The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama "The Three Brigades", after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some

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24 episode of the suspenseful murder drama "The Three Brigades", after the first few amazing episodes and the boring and procrastinating plot in the middle ten episodes, it finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some face for the quality of this drama.

Uncle Qi has been waiting for many years, but he still didn't wait for the news of Wang Dayong's arrest before closing his eyes. When bidding farewell to Uncle Seventh, Cheng Bing, Pan Dahai, and the people of the Third Brigade and the Second Brigade must have felt very uncomfortable.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

After the death of Uncle Qi, Cheng Bing was depressed for a while, but he finally cheered up and continued his journey to find Wang Dayong.

Fortunately, Cheng Bing returned without failure this time!

01 Wang Dayong changed his appearance, changed his name, and even destroyed his fingerprints, but he still could not escape Cheng Bing's pursuit.

When Cheng Bing went to the northeast to look for Wang Dayong's traces, he met Li Hongxia. Li Hongxia was once Wang Dayong's best friend. At that time, Wang Dayong, whose pseudonym was Shao Gang, was living with Li Hongxia.

Wang Dayong initially took the initiative to help Li Hongxia because Li Hongxia was a single woman with a child, and being with Li Hongxia would help hide his identity.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

He and Li Hongxia got along well, and Li Hongxia offered to marry him back to her hometown in Northeast China. Wang Dayong used the excuse that he had beaten the village party secretary and had his household registration canceled by the village. Li Hongxia said that she had a relative working as an auxiliary police officer at the police station and she could apply for a fake ID card for him.

If Wang Dayong hadn't gone to the bathhouse to take a bath and his gun and rough stones were stolen, he might have followed Li Hongxia back to the Northeast. There would be no need to kill An Weiqi again later.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Just as Cheng Bing said to Wang Dayong, what you call a good life means that you want others to die. You will kill anyone who blocks your way.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Chen Laowen, who was guarding the forest, rescued Wang Dayong. After Chen Laowen injured a poacher, An Weiqi, Chen Laowen called the police station, and Wang Dayong almost killed him.

In the end, Wang Dayong did not kill Chen Laowen, but he targeted An Weiqi because he found that An Weiqi looked a bit like himself except that he was fatter.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

So Wang Dayong planned to kill An Weiqi and run away with An Weiqi's ID card. But An Weiqi's ID card was about to expire, so he had to continue to coax An Weiqi until An Weiqi got a new ID card.

The two of them went to the small coal kiln together. Wang Dayong planned to attack there, but the small coal kiln collapsed. It was An Weiqi who rescued him from the pile of rocks.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

But Wang Dayong was always cruel and cold-blooded, and there was no sense of friendship. He still stoned An Weiqi to death without hesitation. When

watched this paragraph, he immediately thought of the movie "The Eighth Suspect" starring Dapeng. The plot is exactly the same, in which a "friend" is stoned to death and then assumes the other person's identity.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

When talking to Cheng Bing, he said that An Weiqi died in a natural disaster. Even if he was caught, Wang Dayong still instinctively shied away from his guilt.

Wang Dayong has lived as An Weiqi since then, and in order to "look like", he may have injected himself with hormones. His face became as fat as An Weiqi back then, but his body still looked like Wang Dayong.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Not to mention Cheng Bing can recognize An Weiqi as Wang Dayong at a glance. As an audience, although "An Weiqi" has a fat face, through those eyes, even if they are squinted, they can emit a fierce cold light. With his eyes, we can recognize that it is Wang Dayong in a second!

Wang Dayong is cruel to others, and he is also cruel to himself. In order not to reveal his identity, he cruelly burned off the fingerprints on all ten fingers.

However, even if he changed his appearance and name, Wang Dayong still could not escape the pursuit of the persistent Cheng Bing.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Wang Dayong should have been a death row prisoner long ago, but he has been on the run for many years and still has two relationships.

first and Li Hongxia. After he escaped, Li Hongxia became pregnant and later gave birth to a son. After

became An Weiqi, Wang Dayong married another beautiful wife, who was also a very gentle and obedient wife.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

I have to say that Wang Dayong is a powerful character. If he had not gone astray, if he had not become a murderer, he would have had a relatively successful and beautiful life.

It's a pity that fate has no ifs.

If you make one wrong step in life, you may make wrong steps every step of the way.

Wang Dayong, who has several lives in his hands, should have been arrested and shot long ago. Every extra year he lives will pose an additional threat to the lives of those around him.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Wang Dayong was arrested, and the innocent souls who died at Wang Dayong's hands can rest in peace. Especially the 17-year-old girl Zhao Xiaomai.

