"The Summer of Little Monsters", the art director and director of Shanghai Art Film Studio, and Suda cover news reporter Li Yuxin and Zhou Qin use the stories of little people to arouse the resonance of countless audiences, and "Goose Goose" can see the extraordinary imagination

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'The Summer of Little Monsters', the art director and director of Shanghai Art Film Studio, and Suda cover news reporter Li Yuxin and Zhou Qin use the stories of little people to arouse the resonance of countless audiences, and 'Goose Goose' can see the extraordinary imagination  - Lujuba

Shanghai Art Film Studio Art Director and Director Suda

Cover News Reporter Li Yuxin Zhou Qin

"The Summer of Little Monsters" evokes the resonance of countless audiences with the stories of little people, and "Goose Goose" can see the extraordinary imagination of ancient literati ", "Lin Lin", which uses three-dimensional ink to create an "oriental feel"... Standing at the end of 2023, looking back at the film and television works that were released this year, unexpectedly, it was the first shot of this year's film and television, It is an original animation work - "Chinese Tales".

Why did "Chinese Tales" become such a hit? If you look at the behind-the-scenes credits of the work, you will see a name that is very familiar to animation fans - Shanghai Animation Film Studio. If you look more carefully, you can see that in the column of director, there is also a name related to the childhood memories of several generations, and that is director Su Da.

On the evening of December 27, at the "2023 Fengge Women Annual Charity Night", Shanghai Art Film Studio Art Director and Director Su Da took the stage and won the "2023 Fengge Women Elite Award" and shared her experience in Experience in the field of animation creation. As the first female director in the history of Shanghai Art Film Studio, she also created the classic animation "Big Ear Tutu", adding an indispensable color to the history of Chinese original animation. During the sharing, Suda talked about "her power" in animation creation and her unique perspective as a female director.

Looking back on nearly 30 years of animation creation

"Animators need to have a pure heart"

'The Summer of Little Monsters', the art director and director of Shanghai Art Film Studio, and Suda cover news reporter Li Yuxin and Zhou Qin use the stories of little people to arouse the resonance of countless audiences, and 'Goose Goose' can see the extraordinary imagination  - Lujuba

Shanghai Art Film Studio Art Director and Director Su Da shared on the spot

has big ears, a bunch of small hair that can never be combed well, and a Zhang's honest and cute round face, naturally happy and kind-hearted, as well as his extraordinary imagination and particularly delicious little boy Tutu, are the beautiful memories of countless people's childhood. In 2004, a cartoon "Big Ear Tutu" came out and has maintained a score of 8.7 on Douban to this day. After a lapse of 17 years, the movie "Big Ears Tutu: Tyrannosaurus Rex in Action", released in 2021, also became the most eye-catching animated film in the National Day box office that year. It can be seen that this cute and confused child image is still loved by children today after nearly 20 years.

"As a female director, I have always hoped to make nutritious, interesting and tasteful cartoons for the audience." Suda shared at the scene that from 2000 to the present, she has directed nearly two hundred episodes of the animated series "Big Ear Pictures" "TuTu", as well as two "TuTu" animated films. "The prototype of Tutu is my son, and the shape of Tutu was designed by my father. We used innocent childlike interest and Chinese aesthetics to participate in the childhood memories of a generation of young viewers. 'Hu Tutu' has also become a symbol of China for more than 200 million years." Children's best friend."

How can an animated character still have such strong vitality across more than ten years? In Suda's sharing, the words "innocence" and "purity" were mentioned repeatedly. She also bluntly said that those who work in the animation industry must have a childlike innocence, understand childishness, and have a pure heart. "Only in this way can we create works that are truly beneficial to future generations or can be passed down."

For example, "Big Ears Tutu" created by Suda seems to be a cartoon for young children, but from design to screenwriting, in The team did a lot of work in the early stages of creation, constantly getting to know the children and parents, and even invited Dingdang, who has worked in children's programs for many years, as the animation screenwriter. "What should we show our children? Including the excellent content in traditional culture, how to integrate it into the work? In fact, at the beginning of creation, we did a lot of work, not just what we thought of or what we wrote."

At the same time, Looking back on her decades in the animation industry, although she is getting older and has more experience, she remembers that purity and innocence are the indelible nature of animation. “Creators must constantly purify their souls in order to produce good works."

The first female director in history

"Women have a more delicate perspective of observation"

Looking back on the century-old history of Chinese animation, the important role of Shanghai Art Film Studio in it is self-evident. It is the field of original animation in China It has brought many "firsts". In addition to being an animation director, Suda also has a special identity, that is, she is the first female director in the history of Shanghai Animation Film Studio. In an interview with a cover news reporter , Suda also talked about "her power" in animation creation based on her identity as a female creator.

"I believe that we female animators can always have spiritual communication with art with the female feelings buried deep in our hearts. . With the most sincere love deep in the soul, we create an art world that is both fantasy and reality, fun and reason for children, and provide children with vital enlightenment in life. "Suda said this during the sharing session. But at the same time, she also said that in the process of creation, she rarely considered her gender issues and only started from her own heart. And her mother's identity also brought her Diverse perspectives.

"I am also a mother, and I have an innate passion for creating. Including us screenwriters, there are many materials around me as parents of children, so I choose what is suitable for me to create. "Suda also said that women themselves have very delicate emotions and very delicate observations. "For example, I will write down interesting things about my own children and then use them in my creations. When I see something interesting, I evolve it and integrate it into my creation. Cartoons must not only have an educational function, but they must also be enjoyable. To please children and parents, so that they can feel what the creator wants to convey, this is the original intention of our creation. "

At the end of the sharing session, Suda once again mentioned "innocence". In her eyes, animation is the most innocent. "Innocence is always the best reason for people to interact and trust each other. "

" 2023 Fengge Women's Annual Charity Night" event has also received strong support from partners. Official partners FAW Audi, L'Oreal China, nexy.co, preferred partners Tempeschi Group, Sisley of France, As well as special sponsors allbirds, Victoria's Secret, Huazhu Group, AutoNavi Taxi, etc., we invite you to participate in the charity event.

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Tags: entertainment