Money is not guilty, Money is not guilty, South Korea’s true events are based on the movie "Holiday"

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Money is not guilty, Money is not guilty, South Korea’s true events are based on the movie 'Holiday' - Lujuba

In 1988, the 24th Olympic Games was held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

In this Olympics, South Korea achieved the fourth place in the medal list. Then when everyone was immersed in joy, a shocking news brought everyone back to reality.

A felon named Ji Jiang Hyuk and some other prisoners attacked the prison guards when they were transferred and fled to Seoul. What's more terrifying is that they also snatched the guards' guns. In the process of escaping, they took guns and hid in the homes of ordinary people several times, taking them as hostages.

However, to everyone's surprise, they are completely different from those fierce robbers.

They treated the people very politely and never hurt anyone. They even talked to them about the reasons for their imprisonment, which actually made the ordinary people sympathize with them.

After Chi Jianghe and the others escaped for nine days, the police found their whereabouts.

desperately desperate, this group of fugitives chose to commit suicide.

This is the famous "Ji Jiang Hyuk" incident in Korean history. This incident of

provided very good material for Korean filmmakers, and was later taken out to shoot many versions, such as the seventh episode of the Korean drama "Life on Mars" starring Jung Kyung-ho and Park Seong-woo. This incident was treated as a separate Cases come to be detected;

and the third episode of Cobain’s best Korean drama "Please Answer 1988", there is also a shadow of this matter, but only a small amount of space is covered.

In addition, this is the film that Ke Ben introduced to you today-


Money is not guilty, Money is not guilty, South Korea’s true events are based on the movie 'Holiday' - Lujuba

, ​​which was released in 2006 with a Douban score of 7.6. It is directed by Liang Yunhao, starring Cui Minxiu and Lee Sung Jae. The story of

Money is not guilty, Money is not guilty, South Korea’s true events are based on the movie 'Holiday' - Lujuba

starts from a slum.

In 1988, Seoul, South Korea hosted the 24th Olympic Games.

In the early stage of the Olympics, civil engineering was carried out in various parts of Seoul to create a perfect new Seoul for the world. Therefore, some dilapidated slums seriously affected the external image of Seoul. The

face project is the same everywhere in the world. On one side of

is the wonderful opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and people cheer for joy;

, ​​on the other side, are the children who lost their houses and stand in the ruins and cry bitterly.

Our protagonist Chi Jiang Hyuk and his younger brother Chi Ji Han have lived in this slum since they were young, and they depend on each other. The younger brother

has a disability in his leg. Chi Jianghe lives on theft. He is a very low-level person, so they have a harder life, but fortunately the relationship between the two brothers is excellent.

They couldn't bear to lose this place where they depended for survival. Faced with the rogue thugs invited by the government to demolish them, they and the people in the slums chose to resist.

However, during the fight, the younger brother put a knife on a rogue's neck and was killed by a policeman on the spot under the pretext of threatening the lives of others.

Subsequently, Chi Jianghe was also sentenced to 7 years in prison for obstructing the execution of official duties, assaulting the police, gathering a crowd, illegal assembly, and damaging public property. He was also sentenced to 7 years in prison, and 10 years of "protective guardianship" for a total of 17 years. The so-called "protective guardianship" of

is exactly the "protective guardianship law" enacted after the Chun Doo-hwan coup in 1980-

was sentenced to more than two warnings for the same type of crime, and the sentence was more than three years. For similar crimes, after the end of the sentence, they will be transferred to the protection and guardianship to receive labor reform and skills training before returning to society.

But in fact, the conditions of some guardianships are not as good as prisons, not to mention receiving good vocational training.

These prisoners will fall into greater loneliness and social xenophobia, and because of the long period of protection and guardianship, it is more difficult for prisoners to integrate into the society after being released from prison, and they have to pick up their old professions again.

Ji Jianghe had a history of theft, so he had 10 years of protection and custody.

However, in sharp contrast to Ji Jiang Hyuk’s experience, Jeon Kyung-hwan, the younger brother of South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan, who had just stepped down in September 1988, was found to have used his position to embezzle a total of 9 billion won of social property.

Quan Jinghuan was sentenced to only seven years in prison, and then he was exempt from execution.

Judicial injustice may have caused the tragedy of Chi Jianghe and others.

Ji Jianghyuk, who was imprisoned again, was often beaten and insulted by the cell boss. He couldendure.

angered him the most because a warden was newly transferred to this prison, not someone else, but the policeman who shot his brother at the time.

Seeing him, Chi Jianghe was furious.

He wanted to attack the warden from behind, but was stopped by others. After another severe beating, Chi Jianghe was locked into a small dark room.

