Yao Chen takes photos of the Tokyo Film Festival party. Zhang Ziyi's C coat covers her pregnant belly

starnews 2027℃

Yao Chen takes photos of the Tokyo Film Festival party. Zhang Ziyi's C coat covers her pregnant belly - Lujuba Yao Chen posted a group photo

Yao Chen takes photos of the Tokyo Film Festival party. Zhang Ziyi's C coat covers her pregnant belly - Lujuba

reported on October 30 On October 30, Yao Chen posted on Weibo and took photos with Zhang Ziyi , Su Mang, Chen Feiyu, Wang Jingchun and others during the film festival. The photo with the caption: "Tokyo Assembly." In the photo, everyone smiled brightly on the streets of Tokyo.

Netizens also commented: "Oh my God! What kind of fairy combination is this!!!" "They are so beautiful~"

(responsible editor: Joe Yi_NBJS9231)

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