Recommend 6 suffocating escape movies with no urine points throughout!

movie 716℃

"No Survival" (2012)

An overwhelming duel between an open bad guy and a group of brainless bad guys.

Recommend 6 suffocating escape movies with no urine points throughout! - Lujuba

is a commercial thriller film, the general content of the film is very simple: a couple moving, parked in a small town passing by to rest. When a local second-rate bandit robbed him, his girlfriend was killed and the man got revenge. It is this kind of architecture that is very suitable for a director who plays and edits. So this film can maintain such a tight rhythm, to some extent, thanks to the simple and clear script. The film

Recommend 6 suffocating escape movies with no urine points throughout! - Lujuba

inherited the blood quirky elements of the previous "Love and Death" and "Millennium War", and at the same time used the structure of different types of Hollywood films to play some tricks. The plot is also compact and full. Sometimes watching a movie is nothing more than looking for a good time to watch it, not too real. If you want to open a bag of peanuts or beef jerky with a can of beer, let yourself release the pressure of the day. I sincerely recommend to you this sincere work by the director of a Japanese B film.

Recommend 6 suffocating escape movies with no urine points throughout! - Lujuba

"Deep Sea Escape" (2016)

This movie is suitable for all ages. The plot is compact enough and has less urine points. Secondly, the two leading actresses are still attractive to me. Mandy Moore is the idol of our generation when we were born in the 1980s. He looks sweet and can sing. It is also very emotional to watch her starring movie after many years. The actress who starred in Kate is Rebecca in the "Vampire Diaries" I have been chasing. She is a member of the first generation of vampires. We call her little sister. She has a somewhat proud personality, very emotional, and pretty cute. The plot of

is actually quite ordinary. The two sisters were on vacation on the coast of Mexico. When they were diving in the iron cage to watch sharks, the rope that was involved in the iron cage suddenly broke and the shark cage fell to the seabed 47 meters deep. Since there is not much oxygen, they only have one hour to escape the cage and return to the surface. At this time, great white sharks were also cruising around them.

The 47-meter-deep seabed is completely dark, and you can only observe the situation outside the iron cage with a flashlight. The voices of the staff on the water are sometimes gone, and the rescue team has not been seen for a long time. The sisters are very scared. Faced with the only remaining oxygen, they must make a choice immediately to have a chance. In order to avoid the sharks from swimming out of the water, the two sisters and the sharks had an exciting life and death contest...

"Buried alive" (2010)

I have not seen such a desperate movie for a long time. Depressed and resentful for a long time. Compared with "127 Hours", which is also a one-man show and a similar secret room, the script and performance of "Buried Alive" are exemplary, almost completely abandoning the form, 100% relying on creativity and stories to pin the audience to the chair, but it was completely unexpected , It turned out to be such an ending in the end. What is "no pee"? This is.

"Buried alive" is a movie that completely exceeded my expectations. I thought it was just another "Soundphone" or "Blocking the Phone Booth", but the horror and suffocation it created completely shocked me. From the first second of the film From the beginning to the last second, there was no chance to relax and breathe. The story of

takes place in a constant scene from beginning to end. Ryan Reynolds is fighting alone this time. Bold creativity, weird and subtle works, novel shooting techniques, ironic ending, the air in the cinema is like gradually being sucked away by Ryan on the big screen, and who would think of a movie about a man trapped in a The 90-minute hysterical movie in a wooden box is so good? What the film conveys to the audience is no longer the old-fashioned "What would you do if it were you", instead it was "How would you feel if it were you?"

In this movie, director Rodriguez Cortez tries to create an atmosphere of anxiety and suspense, a different kind of horror. Why is the hero in such a coffin like hell? How can he escape from here? This film ingeniously creates a solution to hunger and thirst. The audience is deeply infected by this atmosphere and is eager to know the truth. In fact, at the same time, what seems to be happening outside this suffocating coffin, but the director makes the protagonist unable to understand and makes the audience unable to see. In this claustrophobic space, the audience's thinking and vision are naturally affected. "Confinement" to the protagonist, enter his brain, and follow him to experience this fear. Director

said that this movie is actually in this confinement atmosphere, and will be able to experience emotions in life.Concentrated embodiment: pain, panic, despair, calm, self-denial, violence, fear, hope, sadness, grief, anger, fatigue... People will gradually experience all this from the protagonist’s experience until the last moment. It may be difficult for you to compare this film with other films, because it is indeed a unique film, and it will even be discussed by audiences and critics for several years, and it is this unique thrilling experience that may give you A huge mental and emotional impact, a kind of despair in a confined space, and a touch of warmth for living in the open space of life.

