Celery is a common vegetable, shaped like a small tree, tall and firm, evergreen and whirling. It can not only be eaten raw, but also cooked in various ways such as frying, soup, and boiling. Its taste is crisp and tender, fresh and refreshing, giving people a pleasant enjoyment.

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Celery is a common vegetable, shaped like a small tree, tall and firm, evergreen and whirling. It can not only be eaten raw, but also cooked in various ways such as frying, soup, and boiling. Its taste is crisp and tender, fresh and refreshing, giving people a pleasant enjoyment. - Lujuba Celery is a common vegetable, shaped like a small tree, tall and firm, evergreen and whirling. It can not only be eaten raw, but also cooked in various ways such as frying, soup, and boiling. Its taste is crisp and tender, fresh and refreshing, giving people a pleasant enjoyment. Whether it is paired with meat or seafood, celery can play a very good role as a seasoning and increase the layering of dishes. In addition to its delicious taste, celery also has the effect of promoting digestion and helping to expel toxins from the body. It is rich in cellulose, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation. Celery has become a regular guest on people's table, however, have you ever wondered why we often only eat the stem and not the leaves when cooking celery? Let's first understand the benefits of eating celery Supplement body nutrition Celery is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable, which is rich in important vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid. In addition, celery is also rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining the normal functioning of the body. By eating celery, we can take in these nutrients and provide guarantee for the normal development and function of the body. Anti-inflammatory Celery contains natural substances such as flavonoids and apigenin, which have anti-inflammatory effects and can help reduce inflammation and improve pain symptoms. aids in digestion celery is rich in fiber, especially insoluble fiber, which increases stool bulk, promotes bowel movements, and prevents constipation. In addition, the fiber in celery provides prolonged satiety and helps control appetite, which can help with weight loss, manage blood sugar levels, and prevent diabetes. Good for heart health Celery contains a compound called 3-n-butyl-o-aniline, which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, and thus improve heart health. In addition, celery is also rich in nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin C, which can help reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Why don't eat celery leaves? Most people don’t know, for the sake of health, you might as well understand that leaves have a different taste from the stems. stems have a crisp taste, fresh and juicy, while the leaves have a more fibrous texture and a bit of bite. This also means that the stems are more convenient to eat, no additional processing is required, and they can be cut into sections with a knife and served directly. In contrast, leaves require additional processing, such as chopping or breaking into small pieces, so as not to affect the taste. Since the stem is easier to handle and eat, it has become our first choice in our daily diet. The nutrients contained in the leaves are relatively low Celery is rich in vitamin C, carotene, minerals and cellulose and other nutrients, which are very beneficial to human health. However, under the same weight, the nutrients contained in celery leaves are much lower than the stems. Studies have shown that the content of vitamin C and carotene contained in the stem is more than twice that of the leaves, so in order to absorb more nutrients, we usually prefer to choose the stem as the main edible part. The leaves can be used as seasonings Although the nutrients contained in the leaves are relatively low, they have a unique aroma and taste. Therefore, in many dishes, we often use celery leaves as seasonings. For example, when frying celery, even if we don’t eat the leaves, we can chop the leaves and sprinkle them on the dishes to add a touch of green decoration and a touch of celery. In addition, celery leaves can also be used to make soup bases or seasoning sauces to make the dishes richer in taste. Can celery leaves be eaten? Some people think that celery leaves are unfit for consumption, mainly because celery leaves contain a certain amount of inorganic salts, especially nitrates. Long-term intake of too much may be harmful to human health. In addition, celery leaves contain more cellulose, which is easy to cause indigestion. Moreover, celery leaves are rough in texture, which may affect the taste when eaten. However, some people firmly believe that celery leaves are edible. First of all, celery leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which are beneficial to human health.Among them, vitamin C content is high, which helps to improve immunity and antioxidant function. In addition, celery leaves also contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to eye health, such as β-carotene and so on. Therefore, moderate intake of celery leaves is good for the human body. So, how to choose whether to eat celery leaves? First of all, we should choose celery leaves with fresh texture and bright green color, so that the taste will be better. Secondly, we should pay attention to cleaning the celery leaves thoroughly to remove possible residual pesticides and bacteria. Finally, take them in moderation, not excessive, to avoid adverse reactions. To sum up, there is some controversy about whether to eat celery leaves, but eating celery leaves in moderation can obtain nutrition and benefits. For personal health, we should choose whether to eat celery leaves according to our own conditions
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