"Titanic" can hardly conceal its bronze and vulgar value orientation

movie 2845℃
Cameron the Conqueror

In 1912, at the beginning of the century, a huge ship named "Titanic" exuded irresistible charm. People of all walks of life wanted to be witnesses of the historic maiden voyage of this huge sea ship The "Titanic" is a symbol of "human beings marching towards a new era" for both the crew and the immigrants who think of "gold rushing" in this new continent of North America. This modern huge ship, dubbed "Unsinkable", was loaded with more than 2,200 "lucky" men, women and children. It set up anchor from Southampton, England, and sailed to the United States for a contract, but it only sailed. For four and a half days, in the early morning of April 15th, the "Dream Ship" collided with an iceberg and soon sank into the cold North Atlantic with 1,500 passengers, leaving people with nightmarish memories.

'Titanic' can hardly conceal its bronze and vulgar value orientation - Lujuba

In the following days, the shipwreck of "Titanic" was continuously interpreted and developed and explored in poetry, music, movies, novels and other art forms. What's interesting is that the narrative of this disaster is different in each era. This also fulfilled a sentence. The story is forever (old), and what is new is the story-telling lips. However, we did not watch out, this time "Titanic" made a grand debut wearing the emperor's new clothes, full of overwhelming cheers. In addition to high-tech, this new dress is also embellished with a large pot of love, nostalgia, class differences, and moral judgments.

'Titanic' can hardly conceal its bronze and vulgar value orientation - Lujuba

"Humans are animals that tend to be herd, and they are also vanity animals. Since this film is rushed by everyone, it must be a shame not to watch or to deviate from it... It is in this cultural atmosphere that Andersen wrote The emperor’s new clothes are the most gorgeous clothes in the world; it is also under this background that we dare to have weavers and tailors who lie to the king of the people.” (Columbia University Sea Dragon “The real protagonist of “Titanic” is the US dollar. ", "Wenhui Film Times" April 11, 1998).

'Titanic' can hardly conceal its bronze and vulgar value orientation - Lujuba

Looking back on that year, the sinking of the "Titanic" shocked the human mind who had just entered the 20th century happily, so much so that many years later, people would call the explosion of the American space shuttle "Challenger" the modern "Titan". Nick". In a sense, the sinking of "Titanic" is actually a wake-up call to the evolutionary theory that "man can conquer the sky" and human beings who constantly "conquer nature". However, short-sighted humans continue to conquer the virgin forests, conquer the moon, conquer Mount Everest, conquer the Antarctic, and leave the garbage they made. They rarely doubt and reflect on their position in the universe and the whereabouts of the earth in the universe. When people raced to watch a film that was claimed to be the most expensive in history in 1998, they seemed to have neglected the lesson that "Titanic" left to mankind. The film’s success at the box office around the world once again evokes the subconsciousness of Columbus’s conquest of the New World. The film’s director, Cameron, is regarded as the "Columbus" of Hollywood. The sailing of the sea depends on the helmsman, and Cameron the conqueror becomes the new savior of Hollywood—"the king of the world".

​​The "love in a boat" between the gray prince and princess white horse (a cliché when the poor meets the rich), the heroine casually throws the priceless diamond necklace "Heart of the Sea" elegant demeanor (money is precious, love is more expensive High), a record-breaking 1:1 ratio of prop boats, exquisite porcelain that was instantly smashed to pieces with the shaking of the huge ship, and "Picasso" and "Monet" that appeared from time to time, and the justice crew who refused to commit bribes and committed suicide when the ship sank. With the captain living and dying with the "Titanic", behind the appearance of scorning money and paying attention to morality, "Titanic" can hardly conceal its bronze and vulgar value orientation. The love myth it creates is actually a magic trick for the rich to deceive the poor.

The people who are struggling between the pressure of life and the dignity of life may harvest the Hollywood value concept of "money is omnipotent and love is weak", which requires the public to share the difficulties while ignoring the public's difficulties. Because the audience is familiar with the extravagant production of "Titanic" and the distribution plan of the "one-way ticket" for escape when the monstrous flood falls in the film. The almost explicit "symbolic meaning" is exactly the same as the current reality: hardships and hardships are best to endure and "share" unconditionally, maybe you can survive the sinking ship. Otherwise, you can only sink into the eternal ice sea like Jack did not save you.

Hollywood is waiting, waiting for the next drift, waiting for the next "continent" it wants to conquer. Cameron the Conqueror will be loadedIn the annals of history, the sacrifices disappeared like Indians in the Forget River of history, and the chain of life suddenly broke.

Shocking Lies Hollywood

In today's society, the abundance of cultural products brings diverse choices to the public. The masses have the right and "freedom" to choose cultural products. We should first admit that "Titanic" has achieved great commercial value, because its global box office of 1.2 billion has created a "conqueror" Cameron myth for Hollywood. It would not be surprising if the next Hollywood director, Lion, opened his mouth to invest 300 million or 400 million. However, as subjects of the "media empire", the masses are not highly aware of the equality and fairness of the relationship between themselves and the media, so it is difficult to demand that the masses have the instinctive subjectivity brought about by human consciousness. We also have no right to require the public to be highly vigilant to the media.

But we still need critics/intellectuals who abide by professional ethics to guard public culture for the society. Please note that the meaning of the term "intellectual" here is "far from what we generally use indiscriminately to refer to educated people" (corresponding to Michel Foucault's "intellectual power"), but refers to A wise philosopher and wise man with compassion and vision for the meaning of life and the future of mankind." (Dong Leshan, "Kazantzakis and His Spiritual and Physical Struggle-"The Last Temptation of Christ" Translation Preface", "The Last Temptation of Christ", Writer Publishing House, 1991) However, the reason why "Titanic" The ability to sail to all corners of the world is related to the "El Nino" symptom of critics who temporarily lose their subjectivity. The critics’ last line of defense disappeared, and the floods caused by "Titanic" flooded everywhere, and the floods were decimated. The climatic abnormality caused by "El Nino" is nature's direct revenge on mankind. The "El Nino" symptom of intellectuals is a bit like repeated construction, and it may destroy the soul and spiritual home of human beings.

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