4. Another absurd and crazy comedy, Quentin did not disappoint.

movie 241℃
Some movies of

, even if only a short period of seventy to eighty minutes, can bring endless aftertaste.

For example, in the "Big Adventure" I talked about some time ago, an extortion case is intertwined and interlocked, showing a Quentin-style black humor.

4. Another absurd and crazy comedy, Quentin did not disappoint. - Lujuba

And the comedy I'm going to talk about today is also short and sharp, with a length of only 73 minutes-"At the police station!" ".

4. Another absurd and crazy comedy, Quentin did not disappoint. - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that this film is also related to Quentin.

However, this "Quentin" is not "Quentin", referring to another ghost named "Quentin", that is, the film director Quentin Dupiyo.

4. Another absurd and crazy comedy, Quentin did not disappoint. - Lujuba

may be unfamiliar with this name, but if you mention his film "Rubber Tire Killer", I believe the friends who love B-level movies will have an impression.

In that movie, Quentin Dupieu made the rubber tires "essential". It not only looks in the mirror and looks at girls from a distance, but also turns into a serial killer, causing innocent passers-by to burst into death.

, like this kind of movie concept that spreads everywhere, in today's "At the Police Station!" "It is also reflected in. The male lead in the film

is a hapless person named Fugen.

One night, he found a body on the side of the road, immediately called the police and went to the police station to assist in the investigation three days later.

But he never thought that the detective here is a weird guy.

To be precise, the detective does not look normal. There is a hole in his chest. When he smokes, smoke will come out from there:

can't find the point when he is dealing with the case, and always grabs the man. The details of the main statement are kept, and there is no reason to suspect that the male lead is the murderer.

For example, he would ask the hero why he first turned the deceased’s wallet and then called the police? The

​​male lead was stunned on the spot, because he had not considered this issue at the time.

Now that the detective wants to ask why, he can only think desperately about why, and the answer given at the end feels very idiotic.

In short, two people said it was an interrogation, but they couldn't talk together at all. After

stuck in such a stalemate for a while, the detective wanted to leave for a while when he had something to do, and finally transferred the male lead to a young police officer.

But never expected that this little police officer was more abnormal than the detective.

One of his eyes has its own mosaic, and his brain circuit is also very strange. When

was talking with the male protagonist, he saw that the male protagonist glanced at the triangle ruler inadvertently, and instantly filled up a big scene in his brain--thinking that the male lead wanted to pierce his neck with the triangle ruler while he was not paying attention bloodletting.

So, to be on the safe side, he took the lead in taking the triangle ruler.

But later, when he was looking for something with a triangle ruler, he accidentally fell to the ground.

didn't have any precautions, the little policeman was stabbed to death by the triangle.

This time, the male lead was dumbfounded on the spot, and he didn't know how he would explain the corpse on the ground when the detective came back.

So he decided to hide the body of the little police officer in the closet.

But even so, the protagonist is still restless, and the whole person is not good. After

waited for the detective to come back, he dealt with the detective's problem while staring at the closet, for fear that the body would suddenly fall out.

At this time, the detective asked the male lead to explain the testimony provided by a female neighbor.

In her testimony, the female neighbor stated that on the night of the crime, the male protagonist had repeatedly went out and entered the house up to seven times.

This is the explanation given by the male protagonist:

at about midnight that night, his wife saw cockroaches in the kitchen, so he went out to buy insecticides, but when he went out, he found that he had forgotten to bring his wallet, so he returned;

Then, because there was no insecticide in the supermarket, he bought mosquito repellent, but when he got home, the house smelled of medicine. He accidentally pushed the potted plant on the window sill downstairs when he opened the window for ventilation, so he went downstairs. Clean up the fragments of the flowerpot;

, after about an hour and a half, saw that his wife was asleep, and decided to go out to get some air. After going out, he felt too cold and returned home. As soon as

arrived home, he found his wife was missing. Realizing that his wife might be a sleepwalker, he went out again to get her back...

, that's it, every time he goes out and comes in, the reason is very common.

When the hero finally decided to go to bed, there was a scream in the street.

In order to see what happened,

went downstairs again and took an iron to defend himself, only to see the dead.

After listening to the hero's explanation, the detective didn't seem to find any loopholes, so he could only think about finding holes in the iron.

