The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it t

news 1822℃

The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it through observation, and it is not difficult to find out if you are careful.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver stores blood, blood nourishes the tendons, and the nails are the supplement for the tendons. Therefore, you can tell whether your liver is good or not by looking at your nails. If your nails show any of the following abnormal symptoms, or your body is reminding you to do something. Nourish the liver, don’t ignore it.

The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it t - Lujuba

As long as we look closely at the nails, we can find that there are vertical stripes on each nail. Generally speaking, this is a normal phenomenon. But if the vertical stripes are very deep, dark in color, and persist for a long time, it may be that there are too many toxins in the liver, indicating that the liver function has declined and cannot detoxify well.

The color of nails is very white, which may be caused by insufficient liver blood. The liver is a "warehouse" for storing blood. If there is insufficient liver blood, blood will not be transported to the nails in time. The nails lack blood nourishment and the color will change. white.

The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it t - Lujuba

With insufficient liver blood, nails may break and deform easily. If the liver blood is sufficient, the texture of the nails will generally be relatively hard and not easy to crack.

Nails can also turn yellow. Due to damaged liver function, the metabolism of bilirubin in the body will be abnormal. The amount of bilirubin released into the blood will increase, and the skin will be easily "dyed" yellow. The color of the nails It may also turn yellow.

However, yellowing nails does not necessarily mean that you have liver disease. For people who smoke for a long time, nails are easy to turn yellow or even black.

The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it t - Lujuba

If there are any of these abnormal changes in the nails, it may be a sign that the liver is not in good condition. At the same time, you can also observe whether there are spider nevus on the skin and whether the size of the thenar is red. If so, we remind you to nourish the liver as soon as possible. .

If you want your liver to be healthy, you should not stay up late. It is recommended that you go to bed before 11 every night so that your liver can detoxify and repair in time. Your diet also needs to be adjusted. Stay away from tobacco, alcohol and moldy food. Green color enters the liver, so you can eat it regularly. Eat broccoli, spinach, chrysanthemum and other foods; you must also maintain a good mood to promote the movement of liver qi.

The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it t - Lujuba

In addition, many people may still have some wrong understandings about nails. The editor will explain them one by one below.

For example, some people think that the more crescents on the nails, the better the health, and the fewer the crescents, the worse the health. But in fact, the crescents are newly grown nails. Because new nails grow at different speeds, the middle is faster at the two ends. It is slow, so it will become a crescent shape, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it t - Lujuba

Unless you find that the crescent moon suddenly changes in a short period of time, suddenly disappears or becomes larger or smaller, it may indicate that there is a thyroid problem, or it is caused by malnutrition. The base of the nail does not receive sufficient nutrition, and the crescent moon may disappear.

For example, many people find that barbs often grow next to their nails and think it is a lack of vitamins. However, in fact, barbs are mostly caused by improper nail trimming and excessive dryness of the skin around the nails, and are not necessarily caused by vitamin deficiency. If you are often picky about food or go on a diet, you may be deficient in vitamins, your skin's resistance will be reduced, and you may easily develop hangnails.

The liver is a very important part of the human body. Most toxins in the body need to be removed by the liver. The quality of the liver can largely determine the health of the entire body. So how do we judge whether our liver is good or not? In fact, you can get a glimpse of it t - Lujuba

To sum up, small nails are also a barometer of health. If the nails have the above abnormal changes, it may be that the liver is not good. Pay attention to nourishing the liver and do the above things. However, there are also some changes in the nails. In most cases, it is a normal phenomenon, and everyone should treat it scientifically and rationally.

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