"Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish" was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first

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"Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish" was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a disputed detective journey.

In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a cumulative 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first "Detective Conan" theatrical version to exceed 10 billion yen, showing its strong influence and appeal.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

Multi-party contest: Red and Black War

In the film, the "Pacific Buoy" off the coast of Tokyo's Hachijo Island becomes a battlefield for detectives, FBI, police and dark organizations, connecting police surveillance around the world. This high-tech facility is about to be launched, triggering a Fierce red and black battle.

The audience will be immersed in this peak showdown and feel the tense and exciting atmosphere. The strongest reasoning is about to begin at sea.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

The clever plot setting involves the protagonist Conan. He competes with the FBI, police and dark organizations. This is not only a battle of intelligence, but also a dispute between power and mystery, which brings a visual spectacle to the audience. and psychological shock.

The film injects more tension and plot depth into the entire story through the competition between the various parties.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

A new black technology: the cross-age identification system

The new black technology - the cross-age identification system has become a highlight of the film.

Through the surveillance footage of the Pacific Buoy Agency, this system can realize facial recognition of people and accurately lock them across ages. The introduction of this technology not only increases the sense of technology in the story, but also puts Conan and Haibara Ai into an unprecedented crisis. .

The audience will witness whether the dark organization has grasped the true identity of Haibara Ai, adding more unsolved mysteries to the entire plot.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

The emergence of the cross-age identification system makes the film more futuristic and makes the puzzles more complicated. Conan and Haibara Ai compete with dark organizations on the edge of technology in terms of intelligence and technology, presenting a highly stressful psychological experience to the audience. war.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

A duel under a disparity in power

In the film, Haibara Ai and Conan are in a desperate situation and become the targets of a ruthless pursuit by the dark organization. With their lives hanging on a thread and their bodies already transformed into "elementary school students", they will face a duel under a disparity in power. .

However, fortunately, Conan and Xiao Ai are not alone. Their friends, including Dr. Ali, Mao Lilan, Amuro Toru, etc., have provided technological and military support to launch a fierce battle across sea, land and air.

The audience will personally feel the deep emotions between the characters and the importance of teamwork. This duel is not only a battle of life and death, but also a collective struggle for friendship and justice, presenting an unforgettable emotional scene for the audience.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

The pinnacle of influence: the box office reached a record high.

The film performed well in overseas releases, setting a record high for the entire series.

The domestic box office in Japan has exceeded 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first 10-billion box office movie in the history of Conan theatrical version, bringing the entire series to a new peak.

The audience's high degree of satisfaction with the movie is even more obvious. Many fans said that "after watching the movie, I regained my original intention of liking Conan", "The dark organization has returned, there are many highlights", and "The first tens of billions of Conan, witness a historical moment."

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

The movie successfully gained high satisfaction from the audience through its strong cast of characters, ups and downs of the reasoning plot, "science" black technology that subverts imagination, and spectacular fierce battles on land and sea.

Audiences lamented that this is not only a movie, but also a carnival for Conan fans, bringing an unforgettable film and television feast to the end of 2023.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

Conan theatrical version on the big screen is not to be missed. In the carnival that started on December 16, the audience can enjoy the powerful cast of characters, the ups and downs of the reasoning plot, the "Ke Xue" black technology that subverts imagination, and the spectacular sea and land. Fierce fighting.

This time, Conan once again proved its immortal influence, leading the audience into a detective world full of mystery and passion.

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

This public account belongs to the film industry (www.dianyingjie.com)

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

'Detective Conan: Kurogane's Shadow of the Fish' was released in mainland China on December 16, leading the audience into a controversial detective journey. In Japan, this theatrical version set a series box office record, reaching a total of 13.8 billion yen, becoming the first  - Lujuba

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