In the darkness, Ji Jianghe thought of his hard-fought brother again. Not long after

left the small dark room, Chi Jianghe attacked the warden on the way back to the cell. This time, he still failed and was treated even more inhumanly. After

failed twice, Ji Jianghe temporarily gave up his revenge.

Here we introduce the inmates of Ji Jianghe in the same cell.

Cell boss Huang Dazhe and his loyal little brother Kopachi, the big man who missed his lover every day, the short man with a great appetite, the old man whose daughter is about to get married, and the youngest youngest. When

was at work, the inmates saw the news that the president’s brother had only been sentenced to seven years for embezzling state property. Compared with their own felony of stealing instant noodles and rice and being sentenced to 20 years, they all expressed their emotions in society. Of injustice.

At this time, the warden summoned Huang Dazhe. The reason for Huang Dazhe's imprisonment is very simple. He came to prison to serve his sentence deliberately to avoid debts. He had already arranged the former warden, and he could be released early as long as he wanted.

However, the new warden shattered his dream.

However, he gave Huang Dazhe a new path.

killed Chi Jianghe to relieve his worries.

The simple Huang Dazhe believed in the cunning warden. When the prisoners were playing basketball, Huang Dazhe attacked Chi Jianghe with a knife. Fortunately, Chi Jianghe reacted quickly and escaped.

The warden who had witnessed all this tied up all the people in Ji Jianghe's cell and tortured him severely.

"For trash like you, the country should let you sit in prison!"

However, are Chi Jianghe and others really social trash?

is a big man who steals three times on a bus and was sentenced to 14 years;

is a short man who has not even seen the money for prying into the safe and is sentenced to 12 years;

, ​​the youngest, steals in order to pay school fees for his sister He was sentenced to 17 years for 300,000 won (about 1,800 yuan).

And in stark contrast to them is the president's brother who embezzled 9 billion of national property! The

law is not on their side.

no matter how unjustified, even if the warden is killed, no one will stand up and do anything for them. The warden

never thought that his original intention was to use his own strength to severely suppress this group of disobedient prisoners, but under his pressure, this group of prisoners chose to escape.

Huang Dazhe contacted his younger brother before he was imprisoned so that he could help him smuggle to Hong Kong after he escaped from prison. The younger brother also fully agreed, but also explained the situation that he needs money.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for Huang Dazhe, this little money is still available.

Soon after, Chi Jianghe and others needed to transfer the prison. Before that, they made all preparations. On the

prison car, these people showed their magical powers. They used the pins prepared in advance to pry open the handcuffs, and some cut the ropes with blades.

The cunning warden naturally perceives the movements of the prisoners, and when the prisoners stand up, he draws out a gun and points them at them.

However, during the confrontation, a prisoner detonated a homemade nitroglycerin explosive. The

prison vehicle suddenly lost control and crashed into the side of the road.

Ji Jianghe grabbed the gun and aimed it at the warden's head.

Then, the prisoners drove the car to the suburbs and took control of all the prison guards. The warden of

was still clamoring. He frightened the other prisoners and also made other prisoners shaken. Some people escaped, while others stayed in the car and did not dare to escape.

Chi Jianghe shot the warden and started his escape.

Chi Jianghe, Huang Dazhe and other six people walked in the afterglow of the setting sun, wearing sunglasses and handsome new clothes, smelling the breath of freedom.

them, there are more important things to do-andThe former president asked for an apology, amended the "Protection Guardianship Act" and admitted that it was wrong!

They first came to an ordinary family, held the couple, but told them not to be afraid, because they didn't want anything. The news of

at this time had begun to report that they had escaped, but did not know their whereabouts, but said that they had brought guns, so that the citizens were extra careful.

arrived at the meal in a blink of an eye. The prisoners were not polite, cooked the food like their own home, and invited the host to drink with them.

has been drinking for three rounds. The host completely forgot about his being held hostage. He also violently discussed the embezzlement of state property by the president's brother with the group of prisoners, filled with outrage.

On the other side, the warden who was hit by Ji Jianghe did not die.

Ji Jianghe didn't intend to kill people, he just hit the warden on the shoulder, and then the warden began to arrest them.

Chi Jianghe and others did not embarrass the family, they tied them up and left there.

Afterwards, Ji Jianghe took the youngest and ransacked the underground casino he was familiar with; the big

took his beloved son to find his lover, but unfortunately, the lover had already had a new love;

and Huang Dazhe took Kobachi to find He said he would help the smuggler, but he never thought that he would go back and ask for more money.

