Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c

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Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why slow life variety shows are so touching, the above points are all.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

Stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and fully devote yourself to the relaxation of labor and chat. Not only the guests will feel comfortable, but the audience will also feel comfortable watching it. After "Longing for Life" and "Fifty Kilometers of Taohuawu" came to an end, "Our Beautiful Life", as the only show in the slow variety show, is now in a hot state, and the topic becomes more and more powerful every issue.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

With the arrival of martial arts, the level of funnyness and crying in the new issue has reached its peak.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

The king of martial arts meme works hard and never lets a word fall to the ground. Cai Guoqing is also cute, older and more energetic.

An artist with silly and sweet attributes, he is treated like a group favorite in the circle. The female is Tang Yan, who is funny but not self-conscious. You know, the man has martial arts, and his brain circuit is so novel that no one can guess what he will say next second.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

Cai Shaofen asked him where he was born, and he asked if it was a hospital? Xie Na asked him to explain the title of the album "Extreme Innocence". Doesn't he yearn for the manly style the most?

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

He smiled shyly and said that the staff took it.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

After the recording came to an end, he agreed to write five theme songs for the program team, which made Xie Na couldn't help but tease him. In fact, he doesn't have to be so diligent.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

said that he wanted to be tougher, but when the sisters went to sit on the roof one after another, Wu Yi stayed behind alone, very timid, and even his legs were shaking. Finally, Xie Na invited her up, and her legs directly Stiff, unable to move.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

The more masculine he tries to be, the cuter he becomes in the eyes of the audience.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

also grew up in the bath of love. Cai Guoqing can be said to be an old martial artist. They are very similar in terms of confusion. However, Cai Guoqing is getting older after all. Some confusion is not a mistake in martial arts. of.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

As a flying guest, Xie Na and others were worried about whether he slept well during breakfast, but he said with a satisfied look that he slept well. He also specifically pointed out that he was smart. When it was hot, he would pull out the plug-in board, and when it was cold, he would push the plug-in board back up.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

Before he could be proud for two seconds, Cai Shaofen, who was outspoken, couldn't help it anymore. She bluntly said that it didn't have to be so troublesome because there was a controllable switch.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

is not that sensitive to technology. Cai Guoqing’s silly smile after learning the truth was undoubtedly that of an old child.

Of course, although Cai Guoqing is old, he is not convinced by his age at all, and his passion for the professional field of singing cannot be changed.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

In order for the country concert to be held smoothly, he got up early to open up his voice, sang rap with Cai Shaofen, and danced with Wu Yi. It was really full of energy.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

Xie Na became the core of the show. After the party, she lamented that she had a strong relationship with the villagers and couldn't help but want to cry.

As a host, Xie Na is relatively emotional. In her acting career, people are the people she sees the most, which is touching. She has encountered many such things.

But this time during the recording of "Our Beautiful Life", she was still touched by the kindness of the villagers before.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

The party was actually not a big event, and there was no strong requirement to attend. However, the villagers who had been with each other before still brought their own stools to support, saw their warm smiles, and then watched their leaving figures.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

Great joy was followed by great sadness. Tears were already rolling in Xie Na's eyes. She said that she would definitely not be able to let go of her when the video ended. It didn't take until the final moment, when Xie Na finished sighing, her eyes immediately became moist.

Fresh colors, comfortable life, and the purest form of friendship in the countryside. If you want to ask why the slow life variety show touches people, the above points are all. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, fully immersing yourself in the relaxation of labor and c - Lujuba

Xie Na's true feelings make "Our Beautiful Life" realistic enough.

Tags: entertainment