Animated film "Ice and Snow", a super large-scale snowball fight

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"Snow and Ice" is a children's 3D animated film directed by Jean-Francois Pollett. It is the first Canadian cartoon introduced to China, and it is also the 2015 box office champion of local production in Canada.

Animated film 'Ice and Snow', a super large-scale snowball fight - Lujuba

The film is based on the 1984 live-action film "Dogs That Stop War". It tells a group of children living in a small Canadian town. When the winter vacation comes, in order to pass the boring time, the little boy Luke and just moved to the town. The little girl Sophia becomes the leader of the two opposing factions and agrees to a large-scale snowball fight. The scale of the snow fight escalated in the collision of the children of the two sides, such as provocations and misunderstandings, and then evolved into a snow castle defense battle, which finally led to unexpected things.

​​The animated characters in this film are very characteristic.

protagonist Luke: is a bit uncomfortable, he likes to live in his own world. He is very smart and sensitive. He has never thought that one day he will become the leader of his peers, and friendship is out of reach for him.

protagonist Sophie: immediately integrated into the small partner when she first arrived in the town, she seems to be good at anything-as long as she is willing to do it.

Lump: is friendly, tolerant, and very easy to get along with, except when facing injustice. Lele's owner is also Lele's friend, a good brother with four eyes.

Lele: is a spoiled dog, but she also belongs to the whole village, and all the children like her.

four eyes: 's best friend, but his favorite is his whimsical ideas and those inconsistent and unrealistic inventions.

Lulu: Sophie's sister, an absolutely energetic person, very loyal to herself.

Jie: Luke's best friend, a little failed, but very cheerful and optimistic.

Daniel: Nicky’s cousin of is also an aspiring photojournalist. All his interests are to get a good photo and a good story.

Nicky: is good at diplomacy and a pacifist. He tries to resolve conflicts even while playing. He believes that a day without vicious competition is a victory for peace.

Fulan: has a big nerve, and she seems to speak without the brain, but she has a keen sense of observation and a very bad sense of humor.

is strong: is responsible for the strength, he is not a man who loves tricks-unless he is used by others. Has a firm will, loves to play, scary in appearance but very kind in heart.

Manono: likes to reflect his self-worth through a variety of gadgets. He is stingy and doesn't like sharing, but he is very loyal to the team.

Henry/George: Henry and George are twins, they play seriously. Not only do they dress similarly, but they also talk the same. As long as one brother is hit by a snowball, they will fall to the ground together. Their golden sentence is: There is no reason for war to hurt people.

It is worth mentioning that the theme song of this movie was sung by Celine Dion, and the theme song was nominated for the 89th Oscar Best Song. In order to cater to the Chinese audience, this film also invited the Nuoyi family, who are very popular among domestic audiences, to sing the theme song of this film. The story of

that took place in the world of ice and snow has a warm heart that is gradually recovering: it seems that children fight through snowball fights, but in the process, they realize that the true essence of the game is that everyone should unite and love, and the pain of growth is each other. To put an end to the past. It seems to be a retrospect of childhood, but in fact it is devoted to the inevitable pains in the process of growing up. How to face it bravely and turn it into a driving force for progress has become the biggest emotional point of the film.

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