These 10 Douban high-scoring movies are worth watching more than twice

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Everyone in

will have some indelible or meaningful movies in his life, about love, about youth, about family, about science fiction about martial arts, action, redemption, hope and so on.

Every stage, every age, and every mentality has a different meaning. Sometimes movies can express their emotions for themselves, sometimes they can show their inner world, and they can tell those unimaginable scenes. And many classic works of his idols.

Sometimes I like a movie not because of how good the movie is. Sometimes it’s just because there are idols in it. When some works were first released, the box office was quite bleak, but as time goes by , Everyone slowly understood what he represented and the forward-looking nature of the movie.

Each movie has a different definition for everyone. Just like reading Hamlet, 1,000 readers will have 1,000 Hamlet. Among the movies you have seen, which movies are your No. 10?

movies are ranked in no particular order. This is a movie that I always watch repeatedly in my mind.


is based on the novel of the same name by Yu Hua and directed by Zhang Yimou. In my mind, this is one of the best Chinese-language movies. It was previously banned. This movie tells the story of wealth. In a lifetime, where does it come from at the end, or where it will go.

The acting skills of Ge You and Gong Li are undoubtedly different. Every time you watch a movie, you have a different meaning. Sometimes life is involuntary, sometimes life is difficult, and sometimes life is very happy. In every state of mind, you cannot show yourself. With the same attitude, the film is somewhat cross-age, and it also reflects the joys and sorrows of the little people and the absurdity of the times. It is precisely because of this that this film also indicates that no matter what, we must live well.

These 10 Douban high-scoring movies are worth watching more than twice - Lujuba

[The Redemption of Shawshank]

, a 1994 movie, is a movie of extraordinary significance for many people, because after watching it, it always gives people a kind of hope. No matter what situation they are in, the only thing that people cannot be Deprived of the last freedom of human nature, this film is also very self-healing, so that those who do not see hope can regain hope, so that those who are in need are no longer addicted to their own experiences, by comparison, whenever There are always many unfortunate people in the world, and unfortunately we may not be able to avoid it, but what we can do is control our inner world, because there is one thing that others can’t keep, that is hope.

Here are 10 classic quotations from this movie, for everyone

1, hope is a beautiful thing, perhaps the best thing, and the beautiful thing will never die.

2, pain instead of speaking is a kind of wisdom, laughter instead of speaking is a kind of open-mindedness.

3. One day, you can laugh out the things that make you sad.

4, you know, some birds are destined not to be locked in cages, and every piece of their feathers shines with the light of freedom.

5. Life can be boiled down to a simple choice: either busy living or busy dying.

6. Everyone is his own God. If you give up yourself, who else will save you?

7. You who are busy chasing fame and fortune, and who are busy chasing money, stop and think for a second: Has your brain been institutionalized? Where is your God?

8, the strong will save themselves, the saints will help others.

9. If the heart is a cage, there is a cage everywhere, and freedom is not outside, but inside.

10, cowardice imprisoned human souls, hoping to make you feel free.

These 10 Douban high-scoring movies are worth watching more than twice - Lujuba

​​[Bohemian Rhapsody]

This film is a tribute and review to the Queen, legendary lead singer Freddie Mercury and their music. It is a journey full of love, pain, acceptance, prejudice and music. The growth experience of uncle

is like a classic inspirational image, from being a humble porter, being discriminated against. I worked hard to find opportunities, formed a band, a queen band, and started to try my own creation and released an album desperately. After being appreciated by others, it became popular and became famous with its own brokerage company and brokers.

focused on creation and created Bohemian Rhapsody. Their music was indefinable. Later, the agency was not optimistic and left decisively.

opened himselfIn his new career, everything went so smoothly. He didn't trust the people who really cared about him. He believed in the villain and lost his girlfriend. He became extraordinarily lonely and didn't know the direction. Blindly indulge myself, and finally found out that I was ill. After experiencing loneliness and betrayal, I no longer conceal myself, but accept myself and reconcile with myself and the band. Participated in the palace-level concert of saving lives, just like Uncle Ya’s father said, with kind thoughts, good words, and good deeds, the last prodigal son turned around and completed his own salvation.

I decide who I am and I will be myself.

Uncle Ya’s life is very ups and downs, full of life colors, controversial, charming, powerful, and influential. He has been here once, and he has been a true self. What other people say is that it’s other people’s business. This life enough.

I have been here, I have missed it, I have loved it, and my prodigal son is back.

Two hours of film, after watching it heartily, I always feel that time has only passed for a moment. If you find yourself difficult, watching this film should stimulate your potential.

These 10 Douban high-scoring movies are worth watching more than twice - Lujuba


I was young when I watched this movie, but I just think the hugs on the boat at that time are really too romantic and beautiful. It turns out that love can be so great. In just such a short time, it can be for each other. You can ignore your own safety.

This movie is the pinnacle of Xiao Li’s appearance. Judging from the box office at that time, everyone expects love very much. Maybe in that era, love was also a luxury, especially such desperate love. There is a big contrast between the feelings and the life of each class, and it also reveals that there are people who like to chase, what status and class are all imaginary, as long as there is true love, everything else is not important. The movie

has been watched no less than 5 times, and it is also a pity that it ended in tragedy, a kind of imperfection, and it is this imperfection that makes people unforgettable.

[The life of a disgusted pine nut]

When I was a child, everyone felt that his future was shining and he was omnipotent, but once he grew up, nothing would fulfill his wish." No matter how bad life becomes, pine nuts are still kind , Still living strong, this is a portrayal of reconciliation with oneself and relatives, a person using his own kindness to survive in this world.

is just kindness that needs his own strength to defend, hope is given by himself, the weak will always be Being bullied, the strong save themselves, no matter where you are, you must embrace hope, but the last last words make people feel distressed, I am very sorry for being born. The movie

is a bit controversial, and some people think that Songzi is himself Abandoned himself, raised himself so fat, and lived so badly, but she was really kind and brave before, no matter how hard she was to live strong, he did not lack love, just loved the wrong person. When

watched this movie, I couldn’t help but stop a few times, because her experience was really unbearable. If you feel sad, go to see this movie for comparison.

