(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | "The Secret" Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in "Crossing the Sky", Hui Yinghong is kind, ge

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 (Original title: Tao’s Filmmaker | "The Secret of the Sky" Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality)

 Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person.

Different from the haggard-faced and secretive mother image in "Crossing the Sky", Hui Yinghong is kind, gentle, and full of bright colors.

 She has calm eyes with a clear understanding of the world, and from time to time she smiles like the spring breeze.

When talking about starring in "The Secret", starring opposite Xu Guanghan, Zhang Junning, and Yin Zheng, as well as various aspects of her acting career, Hui Yinghong is like a still and deep river.

Flow through the scenery of the world without causing a trace of dust.

 "I acted in "Cross the Sea" simply because this boss really has nothing to say and loves movies."

 "Sister Hong and I have similarities, but I don't want the audience to think that Hui Yinghong is playing Sister Hong."

 " I don’t know what role I want to play, I just know that I want to play the best script."

"If I have to choose again in my next life, I will choose to be a doctor."

Interview and writing: Tingwu

Interviewee: Hui Yinghong

The following is Hui Yinghong's self-report, compiled by the author:

Many people say, "You are more beautiful and younger in person than on camera."

I don’t know why, but I don’t look as good as myself when I’m on camera.

If you want to be a good actor, you must not act on the surface. You have to sink in and adjust your core within the character, and your appearance will change accordingly.

I often tell young actors that you have to adjust the inside and don’t always think about what to do on the face. All emotions are reflected in your pupils.

 When you understand all the emotions of a character, they will be reflected in the eyes. The eyes will make your entire emotional transition very clear. Whether you are happy, sad or confused is clearly displayed.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

Just like this time, playing the role of Sister Hong in "Crossing the Sky" is an advantage for me.

Although the role of Sister Hong is a housewife, her previous identity was a Wudan in a theater troupe, and she is relatively flexible. I come from a kung fu movie background, and even though I'm older now, I'm still very flexible. With this gene, you can't run away.

Even though many aspects of Sister Hong can remind the audience of Hui Yinghong, I very much hope that the audience will not be confused or think that Hui Yinghong is playing herself.

I hope that every character I play has its own vitality. Hui Yinghong is just the person hiding behind it.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

When you work on a script, the script belongs to the entire team, not just to you. You need to take the character out of the story, organize her personality, train yourself to experience the character's life in a short period of time, and change Hui Yinghong's habits.

Because your personality has been formed since childhood, many habits and subconscious actions are unknown to you.

So you need to pay attention to them and change them for this role.

Everyone’s personality is different, and each role basically does not overlap.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

Although Sister Hong is similar to me, because the movie has many reversals, we have to replay it several times. This is quite difficult.

Every time you speak, how many lines you have, how many tears you have, what kind of reaction you had when the opponent actor said that word, where your face is, and where you put your hands, all must be clearly remembered.

For example, if the scene changes and becomes different, you also need to use small techniques to restore other details in place.

When people watch the movie, they don’t seem to see how difficult it is.

It is actually very difficult. For an actor, you need to imagine where the opponent is and what his movements are when facing the green screen, and you have to constantly mobilize the same emotions.

This is unlikely to be 100% consistent, so you have to carefully consider and strive for perfection every time.

The most important reason why I took on the role of "Hide the Sky" is because I know their boss very well.

I have filmed one of their movies before. This boss really has nothing to say. He is very unbusinesslike and loves movies.

 So I like him very much.

I have a small rule, I don’t want to make so many guest appearances, and I want to be responsible for every role I play, so when he asked me to play, I was a little hesitant.

But he said help me, you are suitable for this role, I asked him who else. He said there was Xu Guanghan. As soon as I heard about it, I agreed with my agent.

We all like Xu Guanghan, he plays a good role and he looks handsome.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

We have met Yin Zheng in many public places before. He is an "i person", but he becomes more talkative as soon as he meets me. I think we are quite compatible.

I heard that Yin Zheng is also an actor who is very good at being rooted in his characters and has very high demands on himself.

We have been actors for so many years. If we meet such a crazy actor, we will really appreciate each other.

In this industry, there are some who are good at acting and many who are just messing around.

But I pay special attention to this kind of lunatic, so-called like attracts like.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

Xu Guanghan plays my son in the play, and he plays it very well.