"Dangerous Way in the End" (2009)

completely conveys the original feeling-despair, for a long time, total despair. The movie looks gloomy and desperate, but in the end it tells a story full of hope, with father-son love as the main emotional line throughout the film. Strictly speaking, compared with the other movies I shared today, "Dangerous Way of the End" is not a typical escape movie, but in the themes of the doomsday, it is a superior work.

A desperate future, the world looks like a huge ruin, and the eyes are full of desolation and gloom. Human civilization was completely destroyed in the catastrophe of the doomsday. In the case of extreme shortage of resources, the survivors did everything they could, even the tragic situation of cannibalism appeared, and the whole world presented a hell-like situation. A father and his son are on an endless journey. They kept heading south, looking for a warmer refuge. The dilapidated supermarket trolley carried all the belongings of the father and son. The road ahead is long and hope is slim. My father keeps reminiscing about his wife’s voice, smile, and their good times in the past, but now that the good is not there, the future of the father and son is even more unknown...

"Terror Cruise Ship" (2009)

It is undoubtedly the best suspense work of 2009, but this movie may also give you headaches because of its logic. Because of this, it is likely to mess up the audience’s logical thinking and limited patience. .

A single mother and a group of friends sailed out on a yacht, but she always felt that something bad happened. Soon, they encountered a strong storm at sea. The yacht capsized and everyone fell into the sea. After struggling, they finally climbed onto the wreckage of the yacht. Just when they had nothing to do, a huge cruise ship slowly approached everyone. Everyone was overjoyed and boarded the cruise ship without thinking. It turned out that it was a mysterious ship that disappeared in 1930, and the ship was empty. The ubiquitous blood, mysterious instructions, and sudden murders have brought these men and women into a horrible reincarnation...

​​This film tells everyone a truth: the mistakes made are irreparable, especially some things. , Once it is wrong, it cannot redeem itself. When you are alive, you should be cautious and treat yourself better to your relatives and friends.

"Lake of Eden" (2008)

"Lake of Eden" is one of the most memorable British horror films after "Invasion of Darkness". The focus of the film is mainly the process of the two escape from the forest near Lake Eden, which is a closed-space horror film.

The social issues reflected in this film are profound, and the way of expression is simple and steady. It is an excellent realistic film. But the protagonist's various performance countermeasures during the escape process are really anxious. Of course the hero and heroine are ordinary people, not trained agents. It is not necessary to be excessively demanding on them, but we can take this opportunity to think about how to minimize our losses and get rid of the dangerous situation as soon as possible in the extreme environment where personal safety is threatened.

In short, this is a very anxious movie. In order to create a crisis environment, it creates two protagonists who switch between Superman and Stupid. For our audience, in addition to sighing about humanity, society, and education, it is also very important to master a little survival skill and learn how to keep yourself from desperately desperate.

I suggest you to remember the following 5 points: 1. Never go to inaccessible deep mountains and old forests; 2. You must bring life and self-defense when you go out; 3. Always keep your mobile phone able to talk; 4. When you become a prey, You must fight back, not the most ruthless, only more ruthless, you have to drag a few backs if you die; 5. Flee desperately, flee desperately, and escape as far as possible, so that you can escape.

"Human Centipede" (2008)

"Human Centipede" is a horror event in the medical category. This film won the Austin Fantasy Film Festival Jury Award for Best Actor (Diet Riise) and Best Horror Film Award, and Won the best film at the Los Angeles Exclamation Film Festival.

Two young girls who came to Germany from the United States, Lindsay and Jenny, got lost on the way to a club and their car punctured. The cold and frightened two walked through the woods and came to an off-travel home for help. The owner, Dr. Haite, was the world's leading conjoined infant separation surgery expert before his retirement. After his retirement, he devoted himself to a sensational reverse medical research, patrolling prey everywhere, trying to connect the human body end to end through surgery to create a "human centipede." The arrival of Lindsay and Jane made Dr. Haite overjoyed. After killing a subject with insufficient muscle tissue, he captured a Japanese tourist with an anesthesia gun and officially started the experiment.

"The Mist" (2007)

is a truly desperate movie, with a very sad ending, attractive superficial plot, and thought-provoking metaphor at the bottom. The

​​movie is about a small town with beautiful scenery that was instantly flooded by a sudden thick fog. There were screams in the fog, and people fled in panic. David and his son were trapped in a small supermarket with many people in the town, waiting for the fog to dissipate. The dense fog did not disperse as expected, and those who walked into the dense fog never returned. The dense fog gradually revealed its hideous features. Fear, panic, struggle, sadness, despair... People's spirits are on the verge of collapse. How can I get out of the mist alive? Facing the almost crazy people in the supermarket and the unknowable fog that swallowed everything out of the supermarket, David hugged his son tightly and started a difficult road to survival... The 6 above

are suffocating and have no urinary points throughout. How many escape movies have you watched? Which one do you like best?

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