[Forrest Gump]

94 years of high-quality films gathering in the film industry, sunny days, alive, vulgar fiction, this killer is not too cold, Shawshank’s salvation, Forrest Gump, the burning of love, the Lion King, true lies, red, blue and white, etc. Wait, these movies are all very good-looking, but Forrest Gump won the Oscar for Best Picture that year.

This is a movie about growing experience, consistent love, war, and inspirational. Gan is a silly kid who was often bullied when he was a child, so he learned to run. If you can't win, then run. From the beginning, if you can't win, if you can't win once, then go through a few more times until he really runs. Faster than a bicycle.

He has someone he likes, but other people think he is stupid and don’t understand what love is. In fact, he always likes someone, but doesn’t give it, no matter what the situation of the other person, whether Forrest Gump is poor or rich; During the war, he was desperate to save the lives of his comrades. This is an extremely precious spirit.

was still alive afterwards, by mistakes. In order to fulfill his comrades’ dreams, he accidentally became a rich man. Running by himself, there are so many followers behind him, he seems to be an ideal figure that has been shaped, and he also shows a state of wisdom and stupidity.

inevitably makes people feel that if you live, you must live hard, and life will not disappoint everyone.

【 Brilliant Life]

Life is like a dream, The ups and downs. Birth, old age, sickness and death, choked up several times. Desperately ecstasy, nothing more. A splendid life, life and growth. ——"Brilliant Life"

has watched the longest movie for more than 6 hours, but still feels uncomfortable. Life should be plain and flat, calm and beautiful. The film is relaxed. When you calm down and the film When the characters in the go down together, you will fall deeply into their happiness and pain. Madio is naturally stubborn and straightforward. Such a character has affected his life and life. Grandma and grandson are really happy and satisfied when they live together. Life is nothing but that.

A splendid life doesn’t have to be earth-shattering, it’s just plain plain, a peaceful life is very satisfying, but life cannot make you so peaceful, Zhang Zonghui has all kinds of waves, so you have to think about how to deal with it, sometimes you are too lonely No one understands it. It will be more painful to live. Strong people can survive. Some people can only understand their own life. Everyone has a different definition of life. After reading

, my heart is extremely calm, maybe this is the real life, the brilliant life.

[Schindler's List]

The gentleman loves to make money. He started to make money from the war, and then he tried his best to save so many Jews. This is also a way for him to redeem himself and fight the war. The madness of the Jews is something the world doesn't want to see. It's just that no one has the ability. Schindler saved more than 1,200 celebrities with his own power. Although

is very large in scale, it is really touching to look at this war from this perspective and to describe this redemption. I remember that none of the things they produced actually produced weapons. He not only wanted to save lives, but also Your own way contributes to stop the war.

Mr. Schindler’s rescue behavior, the Jew’s tenacious, optimistic, and intelligent qualities, and the cruelty of Nazi officers are vividly visible, just like taking a time machine to return to that unbearable dark age.

In fact, this movie can be watched in conjunction with the [Beautiful Life] movie. The Beautiful Life tells the cruelty of concentration camps. How great Schindler’s list is.

[Interstellar] The movie

feels too brain-burning. Why technology can extend to this point? This logic is deeply convincing. It is not only ugly of human nature, but more of justice. Dedicated to mankind.

adventurously in space, on the other hand is the sublimation of emotions. Design a lot of science fiction: wormholes, black holes, space adventures, multidimensional space... the core of it is still family love and love. The

scene is so close to the vast starry sky, surrounded by it; never touched the strings of life so much and escaped into a five-dimensional illusion. A flawless science fiction work, "Love is a power that allows us to perceive its existence beyond time and space.

feels super shocking, no matter special effects or novelty, it brings a refreshing feeling to science fiction movies.


I watched and laughed when I was a child, and I watched it again when I grew up, and I couldn’t help but tears down. I didn’t understand it until I had a certain experience. I didn’t know what I wanted to express. What is it.

The lonely saint is imprinted with all the dreams of my youth. We used to think that we would become heroes of the world, that we were the only one in this world, that love existed exclusively for ourselves, but gradually discovered that we and others did not What's the difference, when you set foot in society, someone will always look at your back and say: Look, he is like a dog! The following are the classic lines in the movie, and the meaning is self-explanatory:

The person in my mind is a hero, yes One day he will wear a golden helmet and golden armor, stepping on seven colored clouds to marry me. I guessed the first, but I can’t guess the ending...

once had a sincere love in front of me, I didn’t cherish it, wait for me I regret it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is this. If God can give me a chance to do it again, I will say three words to that girl: I love you, if I have to be here I’m in love with a time limit, I hope it will be... ten thousand years.

[Godfather Trilogy]

Godfather Trilogy, life is so beautiful, society is so real, family is so important, think To become a man, one must have the following characteristics:

's sense of responsibility to family and career;

think twice in case of trouble, be cautious in words and actions;

But if you have faith, you will be rewarded with gratitude;

is persevering and decisive;

knows how to compromise, and at the same time, can stick to the bottom line and be generous to others, but if there is revenge, it will be reported.

is written at the end. The reason why each movie is so unforgettable is because it shows what you imagine is a phenomenon and what you experience. Some happened for you, some resonated with you. In every movie, It is estimated that you can find your own figure and can be associated with yourself. This is the greatest charm of the movie.

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