And Zhao Maimai's father and Cheng Bing, as well as every member of the Third Brigade, can finally let go of the past and live a good life.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Cheng Bing finally caught Wang Dayong, but he was no longer a policeman, so he could only assist the police in solving the case.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

The credit for solving the case fell once again to Pan Dahai. This Pan Dahai, who won from the beginning to the end, may be promoted again this time haha.

02 The beginning of "The Three Brigades" is amazing, and the ending is okay. The overall plot is mediocre, but the protagonists perform well.

The drama version of "The Three Brigades" has opened 3 episodes. I believe many viewers who have watched it think it is very good and worth following. But the plot started to drag on after Cheng Bing was released from prison. After Cheng Bing went to Chapang to look for Wang Dayong, the plot started to get outrageous. In the next ten episodes, the plot became more and more clumsy.

I wanted to give up on the show many times, but I continued to follow it because of the actors and the third team, a lovable collective.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Why is the beginning and ending of "The Three Brigades" attractive, but the middle part is boring?

The reason is very simple. and are because only the plots of the first few episodes and the last few episodes are similar to the original story. The dozen or so episodes in the middle were all added by the screenwriter based on his own imagination!

As a result, the parts based on documentary stories are very interesting, but the parts that are purely fictional by the screenwriter sometimes look like a divine drama, sometimes like a cool drama, and sometimes like a bland family emotional drama.

This fully shows that the plots and details of reality-themed TV series must be based on real life. The stories and emotions will be more infectious and have the power to move people's hearts.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

At the end, Cheng Bing led other members of the Third Brigade, including Lin Ying, to visit the grave of his seventh uncle (it turned out that his seventh uncle, Yao Qingwen, was the captain of the criminal investigation detachment during his lifetime, and he was about to retire when Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong were arrested) to announce the good news.

When Cheng Bing and the others saluted Uncle Qi and hummed together in a low voice, the classic old song "Young Aspirations Don't Tell the Sorrows" that best represents the aspirations of the police, I was instantly moved.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

However, there is one detail here that makes me very dissatisfied. Cheng Bing said to the tombstone: "Yao Zhi, the Third Brigade has completed the mission."

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

"Complete the mission" compared to "Mission accomplished", that sense of mission and The sense of solemnity and intensity are greatly reduced!

We can take a look at the original work and the movie version. What Cheng Bing said was "The mission of the Third Brigade is completed!"

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

The word "mission" is placed in front , which means that "capturing Wang Dayong" is an important matter in Cheng Bing's heart. The most important thing has always been an unfinished task that weighs heavily on my heart. Now, I can finally say to myself and Uncle Qi that the task is completed.

is a feeling of relief.

"Complete the task" is a very casual and normal feeling.

Friends, please taste it carefully, is this what I said?

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Finally, let’s talk about the acting skills of the main actors in the drama version of “The Three Brigades”.

The protagonists of the play are members of the three teams, plus Pan Dahai. Qin Hao and Li Naiwen, the love-hating comrades in the drama, both have good acting skills. If Qin Hao restrains his carefree energy in the later stage, the impression will be better.

Veteran drama star Yang Xinming doesn't have many roles, but his acting skills are superb. Middle-aged actors such as Fan Lei, Lin Jiachuan, and Li Xiaochuan also performed well.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Even Liu Yitie, who plays Shitou, and Ma Yinyin, who plays Lin Ying, both performed well.

The actor Liu Nan, who plays Liu Zi, is very funny and has a likable character.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Chen Minghao, as the biggest villain of the show, his acting performance is as calm and dazzling as ever, but it is a pity that the number of appearances is too few. Most of them appear in memories in the later period, which is only one or two scenes.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

The actor with the best acting skills in "The Three Brigades" is none other than the actor Zhou Zixuan who plays Cheng Bing's daughter. It is said that this actress is a rich second generation, she does not look like a high school student, her face is a bit technological, and her expression is always dull. I fast forwarded as soon as she appeared.

The 24-episode suspenseful murder drama 'The Three Brigades', after an amazing first few episodes and boring, dragging and intense plot in the middle ten episodes, finally comes to its finale! The plots of the last four episodes are still interesting, and they finally regain some - Lujuba

Generally speaking, the drama version of "The Three Brigades" is not anticlimactic, but the middle part is a bit "bad".

The show is better because of its strong prototype characters and story, as well as the strong cast. It fails in the 10 episodes in the middle. The screenwriter himself was imaginative and added ingredients randomly, and the director worked hard to fill up the 24-episode plot, resulting in a movie that could have been compact. A good-looking drama, but once it became draggy and boring.

(text/first drop of dew)

Tags: entertainment