Although he has to play two different roles, the message he gave is that this is my son. Both roles are well balanced.

Although this is my first time working with him, I have seen many of his performances before.

Sometimes, even if we say that an actor is better at acting, post-editing will help a lot, but the scene is actually not that good.

But what you see on the scene is the most realistic performance of Xu Guanghan. He does not need any post-editing, so he is a very good actor.

I said before that ordinary roles are more difficult to play.

 When a character is not focused on you, but you are present throughout the film, you must be able to hold up this mediocre character.

When you hold it up, you have to hold it up just right.

 You can’t make people dislike you, but you also have to interpret the essence of the character. This requires a lot of skill.

I like to do challenging things, so I don’t refuse anyone who comes.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

When casting for "Blood Guanyin", the director didn't consider me at all.

I saw an outline of the character and I really liked it. But when the director came to Hong Kong to interview other actors, I was the last one to meet him.

He has never seen many literary dramas of mine before, and his impression of me has always been that of an action actor who shoots martial arts scenes. His producer insisted, "Look at Hui Yinghong, the literary dramas she has done in recent years are really good." He reluctantly agreed to see me. I had the character sorted out before meeting him that day.

I wore a pink silk shirt with a bow on it, a narrow denim skirt, and a pair of red high heels. The face is also carefully put on the makeup of a Shanghainese woman. The skin is fair and the lipstick is very bright.

I just walked in.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

When I saw the director, I straightened up, greeted him lightly, and said to him calmly, "Hello, director, I am Hui Yinghong, tell me your story."

Just like that, I won the role. . Because this is Mrs. Tang.

In order to play Mrs. Tang well, I added a lot of small details.

The character of Mrs. Tang has suffered a lot in the past and has a relatively low-level background, so she is still afraid of climbing to that height. She has no sense of security and does not trust anyone. Including her daughter.

When eating with the soldiers and subordinates, you can see Mrs. Tang raising her glass like that and drinking it down in one gulp. From here, we can actually see the shadow of her former social butterfly days.

Later, after Tang Ning died, Mrs. Tang could still pray to Buddha and recite sutras without changing her expression. You tell me how vicious this woman is. She killed her daughter, but she can still face God and continue to recite great mercy.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

One detail makes everyone shudder at this character.

When I'm acting, I often tell myself, oh I'm going to act. I'm working.

When I am working, I am no longer myself. I enter this role, so I have to completely become this role.

After the performance, I feel relaxed.

Once you are separated from this role, you will have less difficulty in distinguishing the role from yourself.

Many people ask me what role I want to play, and I always answer that I don’t know. Because I just want to act in the best script.

Dialogue is the soul of an actor’s acting. Even if it's not much, if you nail the most important lines, the role will be secure.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

On the contrary, even though the script has a lot of dialogue, it is useless. If you follow the dialogue and the story structure, the scene will collapse or collapse.

The best situation is to see whether this book is good or not.

If it’s good, it doesn’t matter to me whether the character is ugly or beautiful. As long as the overall script is good, then the overall situation of the director, the opponent, etc. will be ideal.

This is my first time working with iQiyi on a film. I have worked with them on many series before and I have great confidence in them.

I trust the professionalism of their entire team. This cooperation went very smoothly and I hope there will be another opportunity to cooperate next time.

I became an actor in this life because my family was poor and I didn’t study. If there is another chance to choose, I hope to study and study medicine in my next life.

I have always liked medicine, and I often read a lot of these books now. People around me will always ask me if they have any questions, and they will come to me if they have any physical ailments.

I suffered from depression before. After I recovered, I studied on my own and became a psychological counselor.

(Original title: Tao's Filmmaker | 'The Secret' Hui Yinghong: I hope that every character I play has vitality) Introduction: Hui Yinghong is beautiful in person. Different from the image of the mother with a haggard face and secrets in 'Crossing the Sky', Hui Yinghong is kind, ge - Lujuba

It had been listed for 9 months. During these 9 months, I heard a lot of suffering, and I suffered too. After all, everyone has emotions, so later I felt like it couldn’t be done.

 I very much hope that I can heal others and prevent others from experiencing the pain I once had. But later I discovered that whether you are an actor or a consultant, you must first be able to be self-consistent.

If you want to influence others and help others, you can only achieve this goal if you understand yourself better and can coexist with all emotions.

Source: Popular News

Tags: entertainment