Do you remember "Baby Thunder"? The author was inspired by static electricity on door handles

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Chinanews Client Beijing, November 9th (Reporter Shangguanyun) Recently, "sci-fi movies" have become a hot topic. From "Wandering Earth" to "Shanghai Fortress", people are discussing N possibilities for the future development of Chinese science fiction movies.

In fact, more than 30 years ago, there was a children's science fiction movie that was all the rage. The lonely, electric-charged little boy in the movie was once a lingering memory of many generations born in the 80s. This movie is called "Pepak Beibei" "The original author and screenwriter is Zhang Lulu, a famous children's literature writer. More than 30 years have passed, and now, recalling the creation of many works including "Thunderbolt Beibei", Zhang Lulu couldn’t help but sigh, “It’s really an honor to be a children’s literature writer.”

The "Out of" "Baby Thunder"

"Baby Thunder" script was created in 1987, inspired by the "static" that is very common in life.

Do you remember 'Baby Thunder'? The author was inspired by static electricity on door handles - Lujuba

At that time, he was working as a screenwriter and director of the literature department at the Chinese Children's Film Studio. Zhang Lulu found that when the weather was dry, touching the doorknob with his hand would cause static electricity. In addition, he studied physics at university. He quickly thought of what would happen if a child had an electrical charge in his life.

had an idea, but he never wrote. One day, Song Chong, then the factory director, had a meeting with the editors of the Department of Literature to discuss the shooting plan. It just happened to be approaching "Six Day", but there was no suitable film for shooting yet.

Everyone talked about a lot of topics, but they were not ideal. Zhang Lulu suddenly thought of the "charged child" in his heart, and he talked to Song Chong about this idea, "A thief who ran away with electricity when a child is charged is very powerful. But parents, teachers and classmates are afraid to approach him. He is very lonely..." Before

finished listening, Song Chong stood up from his seat, "Hurry up and write, I will shoot after finishing!" It took a month for

to complete the first draft, and he named it "The Charged Child", and then revised two more editions, and the final script was called "Pili Beibei". He said that the term "thunderbolt" was still quite fashionable at the time.

More than 30 years ago, 470,000 yuan made the classic children's science fiction film

. In 1988, the movie "Baby Thunderbolt" was released, and it became an instant hit. To this day, it is considered a classic of Chinese children's movies. The little boy with an electrified body left a deep impression on countless children, so many years later, people still talk to Zhang Lulu about the feelings of watching movies.

Do you remember 'Baby Thunder'? The author was inspired by static electricity on door handles - Lujuba

In fact, the production cost of "Bei Bei" was only 470,000 yuan. Director Song Chong once mentioned that due to limited funding and underdeveloped three-dimensional technology at the time, many things that I wanted to shoot were not made. Many of them were "simply shoot the model first and then synthesize the special effects because of the humble nature."

Zhang Lulu analyzed the reasons for the popularity of "Beibei", "Bebe has a'special function', which is the drama of the story. But he is troubled by this and hopes to be with his friends. He longs for friendship and family affection. The process and mentality of pursuing and struggling is the connotation of the work, as well as the part about'human nature', which is common to this day."

"There were more only children in that generation, and "Beibei" is not only scientifically interesting" "Whimsical" is also related to the lonely living conditions of the children at that time, so it can impress the audience." Zhang Lulu said, every time someone talks about "Babe of Thunderbolt" with nostalgia and praise, I feel very pleased.

"It’s glorious to be a children’s literature writer."

After "Beibei", Zhang Lulu wrote "The Third Army", "Football Heroes", "My Shadow" and many other well-known excellent children's literature works, He has won the National Book Award, the National Outstanding Children's Literature Award and so on.

He was therefore labeled a "children's literature writer". But in fact, Zhang Lulu also wrote many pure literary works. He once joked that he is probably one of the most involved writers in the field of literature and art in China.

"For example, children's literature is the main business, and he has also written 10 movies and many TV series..." In addition, Zhang Lulu also honestly wrote a large number of reviews and theoretical monographs, occasionally writing novels and plays, "because Interest, but also because of hard work." After

became famous, Zhang Lulu was often asked a question: Which title do you like best after writing so many works and holding different positions?

"can giveI am very satisfied when the children write a good book, write a good movie script and let the children see it. He smiled and squinted his eyes. "Being a writer of children's literature is very honorable!" "

74-year-old writer who is still writing stories

This year, Zhang Lulu is 74 years old and is still writing stories for children.

summed up his creative vitality in this way, "I have studied physics, so I have a little scientific thinking; I also write literature. Works, I have worked in a film studio, and have been exposed to a large number of film works. The combination of these three ways of thinking may have a little advantage over others in terms of imagination. "

Not long ago, his children's literary work "Illegal Wisdom" was selected into the "Children's Literature Hall of Fame" book series. Together they included works by famous artists such as Yan Wenjing and Bing Xin, as well as works by many young authors. According to Zhang Lulu, this is the "inheritance" of Chinese children's literature.

"Although good children's literature is slightly different from the novels read by adults, the spiritual core can also reflect human nature and society. "Zhang Lulu always believes that the two are of equal importance. "Moreover, a book written for children needs to be more thoughtful, not only in-depth, but also in simple terms, so that children can easily understand it. "

someone once asked Zhang Lulu, what is a good work of children's literature? He thought about it for a while and said, "Speaking of the highest level of children's literature, if children read your book, besides crying and laughing, there will be more Thinking and being able to feel a little taste of life is ideal. "(End)

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