The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki

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's latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let's see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year, and which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looking back at the year that is coming to an end, how have many car companies accomplished the small goals they have set for themselves?

Today we will take stock of several brands to see which ones have successfully achieved their small goals, and which ones have been handed in early before the end of the year?

What is quite impressive is that some brands that were once relatively lagging behind have now become one of the first representatives to achieve their goals.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

According to official sales data, in November, Li Auto’s monthly sales reached 41,030 units, a year-on-year increase of 172.9%, successfully achieving the small goal of monthly sales exceeding 40,000. What is remarkable is that the founder once again proposed a new goal of monthly sales of 50,000 vehicles.

In terms of full-year goals, Li Auto originally set a small target of 280,000 vehicles, but now this number has been revised to annual sales of 300,000 vehicles. As of the end of November, Li Auto’s cumulative sales have exceeded 320,000 vehicles. , reaching 325,677 vehicles, and the annual target of 300,000 vehicles has been achieved ahead of schedule.

This success is closely related to the booming sales of Li Auto's L7, L8 and L9 models. At the same time, Li Auto's first MPV model - Lideal MEGA has also begun pre-sale, with a selling price of more than 500,000, and the number of orders The number of units has exceeded 10,000, and deliveries are expected to begin in January next year.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

Judging from market popularity and trends, Li Auto may bring us new surprises again in December.

Geely Automobile has a large scale and has always adhered to the strategy of equal emphasis on cars and SUVs. It is not only committed to the field of new energy, but also insists on the development of traditional fuel models. By continuously expanding the high-end market and sub-brand camp, and launching a number of best-selling models, Geely Automobile has taken a leading position among domestic independent brands.

Geely Automobile has set an annual sales target of 1.65 million vehicles. This is a prudent and pragmatic number, showing Geely's solid grasp of the market. Judging from the latest sales data, Geely Automobile sold more than 200,000 vehicles in November, and the cumulative sales in the first 11 months reached 1.536 million vehicles.

Following this trend, achieving the annual goal seems to be a certainty and there is no suspense.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

It is worth noting that Geely Automobile has made significant progress in the field of new energy, vigorously increased the production of new energy products of multiple brands, achieved multi-month sales record innovation through multi-faceted promotion, and achieved double growth both year-on-year and month-on-month.

On the other hand, let’s focus on Chery Group.

2023 is a year of explosive growth for new energy products for Chery. Through cross-border cooperation with multiple brands and the launch of a new sub-brand series, Chery has achieved significant growth and momentum. As of November, the group's sales have exceeded 210,000 vehicles, and the cumulative sales volume in 11 months has reached 1.66 million vehicles.

For Chery, this marks a big change, with a year-on-year increase of 47.8%. The introduction of new energy products successfully solved Chery's difficulties in the market and achieved the rise of the brand. Although Chery has set new sales highs for four consecutive months, there is still a certain gap compared with the 2 million sales target for 2023.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

It is indeed difficult to achieve the monthly sales data of 340,000 vehicles in the last month.

Let us once again focus on the Changan brand. They set an annual sales target of 2.8 million vehicles at the beginning of the year.

However, as of October, sales data released by Changan Automobile showed that the group’s cumulative sales volume was 2.11 million vehicles. Although the specific sales data for November has not yet been announced, combined with the brand's monthly sales volume of 240,000 vehicles in October, it can be seen that achieving the annual target of 2.8 million seems to be out of reach.

Considering that under normal circumstances, sales in November usually decline compared to Silver October (October) because this is the off-season for the automobile market. Although there may be a certain degree of recovery in December, stimulated by the end-of-year car buying boom and price reduction promotions, even if the monthly sales level of 240,000 vehicles is maintained at the level of the Silver Ten Promotions, the full-year target of 2.8 million is still a dozen short of Thousands of vehicles.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

Unfortunately, it seems that the sales target of the Changan brand this year will be difficult to achieve.

On the other hand, as a sales giant in the joint venture camp in the new energy field, Tesla has set an annual sales target of 1.8 million vehicles and even strives to reach 2 million vehicles. The good news is that this target is global market-wide, but the bad news is that the burden of sales still mainly depends on the Chinese market.

Judging from the currently released sales data, the Tesla brand has delivered 1.32 million vehicles in the first three quarters. Based on this progress, although the remaining 500,000 vehicles sales task will be under certain pressure, there is also hope. As of the first ten months, China's Gigafactory has delivered more than 770,000 new cars, and the remaining three months are when Tesla accelerates its sprint.

