I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d

gossip 4170℃

believes that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They pay the money happily, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the developer may not necessarily be of absolute quality. If you check and accept them early, you will find problems early and find solutions to the developers and property owners early. If you don't accept it, you will be the only one to bear the responsibility for any problems with the later decoration.

Therefore, the preliminary acceptance of the rough house is an indispensable link. Everyone needs to learn to be smart and carefully inspect and accept the house before paying the remaining money.

So what do we need to check during the acceptance of rough housing? Today, the editor will explain it to you in detail, hoping to help you!

1. Acceptance of relevant documents.

related documents mainly include "State-owned Land Use Rights Certificate", "Residential Instructions", "Residential Quality Guarantee", "Completion Acceptance Record Form", etc. Of course,

also includes various project acceptance forms: "Resident House Inspection Handover Form", "Building Acceptance Record Form", "Commercial Housing Area Surveying and Mapping Technical Report", and house pipeline diagrams (water, strong electricity, weak electricity, structure).

If the house you buy is fully decorated, you should also ask for the instruction manual and warranty sheet for the kitchen and bathroom decoration items to ensure normal use in the future without leaving any future troubles.

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

2. Measure the area of ​​the house.

The area of ​​the house is a very important item during acceptance. If you find that the actual usable area of ​​the house is different from what is written in the contract, you must measure the actual area of ​​the house yourself. The best thing is to find it accurately and know it well and make detailed measurements, which is more appropriate.

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

3. Check the quality of doors and windows

The quality and installation of doors and windows also require careful inspection by owners. Generally, there are many modifications to doors and windows during later decoration. If an owner chooses simple decoration, the doors and windows may not be replaced. Therefore, the quality of doors and windows must be ensured during acceptance inspection, and the installation must be firm.

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

4. Check and accept the floor and walls

Whether there are bulges or cracks on the floor and walls. This cannot be ignored. If the bulging and cracking situation is serious, you must communicate with the developer in time. This will have a great impact on the later decoration and cannot be left alone. Owners can use tools, such as small hammers, to perform knocking tests.

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

5. Don’t forget about bathroom waterproofing

Generally, for rough houses delivered by developers, bathroom waterproofing is done well. But you can’t accept it just by looking at it with your eyes. Be sure to conduct a closed water test to see if there is any leakage and ensure that the waterproofing project passes the standard, so that you can avoid waterproofing during decoration. However, this inspection takes a long time and can be inspected after passing the acceptance.

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

6. Careful inspection of water and electricity lines

The most critical thing in water and electricity is the waterway. Be sure to check carefully. Under normal circumstances, the developer's rough house will only provide one water inlet and one outlet for your house. You need to test whether the water outlet is smooth and whether there is any blockage.

Regarding circuits, if you don’t need to make extensive modifications to the circuit, remember to check whether all the sockets in the house are powered on.

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

Finally, a table of precautions for rough house inspection is attached. You can take this table directly when you go to inspect your new house. If you pass the inspection, you can pay for the decoration with peace of mind.

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

I believe that many owners are happy when they buy a new house. They happily pay the money, get the keys happily, and then get busy decorating. But everyone may have overlooked the step of acceptance of rough houses. You must know that the rough houses handed over to you by the d - Lujuba

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