative talents to show their strength. We can and are willing to build various competition platforms. I think we can mainly link up with each other through governments, universities, cultural and creative social organizations and employers to jointly organize some cultural and creative competitions, job skills competitions, creative design selections and other activities. For example, we can organize such activities in conjunction with art colleges (such as Shanghai University in Jiading and Shanghai Academy of Arts and Crafts), Shanghai Fashion Design Association and companies in Jiading. If conditions permit, we can set up a reward fund to give certain rewards to the winners. Material and spiritual rewards. I think that through competition and evaluation, we can not only encourage and cultivate talents, but also discover and gather talents, so that Jiading can become a highland for the flow of more cultural and creative talents.

htmlZhou Feng, member of the party group and deputy director of the 3 District Housing Security and Housing Management Bureau: Jiading District insists on raising housing resources through multiple channels in developing affordable rental housing, making full use of the new supply of state-owned construction land, idle land owned by enterprises and institutions, and stock Use various resources such as idle houses and supporting land in industrial parks to build, renovate, and build affordable rental housing. So far, a total of 32,763 units have been raised and 21,293 units have been supplied. The application method is also very convenient: to apply for affordable rental housing in this area, you can check the housing availability and apply online through the Suiwan App - I Want to Rent - Affordable Rental Housing.To apply for public rental housing in this district, you can apply through one online application, or you can consult and apply through the WeChat public account - Jiading Public Rental Housing.

htmlZhu Zhenyao, Secretary and Director of the Party Branch of District 3 Talent Center: ’s special cultural and creative seminars and job fairs are the most effective way to stimulate students’ enthusiasm and interest in cultural and creative industries, allowing them to understand the current culture very intuitively In response to the development trends and prospects of the creative industry, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has explored holding special job fairs in recent years. Similarly, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will also cooperate with institutions with disciplinary advantages in cultural and creative industries such as Donghua University, Shanghai Institute of Arts and Crafts, and Shanghai University to carry out publicity and promotion of cultural and creative industry talents to help students understand policy support , industry development direction and actual work environment and needs, to help students improve their practical abilities and professional qualities.

Source: Shanghai Jiading

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