Youku Humanity’s latest late-night humanities roaming documentary program “Why Not Travel with a Candle” was launched at 21:10 on December 13. The program invites six cultural celebrities from different fields, including Xu Zhiyuan, Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Xia, Fang Qi, Wang Xiaoshuai a

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The latest late-night humanities roaming documentary program "Why Not Travel by Candle" produced by Youku Humanities has been launched at 21:10 on December 13. The program invites six cultural celebrities from different fields, including Xu Zhiyuan, Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Xia, Fang Qi, Wang Xiaoshuai and Lao Lang, to walk into the nights of different cities, enjoying the beautiful scenery at night, tasting the food at night, and interacting with the various people in the city at night. People meet, collide, and think.

Youku Humanity’s latest late-night humanities roaming documentary program “Why Not Travel with a Candle” was launched at 21:10 on December 13. The program invites six cultural celebrities from different fields, including Xu Zhiyuan, Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Xia, Fang Qi, Wang Xiaoshuai a - Lujuba

Nowadays, contemporary young people living in cities are limited by their work and study environment during the day, making it difficult to truly express themselves. What they show more is the "social" side of people. Based on this, Youku Humanities and director Wang Shengzhi have a deep insight into the mood of the times, and then expand the new cultural expression scene of "night", positioning "Why Not Travel by Candle" as a "gap night for contemporary people", focusing on showing the "authenticity" of people face.

"Why Not Travel with a Candle" is not only another work of Youku Humanities that deeply touches the soul, but also the second work of the "Cultural Night Club" column. The program will present the unique sensibility and healing effects of night in depth, relieve the busyness and pressure of contemporary people, return to reality, profundity and freedom, and create a gap night full of warmth and wisdom.

Night outings, night parties, night thoughts

"Why Not Travel by Candle" opens the gap of contemporary people night

In the era of self-media, the public's self-awareness is gradually rising, and they are more eager to have spiritual enjoyment and resonance. People began to pursue the quality of life above survival, and were keen to enjoy their own spiritual time after busy work.

"Why Not Travel by Candle" is based on different nights in 6 cities, providing a unique "spiritual stage" where 6 guests can meet interesting souls, take off the social pretense together, and conduct sincere, real, inspiring and Meaningful conversation.

In the program, the guests roamed in the night of the city, meeting people living in the city at night, chatting together, and letting their thoughts be active in the night sky. The program presents colorful urban life in multiple scenes, perspectives, and dimensions, and draws a picture of contemporary people's dream-seeking life at night. On the faces with clear marks of the city and the times, there is empathy between the guests and the city, which will give the audience a fresher gap night city experience.

"Why Not Travel by Candle" will visit 6 cities including Changsha, Beijing, and Shanghai. It will take a night tour to Wenxiang Garden and Taiping Street in Changsha, the Bada Hutongs, Shichahai and many other neighborhoods with profound cultural heritage in Beijing. These alleys, alleys, streets, and seasides where countless people have left their footprints from ancient times to the present will present more unknown aspects of "people" in the exploration of "Why Not Travel by Candle".

The six guests invited by "Why Not Travel by Candle" are a group of people with different romantic temperaments. Xu Zhiyuan, a night traveler who talks to his soul in the middle of the night, Gao Yuanyuan who revisits his hometown after more than 20 years, Hu Xia, a young singer who loves the night, and Hu Xia, a young singer who loves life. Fang Qi, a post-90s travel blogger, Wang Xiaoshuai, a director who has portrayed countless city nights, and Lao Lang, a singer who sings about youth and vicissitudes, will have their first "intimate" contact with the cities they are familiar with at night. Writers and actors , singer, travel blogger, and director were "melted" in the romantic night.

Youku Humanity’s latest late-night humanities roaming documentary program “Why Not Travel with a Candle” was launched at 21:10 on December 13. The program invites six cultural celebrities from different fields, including Xu Zhiyuan, Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Xia, Fang Qi, Wang Xiaoshuai a - Lujuba

The guests will have "night meetings" with "storytelling" people of different professions and identities at night in the city. They will have touching stories that belong to this city night. About inheritance, about choice, about love, about career, about emotion, about the past, about the future... it is the self-searching of all living beings. On 7 different nights, the audience will follow what the guests see, hear and say, start the "night tour" mode, feel the beauty of the night and feel the resonance in their hearts.

Youku Humanities deeply explores the "Cultural Night Club"

Listen to the most touching stories in the gaps of the night

The "2023 China Nighttime Economy Development Report" released by the China Tourism Academy shows that the size of the night tour market in 2023 is 1.57 trillion, and the willingness to travel at night will reach 1.57 trillion. 95%.Compared with the high-pressure life during the day, people at night are more free and emotional. "Why Not Travel with a Candle" is cut from the perspective of night travel, amplifying the emotional and delicate side of modern people, listening to the stories hidden in people's hearts in the gaps of the night, and providing a novel for the city Late nights bring a more profound and healing experience.

"To warm all living beings with cultural people" has always been the mission of Youku Humanities. The programs it produces are also full of humanistic backgrounds of "caring and enlightenment". With keen character insights and content sensibility, Youku Humanities continues to exert its brand Value advantage, work with the creative team to continuously create new program value. In addition to inviting leading cultural figures as guests, "Why Not Travel by Candle" is also led by the well-known documentary director Wang Shengzhi. The director team of Wang Shengzhi has created many high-quality cultural works such as "Breakfast in China", "Daily Life of Literature", and "Meals". Among them, "Breakfast in China" set a personal record of 9.2 on Douban, and the documentary "Literary Life" jointly launched with Youku Humanities "Everyday Life" also received a high score of 8.9 on Douban. The professional shooting techniques and delicate insights of Wang Shengzhi's directing team gave the show a romantic brand.

"Why Not Travel with a Candle" is not only escorted by an excellent creative team, but will also rely on Youku Humanity's strong cultural position to continue to amplify the influence of its content. As another masterpiece of the "Cultural Nightclub" section of the channel, "Why Not Travel by Candle" will also delve into new cultural expression scenes, adding a touch of color to this gap night and bringing more possibilities to cultural communication in this era. sex.

Tags: entertainment