Recently, the news that former celebrity mouthpiece Duan Xuan paid a bribe of 9.5 million to a senior official of the Sports Bureau has been on the hot search list. According to reports, when Duan Xuan was a senior executive of a company, he bribed Liu Aijie, then director of the

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Recently, the news that former celebrity mouthpiece Duan Xuan paid a bribe of 9.5 million to a senior official of the Sports Bureau has been on the hot search list. According to reports, when Duan Xuan was a senior executive of a company, he bribed Liu Aijie, then director of the - Lujuba

Recently, the news that former celebrity mouthpiece Duan Xuan paid a bribe of 9.5 million to a senior official of the Sports Bureau has been on the hot search list.

According to reports, while serving as a senior executive of a company, Duan Xuan bribed Liu Aijie, then director of the Olympic Preparation Office of the State Sports General Administration, chairman of the Chinese Rowing Association, and chairman of the Chinese Canoeing Association, with the amount of the bribe amounting to 9.5 million yuan:

Recently, the news that former celebrity mouthpiece Duan Xuan paid a bribe of 9.5 million to a senior official of the Sports Bureau has been on the hot search list. According to reports, when Duan Xuan was a senior executive of a company, he bribed Liu Aijie, then director of the - Lujuba

According to a report by the Economic Observer Network, after Duan Xuan paid bribes, his company Banana Sports obtained the selection and selection service contract for three snow sports projects. In addition, in order to obtain the foreign training funds provided by the Olympic Games Preparation Office, Duan Xuan's company also signed a false consulting service contract with the foreign training company.

It stands to reason that celebrities and high-ranking officials are actually people who are not short of money, but behind the scenes, one of them really dares to give, and the other really dares to take. In the end, both of them were investigated, and they both paid a heavy price in the end.

So, why do bribes and bribes always happen in today's society?

I can only say that I don’t know, but at this moment, I thought of a story.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a talented man named Wu Zhi. When he was young, he determined to obtain official status and serve the people. Sure enough, the talented man passed high school and became a local magistrate. Wu Zhi, who became an envoy, vowed to be upright, punish evil and promote good after becoming an official.

Not long after he became the magistrate, a wealthy businessman came to his door.

After the wealthy businessman came to visit Wu Zhi, he said that he had some disputes with several small businessmen and farmers. Now these small businessmen and farmers are very resentful towards him and may cause trouble with Wu Zhi in the future, so he may invite Wu Zhi in the future. Intervene.

Wu Zhi had actually heard about the bad reputation of this wealthy businessman in his early years. In addition, he thought of his vow to be upright and punish evil and promote good when he became an official. Therefore, after hearing the wealthy businessman's words, Wu Zhi became very angry. When he came to the first place, he immediately scolded the wealthy businessman, and bluntly said that if any common people complained about the wealthy businessman in the future, he would definitely take action on the wealthy businessman. It can be said that he did not give the wealthy businessman any face, and after saying this, he even kicked the wealthy businessman out.

After being scolded by Wu Zhi, the wealthy businessman left very unhappy.

But the next day, when Wu Zhi got up, he found a post on the table in the study room. The post said that he wanted to make friends with Wu Zhi. There was also a box next to the post. Wu Zhi opened it and saw that it was One thousand taels of silver.

Wu Zhi immediately asked the servant who put it there. The servant told Wu Zhi that it was sent by a rich businessman. The rich businessman said that this thing is very important. We saw that you just talked with the rich businessman yesterday, and we were afraid that we might make a mistake. If it's your business, let them in, and then leave.

Wu Zhi became furious after hearing this, thinking to himself, isn't this humiliating the officer? So Wu Zhi immediately asked the wealthy businessman to recruit him. After reprimanding the wealthy businessman again, he also asked the wealthy businessman to take the money back.

But within a few days, the wealthy businessman sent someone to deliver something again. This time it was a post. The post still said that he wanted to make friends with Wu Zhi. There was still a box next to the post, but this time the money in the box changed. It became ten thousand taels of silver.

Wu Zhi was really angry this time, thinking that this wealthy businessman had really lost his temper and dared to blatantly bribe his boss over and over again. This was really extremely arrogant! So at this time Wu Zhi gave an order and asked the wealthy businessman to be called again.

After the wealthy businessman arrived, Wu Zhi reprimanded the wealthy businessman and sternly asked him to explain his crimes clearly, why he bribed his officials over and over again, how many evil things he had done, and why he refused to explain. Know that you will never be lenient!

After hearing Wu Zhi's reprimand, the wealthy businessman bowed and apologized repeatedly, and told Wu Zhi to go back and reflect on it, and promised that he would bring people who had made mistakes with him in the near future to confess to Wu Zhi and ask Wu Zhi to apologize.

Wu Zhi saw that the wealthy businessman was sincere and his anger subsided, so he agreed to let the wealthy businessman go back, but the condition was that he must confess and take responsibility for the mistakes he had made in the past, otherwise he would not be lenient!

The wealthy businessman repeatedly admitted his mistake and went back sincerely.But who would have expected that not long after, the rich businessman's people came again, this time they brought a post and a box. The post still said almost the same words, but this time the money in the box became one hundred thousand taels of silver.

However, what people didn't expect was that this time when Wu Zhi saw the copybook and the box, he broke out in a cold sweat, felt weak all over, and broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, as if he had lost his soul.

Wu Zhi, who had lost his soul, slumped on the chair, called the servants away repeatedly, and then hurriedly told his wife to put the copybook and box away so that no one else could know. Mrs.

was very surprised to see Wu Zhi scared like this, so she asked Wu Zhi softly, "Master, don't you hate this rich businessman very much? If you don't like his things, just ask someone to send them back. Why do you look like you have lost your soul?" What about big changes? Besides, you refunded his money the first two times, and it’s not bad this time, so you just ask someone to send the money back this time. Why are you so scared that you break out in a cold sweat?

After hearing what his wife said, Wu Zhi sighed and explained to his wife: Madam, you don’t know something. Naturally, I, Wu Zhi, am not greedy for money, but just because I am not greedy for money does not mean that others are not greedy. . The first time the wealthy businessman gave me a thousand taels, it was humiliating to me, and I was naturally furious; the second time he gave me a thousand taels, it was flattery, and of course I could dismiss it; but this third time, He gave me one hundred thousand taels, which was a kind of warning.

After all, the fact that he can take out one hundred thousand taels so easily shows that his connections and qualifications are very wide, and if you know the amount of money such as one hundred thousand taels, you can already have psychic powers! When I reprimanded him the previous two times, I didn't give him any face, so if I don't accept it now, he will definitely use the money to bribe my superior. Once my superior accepts the money, then I will die. Just stop...

After hearing Wu Zhi's words, Madam's face began to turn pale, and then she immediately collected the money...

So, many times, the briber and the bribe taker , in fact, they are all playing a psychological game.

Those who give bribes are afraid that if the recipients do not accept the bribes, they will not be able to get things done; those who take bribes are afraid that if they do not accept the bribes, then if their competitors or superiors accept them, they will be the ones who will be squeezed out or punished in the future. Now...

Bribery and bribery have been a chronic disease in our society since ancient times.

Therefore, how to allow people to effectively supervise bribery and bribery, and how to prevent bribery and bribery from the system, is really a question worth thinking about...

Tags: entertainment