Starch pills costing only 14.6 yuan per box were transformed through packaging design and false propaganda into the "863 Resurrection Pill" that revealed the secret of the 863 plan's miracle cure for chronic diseases. They were then sold at high prices ranging from 1,000 yuan to

entertainment 7139℃

Each box costs only 14.6 yuan Starch pills

transformed into

through packaging design and false propaganda

The "863 Resurrection Pill" that reveals the secret of the 863 plan's miracle recipe for chronic diseases

is then priced from 1,000 yuan to 6,980 yuan Most of the victims were elderly people...

Starch pills costing only 14.6 yuan per box were transformed through packaging design and false propaganda into the '863 Resurrection Pill' that revealed the secret of the 863 plan's miracle cure for chronic diseases. They were then sold at high prices ranging from 1,000 yuan to  - Lujuba

Recently, the People's Court of Zhushan District, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province ruled in accordance with the law on the "7·1" health care product fraud case investigated by the Jingdezhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, and sentenced the general dealer in accordance with the law. Qiang was convicted of selling counterfeit and inferior products, false advertising, and obstructing credit card management, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison; sentenced six secondary dealers, including Chen Moumou and Liu Moumou, to fraud, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison respectively. years, 3 years; sentenced Chu to be guilty of reselling citizen information, sentenced him to 3 years in prison.

So far


pension fraud case involving 25 provinces and 206 dealers across the country has come to an end

Case review

On June 21, 2022, the police from Nanhe Public Security Bureau in Jingdezhen received a call from the daughter of the person who was defrauded during their daily visits within their jurisdiction: ’s father repeatedly purchased the “863 Resurrection Pill” health care product sold by a technology company through express delivery and was defrauded of more than 40,000 yuan.

Starch pills costing only 14.6 yuan per box were transformed through packaging design and false propaganda into the '863 Resurrection Pill' that revealed the secret of the 863 plan's miracle cure for chronic diseases. They were then sold at high prices ranging from 1,000 yuan to  - Lujuba

After testing by the Jingdezhen Municipal Supervision Department

the main ingredient of "863 Resurrection Pill" is starch

The Nanhe Branch of the Jingdezhen Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately opened the case for investigation and went to Nanjing for on-site investigation and evidence collection, and fully grasped the facts of the fraud: the dealer of "863 Resurrection Pill" passed the illegal The method obtained the information of the elderly who participated in TV shopping, and arranged for the salesperson to pretend to be a TV shopping health consultant to recommend the "Resurrection Pill" health product. claimed that it could improve human immunity, achieving its purpose of defrauding the elderly of their money and making illegal profits.

Under the guidance and coordination of the Criminal Police Corps of the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, the Jingdezhen Municipal Public Security Bureau quickly destroyed the company's Nanjing Branch den, arrested 6 criminal suspects, seized more than 300,000 yuan worth of "health products", and thoroughly investigated a conspiracy involving 25 provinces across the country. , a fraud network of 206 secondary dealers.

According to the police, this fraud criminal gang consists of three parts: general dealer (client), manufacturer and distributor, forming a relatively complete fraud and criminal chain.

The general distribution (client) is a company named Xi'an Biotechnology Co., Ltd., which is responsible for the product design, outer packaging design, customized promotional materials and product general distribution of "863 Resurrection Pill". The manufacturer of

is entrusted by the general distribution company to produce and package the "863 Resurrection Pill" by a biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in Xi'an.

Starch pills costing only 14.6 yuan per box were transformed through packaging design and false propaganda into the '863 Resurrection Pill' that revealed the secret of the 863 plan's miracle cure for chronic diseases. They were then sold at high prices ranging from 1,000 yuan to  - Lujuba

distributors are located all over the country and are responsible for developing customer source information. looks for elderly customer groups who have financial strength and spending power, pay attention to physical care, and suffer from diseases. understands customer medical history, physical conditions, personal needs, etc., and uses false information to The promotional materials brainwash the victims, fabricate the efficacy and induce the victims to buy.

After the gang obtained the victim's contact information through illegal means, sold the "863 Resurrection Pill" with a cost of 14.6 yuan per box to the victim at prices ranging from 1,000 yuan to 6,980 yuan per box through telephone sales and cash on delivery. , achieves the purpose of illegal profit fraud.

Starch pills costing only 14.6 yuan per box were transformed through packaging design and false propaganda into the '863 Resurrection Pill' that revealed the secret of the 863 plan's miracle cure for chronic diseases. They were then sold at high prices ranging from 1,000 yuan to  - Lujuba

Due to the seriousness and wide scope of the case, the case was listed as a "dual supervision" case by the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission and the Ministry of Public Security.

In order to comprehensively destroy the fraud network and implement a full-chain attack, in September 2023, the Ministry of Public Security launched a nationwide cluster attack campaign simultaneously across the country to carry out precise attacks on general distributors, manufacturers, and secondary distributors. It took more than 90 days to arrest all the members of the pension fraud gang headed by the general dealer Qiang.

Starch pills costing only 14.6 yuan per box were transformed through packaging design and false propaganda into the '863 Resurrection Pill' that revealed the secret of the 863 plan's miracle cure for chronic diseases. They were then sold at high prices ranging from 1,000 yuan to  - Lujuba

On December 14, 2023, the Jingdezhen Municipal Committee’s Political and Legal Committee took the lead in organizing the Nanhe Branch of the Jingdezhen Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Jingdezhen Zhushan District People’s Court to hold a publicity campaign to combat pension fraud and a ceremony to return stolen goods at the Changhe Cultural Plaza in the city. concentrated on returning “7· 1" The pension fraud project defrauded people of 3.27 million yuan and won widespread praise from the people.

Police Tips

Seemingly meticulous "care" and "good medicine" that can cure all diseases

Behind the scenes are probably criminals

A huge trap dug for the elderly

All elderly friends are requested to comprehensively enhance their awareness of fraud prevention

Improve fraud detection skills and strengthen anti-fraud capabilities

Especially once a fraud case occurs

please immediately save the relevant evidence and call the police for help

in a timely manner
Tags: entertainment