But at this moment, the autopsy report came, and the cause of death of the deceased was very incomprehensible-gastrointestinal bleeding, he slipped on the blood after vomiting blood, and fell to his death in a pool of blood. The hero

thought, this time he can finally clear up the suspicion.

But at this moment, the person sending the report found the little detective’s eyes on the ground...

hadn’t waited for the hero to figure out how to explain, the plot suddenly took a turn for the worse, and a 180-degree reversal came—the hero behind the hero The curtain suddenly opened, and there was a group of applauding audience.

In other words, what happened in the police station just now was actually a performance, and the male lead was the only "actor" who didn't know.

However, the bewildered male protagonist was very happy when he learned the truth. He also attended the celebration banquet to express his gratitude to the crew.

However, after the celebration banquet was over, the plot immediately reversed the story-the male lead wanted to say goodbye to the detective, but the detective handcuffed him, and he was taken away by the police car.

In this way, the movie stopped abruptly in the doubts of the male lead. Whether

is a murderer, whether the drama is over, whether the drama is for the purpose of catching the murderer, etc., we can only think about it with our own understanding. Does

feel a bit inexplicable? But this is the wit of Quentin Dupieu's movies.

His artistic style is self-contained, breaking away from the shackles of traditional narrative, presenting the extraordinary characteristics of wanton, but natural and ingenious.

Watching Quentin Dupieu’s movies, if you fall into the logical whirlpool of logical analysis, the fun of watching movies will easily be compromised. On the contrary, you will be deeply impressed by his mind that does not follow the routine.

As far as the film is concerned, in addition to the nesting of the play, Quentin Dupieu also broke the barrier between reality and memory, creating a space-time interaction that blends reality and reality.

Among them, in the process of the male protagonist recalling the seven times of entering and exiting the door, the dead police officer, little police officer’s wife, and police detectives entered the past time and space to interact with the male protagonist.

For example, after the man returned home after buying the mosquito repellent, his wife fell asleep and the TV was on. Suddenly a small police officer poked by a triangle appeared on the screen. The two began to argue about who was right and who was wrong;

For example, when the male protagonist went out for the last time, the detectives also went with him, and the two also staged a scene to restore the incident.

These are very similar to the plots of entering a dream, as if people reproduce the events experienced during the day when they are dreaming. It seems illogical, but it coincides with the unconscious operation of the human brain and is full of fun.

At the same time, as a comedy, the film has neither shit-style jokes nor intensified dramatic conflicts to create contrast. The jokes are mostly derived from the characters' absurd and funny questions about boring and trivial matters.

For example, about the male protagonist going out and entering the door seven times, the male protagonist thinks that it should be expressed as "back and forth", otherwise it is not rigorous, while the detective emphasizes that he prefers the word "round trip":

For example, when the male protagonist talks about his own experience , The police detective can never catch the point, but like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, forcibly correcting the male protagonist’s grammatical errors, popular science knowledge:

​​is as cold and humorous as the neurosis, people who like it will naturally understand.

In addition, in this film, Quentin Dupieu also uses the method of deconstruction, using the film as the carrier to carry out an in-depth media reflexion on the film itself.

In fact, this is also his consistent theme since his debut "Non-Film".

takes the aforementioned "Rubber Tire Killer" as an example. In that movie, in the face of the killing after the tire becomes sperm, there are countless spectators holding binoculars and watching enthusiastically. What

reflects is exactly the audience's desire for curiosity and stimulation, and the obsession with virtual images.

And at the end of the film, a large group of horror tires rushed to Beverly Hills and was about to "blood Hollywood", which directly expressed the director's irony of the contemporary film industry.

and I’m talking about this "At the Police Station!" In ", the reversal of the sudden opening of the curtain at the end is also to create a kind of alienation effect, reminding the front of the screenAudience-everything is nothing but a drama.

Not only that, in the easter egg part, the director also retained a hand reversal-it turns out that in the theater, people can't see the protagonist and the detective behind the scenes.

This implies that the audience in the audience is not an audience, because the real audience is actually us who watched this movie. The plot of

inevitably reminds me of the sentence many people have said: The acting is a lunatic, and the watching is a fool.

is clearly placed in front of us is just a screen, but we can't help being affected by the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the people in the play. The director is like a magician, hypnotizing us with the lens.

But I think it's a blessing in itself to be able to enter one after another dreamlike worlds through movies.

Tags: movie