Good luck is coming, the zodiac sign that makes a lot of money easily

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Good luck is coming, the zodiac sign that makes a lot of money easily - Lujuba

text/prophet original teacher

My zodiac sign is a monkey. I don’t know why in the past few years. I have been under a lot of pressure.

Your zodiac is Monkey, born in Gengshen, Guiwei, Wuxu, Bingchen. Universiade: Renwu, Xinsi , Gengchen, Jimao, Wuyin, Ding Chou, Bingzi, Yihai, from 2016 to 2025, Jimao Universiade.

The original bureau Yenwu earth was born in the month when the earth is prosperous, and the sun is prosperous when the day is in season. Taboo directions are the south and the place of birth in China. Colors are not conducive to red and yellow, and numbers are not conducive to 3, 4, 5, 6. Prosperous directions are north, east and west. Colors are good for green, white and black, and numbers are good for 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 0.

2016-2025 year of Jimao Universiade, Tiangan Jitu robs wealth, Earthly Branch Maomu Zhengguan, pay attention to the fortune of this Universiade, which usually spends a lot of money in fleeting years. The fortune before 2016 depends on the earthly branch Chen Xuchong The husband and wife palace has an unstable side in terms of relationships.

In 2014, the year of Jiawu, the Earthly Branches will be on fire in the middle of the afternoon, and the heavenly stem Jiamu will kill seven times. The opposite sex will have a good fortune. Career pressure is high. In the year of Yiwei in 2015, the earthly branch will be rich and prosperous, and the earthly branch will be punished by the husband and wife palace, which will be unfavorable for love. In terms of career, the fortune of robbery is unfavorable to fortune, and the fortune is relatively tiring.

Good luck is coming, the zodiac sign that makes a lot of money easily - Lujuba

2016 is the year of Bingshen, the career fortune will improve in the second half of this year, the wealth fortune will improve, the God of Cookery fortune will be good for career study or further studies, and you will have a good understanding. 2017 is the year of Dingyou, the fortune of wounded officials, pay attention to the impulsive side of temper this year, which is not good for relationships and career. Pay attention to the prosperity of the opposite sex in the fleeting year of the earthly branch unitary gold peach blossom. This year's career is easy to change, so you should be more cautious in your actions. Generally speaking, there is progress in wealth luck.

In 2018, the year of 1898, the heavenly stems and earthly branches are relatively prosperous. This year is unfavorable for career and wealth. Pay attention to passing through safely, and focus on defense in terms of wealth. Pay attention to the disagreement in the emotional aspect. In 2019, the Year of Jihai, the Earthly Branches and the Haishui tend to favor wealth, and the wealth fortune is going well, and there are people to help, and the relationship fortune has improved.

2020 is the Year of the Gengzi, the God of Cookery makes money, and the fortune is very good. This year is good for opportunities for career advancement. Emotional luck is good. In the year of Xin Chou in 2021, the fortune of wounded officials is flourishing, the Earthly Branch Chou and Xu Wei Sanxing Husband and Wife Palace, it is easy to be troubled by trivial things, so we must pay attention to mutual understanding. Career fortune is highly competitive, wounded official fortune is impulsive, so be careful.

From 2022 to 2023, you will be happy with God's fleeting year, and your fortune in wealth and career will be very good, you will make good progress, and you will be able to seize opportunities. Good luck for career advancement. In 2023, there will be noble fortune. In 2022, the wealth luck is very good. In the past few years, the relationship has been very good.

In 2024, in the year of Jiachen, the fortune of the earthly branch Chenxu Chong's husband and wife palace should pay attention to the emotional disagreement, and some couples' palaces will be washed away because of career reasons, and the two places will be separated. Seven Kills Fortune Career pressure is high, and it is easy to make villains. In terms of financial luck, be careful to accept it when it is good. 2025 is the year of Yisi, which is a year of average career progress, a negative year, and average emotional fortune.

From 2026 to 2035, you will have the great luck of Wuyin, the earthly branch Yinmu seven kills, and the fortune of high career pressure. 2026-2027 is unfavorable for career and wealth. Pay attention to defense. Bi Jiewang's emotional fortune is average, so pay a little attention to the disagreement.

From 2028 to 2030, you will enjoy the fleeting year of God, and there will be progress in career and wealth. Fortune is good. Pay attention to the fleeting year of the wounded official in 2029, and the temper will be unfavorable to the emotional fortune. From 2031 to 2035, you will be happy with God's fleeting years, your wealth and career will be very good, and there will be opportunities to rise, especially in 2032, your wealth will be very good, and you will have good foreign money or even windfalls, and you will have good wealth in life.

Good luck is coming, the zodiac sign that makes a lot of money easily - Lujuba

In terms of wealth in 2033, the fortune will be accepted as soon as it is good. In 2034 and 2035, the career pressure will be high, but it will be good for rising opportunities, good luck for promotion or expansion of business scale.

2036-2045 year of Ding Chou Universiade, Earthly Branch Chou Xu Wei Sanxing Husband and Wife Palace, there is a bad side in love, generally this age is not a big problem, but you should pay attention. Great luckIn terms of business, the fortune is average, so be careful to get through the bad year safely. From 2036 to 2039, the fortune of fire and soil is prosperous, the progress of career is average, and the expenditure of wealth should be paid attention to. In 2036, the fortune of rushing to the husband and wife palace is unfavorable to love, and it is easy to disagree. Generally, this age is not a big problem, so be considerate of each other.

From 2040 to 2044, if there is an opportunity to rise in career, you can seize the opportunity. 2040 and 2041 are good for wealth luck, and 2043 and 2044 are good for wealth luck. Pay attention to the unfavorable fortune in love in 2041, hurt the official luck, and have an impulsive side in temper. In 2045, the career fortune is average, and there is a troubled side, pay attention to proper relaxation.

After the old age, the fortune depends on Bingzi's great luck, and he likes to use God's great luck. This step is very good in terms of fortune and wealth. Note that 2048 and 2049 are unfavorable for wealth and prosperous than robbery. In other years, fortune is very good.

(WeChat official account of the author of this article: teacher xzyc789 Prophet)

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