At the same time, the remaining prisoners who escaped were arrested. In the

news, the news of their escape was broadcast again, and all their plans were exposed, and they became villains preparing to assassinate the former president! The six of

fled again to a residential house with only one woman. After

was informed of his plan by the media, Huang Dazhe retreated and persuaded Chi Jianghe to abandon the plan. Then they went their own way, desperately.

Chi Jianghe is unmoved, still has to carry out his plan. After being betrayed by his lover, the drunk big man seemed to have lost hope in life.

"What the hell is the police or not, let's go now!"

In the middle of the night, everyone fell asleep, leaving only the big one on duty.

He looked at the drowsy hostess, and he drank too much alcohol, had a brutal hair, and intended to rape the hostess. Fortunately, he was stopped by Chi Jianghe and others and did not let the tragedy happen.

The next morning, while Chi Jianghe and others were still asleep, Huang Dazhe quietly left with Guangba.

Huang Dazhe still doesn't want to take this muddy water, he just wants to leave here quietly.

He once again contacted the younger brother who had promised to help him smuggle. Since he had not prepared enough money, he was going to use violence to threaten the younger brother to help them smuggle.

However, when the bag was opened, it was full of money, which was enough for their smuggling.

It turned out that Chi Jianghe had already given all the money he robbed to Huang Dazhe.

But at this moment, the police surrounded them, and the old brother had betrayed him.

Huang Dazhe understood that he had nowhere to escape. He called Chi Jianghe and apologized for his actions. At the same time, he also thanked Chi Jianghe for everything he did for him.

Finally, Huang Dazhe and Guangba were shot dead by the police on the spot.

The next day, after a heavy siege, the four Ji Jiang Hyuk pretended to be policemen, kidnapped Quan Doo-hwan’s assistant, and took him to Quan Doo-hwan’s residence.

However, there were so many police and bodyguards at the scene, they had no chance to take a step forward, they could only fled in haste.

They broke into a house again, and the police surrounded them. There are four hostages in the

family. Similarly, Ji Jianghe did not embarrass them.

Because Chi Jianghe and the others understand that they have nowhere to go. They know that the matter has become very troublesome now, and they want to use their lives as a threat to threaten the police and let them prepare vehicles to let them escape.

However, for the sake of his official career, the warden did not take their lives seriously, and even if the hostages were killed, it was no big deal.

Ji Jianghe released the mother and the youngest brother who had a heart attack among the hostages;

then lied to the youngest youngest who had the least sentence, saying that the police had sent a car and asked him to go out with another hostage. , Saved his life.

bigThe child's lover has left him, and the dwarf was shot in the previous escape and was seriously injured, and they have no love. After eating a full meal, the big man and the short man hugged each other and ended each other's lives.

was accompanied by the Bee Gees brothers in "Holiday", near crazy Ji Jiang He rushed to the window, with a gun against his head!

"I am Ji Jiang Hyuk! I came out because I have something to say to you!"

"I don't know where I got here, but I didn't want to be like this at the beginning."

"I also want to Live a normal life like you, you made me like this."

"If I have money, if I have money like you, what I commit is not a crime at all!"

"This world It belongs to you alone, you can be a judge with money, a prosecutor, even if you kill someone who has no money, you can be innocent."

"Even if you are guilty, as long as you have money, you can be innocent!"

"Even if you are not guilty, if not Money can only be guilty!"

"This is the shit law of the Republic of Korea!"

In the end, Ji Jianghe pierced his throat with glass shards in grief and anger, and ended his life. The

movie ends.

This is a great movie, it expresses the struggle of weak individuals against an unfair society.

Although this has no meaning, the struggle of weak individuals will not have any substantive significance for the unjust society.

However, Ji Jianghe once shouted loudly that "wealth is not guilty, and no money is guilty", which greatly shakes the universal values ​​that people believe in, which forces people to reflect on the rationality of the social structure they live in, thus exuding lasting Profound critical power.

It was not until June 2005 that the Protection Guardianship Law, which was longer than the sentence, was officially abolished.

In China, when absolute rights have slowly transferred to the so-called elites, and ordinary people are overwhelmed by these absolute rights, who would dare to stand up and shout "the rich is not guilty, and the no money is guilty"? ?

may only be in this film, we can get some comfort!

When Jiang He was put in the confinement room for the first time, he remembered what his brother had said.

"Even if you don't have the ability to change anything, at least you have to say "no" to the wrong things. This freedom can't be regarded as a luxury!"

Finally, let Cobain end with the classic line in "The Furnace".

"We have been fighting all the way, not to change the world, but to prevent the world from changing who we are."

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Tags: movie