Recently, stills and set photos of the action-adventure thriller "Stunt Hunters" starring "The Commander" Ryan Gosling were exposed. In the stills, Gosling is wearing stunt clothing and sunglasses, with a carefree expression on his face. In the set photos, his stand-in appeared.

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Recently, stills and set photos of the action-adventure thriller 'Stunt Hunters' starring 'The Commander' Ryan Gosling were exposed. In the stills, Gosling is wearing stunt clothing and sunglasses, with a carefree expression on his face. In the set photos, his stand-in appeared.  - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News Recently, stills and set photos of the action-adventure thriller "Stunt Hunter" starring Ryan Gosling were exposed. In the stills, Gosling is wearing stunt clothing and sunglasses, with a carefree expression on his face. In the set photos, his stand-in appeared. The two look very similar in appearance and have the texture of matryoshka dolls.

Recently, stills and set photos of the action-adventure thriller 'Stunt Hunters' starring 'The Commander' Ryan Gosling were exposed. In the stills, Gosling is wearing stunt clothing and sunglasses, with a carefree expression on his face. In the set photos, his stand-in appeared.  - Lujuba

The film tells the story of a washed-up stunt actor who participated in a new movie and once again shared the stage with the star he had worked with many years ago as the latter's stand-in. The problem is that now the star is missing. Emily Blunt plays a former camera operator who has a relationship with a stuntman played by Gosling. Now she is about to reach the peak of her career and is directing a particularly gorgeous sci-fi western, but she needs the help of her ex-boyfriend . Weilan Hsu plays a movie star's assistant, Duke plays a stuntman's best friend, and Waddingham plays a troubled movie producer.

The film is directed by David Leitch, director of "John Wick" and "Deadpool 2", and will be released in North America on May 3, 2024.

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