Currently, Model 3 is completing its replacement and terminal prices are rising. This may have an impact on sales to a certain extent, resulting in a temporary decline in sales. However, it is not surprising that Tesla is expected to launch a new round of price reduction promotions before the end of the year to achieve its annual sales target. Therefore, consumers who are still "waiting" may wish to see if there are any big moves by car companies this month.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

After Haval H6 lost its throne as the sales champion in the SUV field, the market share of the Great Wall brand was affected to a certain extent.

Fortunately, the brand made adjustments in time, launched the tank series of popular models, and quickly deployed in the new energy field, introducing models such as Xiaolong. The attractiveness of two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive at the same price provides consumers with new choices. It also allows Great Wall to make achievements in both the fuel and new energy fields, moving forward more steadily and making up for the traditional fuel field to a certain extent. Weak growth shortcomings.

The Great Wall brand has set an annual target of 1.6 million vehicles for 2023. As of October, cumulative sales have reached more than 990,000 vehicles, approaching one million vehicles. In addition, overseas markets contributed nearly 250,000 sales data.

Although the Great Wall brand has only announced its achievements in the new energy field in November and the overall sales volume has not yet been disclosed, combined with the sales data of more than 130,000 vehicles in October, if the same rhythm is maintained in November and December, two months The total number is only about 270,000 vehicles, which is still far behind the target of 1.6 million. Judging from this, Great Wall seems to have little hope of achieving its annual goals.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

Although the Zhiji brand has not been around for a long time, thanks to its dependence on SAIC, a traditional fuel vehicle company, it launches new cars more frequently, coupled with its excellent product capabilities and more competitive prices, it has always attracted much attention. .

After constant adjustments and attempts, from Zhiji L7 to Zhiji LS7 and then to Zhiji LS6, Zhiji finally launched a product with good sales performance, namely Zhiji LS6. Judging from the sales data in November, the sales volume of the Zhiji brand reached 8,703 units, of which the Zhiji LS6 contributed 8,158 units. Although Zhiji has set a relatively realistic annual target of 45,000 vehicles, judging from the current situation, it seems unlikely to achieve this goal.

's cumulative sales in the first ten months were only 19,100 units, and November's data was less than 30,000 units. Unless it can achieve sales of more than 17,000 units in December, it is still hopeless. It can be said that the early performance was too sluggish. Although the growth rate was relatively large at the end of the year, it was too late. All regrets can only be made up for next year.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

The success of Wenjie M7 proves that timing is also crucial to success.

Entering 2023, the sales performance of Wenjie brands is obviously sluggish, with cumulative sales in the first eight months of less than 40,000 vehicles. However, everything changed drastically after the launch of Wenjie M7. The large orders for Wenjie M7 have exceeded 100,000 units. The current challenge is the brand's delivery capability. According to the sales data released in November, the cumulative sales of the Wenjie brand exceeded 18,000 units throughout the month, of which the M7 contributed more than 15,000 units. Wenjie stated that it will speed up the pace of delivery, strive to deliver 23,000 vehicles in December, and ensure that the monthly delivery level will reach more than 30,000 vehicles in the next year.

is in a similar predicament as Zhiji brand. Although it has become a hit, it was launched a little late and has limited contribution to annual sales.Fortunately, Wenjie has not yet announced its sales target for 2023, giving the brand greater flexibility.

The latest monthly sales data are being released one after another. Let us see which of the major car companies have successfully achieved the small goals they set at the beginning of the year. And which car companies have achieved their set goals ahead of schedule in 2023? Looki - Lujuba

In the new month, it once again exceeded 300,000 vehicles. BYD once again achieved remarkable results.

In November, BYD's monthly sales reached 302,000 vehicles. Although in the off-season car market environment, in order to achieve data comparable to the Silver Ten, BYD has carried out price reduction promotions to a considerable extent. Fortunately, as long as the same sales intensity can be maintained in December, BYD is still expected to maintain a monthly sales level of around 300,000 vehicles under the dual stimulus of the year-end car purchase peak and brand discounts, and has achieved its annual sales target of 3 million vehicles. It's a sure thing.

National Cars:

Finally, regarding the above sales results, which ones are in line with your expectations, and which ones exceed your expectations? You are welcome to share your views in the comment area.

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