Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government

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Taiwan issueThe original participants were only the two sides of the strait, but now it has become the main field of the game between China and the United States. The United States forcibly intervenes in the Taiwan Strait, which increases the possibility of cross-strait conflicts. This is the main factor that Taiwan Strait is currently clouded with war. However, the army on the island of Taiwan has become a very embarrassing role. They know that they cannot win, but they have nothing to do. Many young soldiers have even begun to actively perform military service in advance in order to avoid unexpected situations, trying to avoid the most dangerous moments. And Taiwan's former lieutenant general Gao Anguo called on the officers and soldiers of the Taiwan army to overthrow the Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-wen's government, and combine the island's reunification faction to complete the reunification of the motherland and save the people of Taiwan. It can be described as impassioned and righteous, and he also specially formed a "Taiwan military government" to confront the Taiwan independence and pro-Japanese forces on the island head-on. What is the specific situation, let me tell you slowly.

Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government - Lujuba

General Gao Anguo

General’s general pattern and the small fortune of soldiers

General Gao Anguo was born in Xiangyin County, Hunan Province in 1944, and grew up in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Province. The Gao family has been in the army for generations, and his father Gao Dulun is also a battle-tested general, a graduate of the eleventh term of the "Army Officer Academy". General Gao Dulun once participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and charged forward on the Zhejiang-Jiangxi battlefield. After followed Chiang Kai-shek and retreated to Taiwan, Gao Dulun served in the Kinmen Defense Line for a long time, and later became the "Sixth Division Commander". Because of the influence of his family environment, Gao Anguo chose to join the military after graduating from Kaohsiung Middle School and became a professional soldier. He was admitted to the "Army Officer Academy" in 1962 and became the thirty-fifth graduate. General Gao Anguo's career in the army is very stable, and he belongs to the "one step at a time" practical faction. His initial position was the second lieutenant platoon leader of the 49th Division, and later he was promoted step by step from deputy company commander, company commander, and battalion commander. During his military career, also went to the US Army Infantry School to study in the advanced class, and he also has a deep understanding of the US military.

Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government - Lujuba

Stable style of work in the army

Military career has a strong influence on the shaping of personal character, and the honesty in the bones of professional officers is often the most prominent feature. During his career, General Gao Anguo served successively as "Commander of Huadong Defense Command" and "Deputy Commander of the Sixth Army Corps". After becoming a general, he has a very passionate feeling for Greater China, so he has been actively promoting the process of cross-strait reunification. Taiwan's Army Since Chen Shui-bian came to power in 2000, the DPP has begun to reform the Taiwan Army. The initial operation of was to split the emotional connection between the Taiwan army and the Kuomintang . Under the guise of "professionalization", it was actually driving away the influence of the Kuomintang in the army. At the same time, the DPP has been vilifying the military for a long time in an attempt to obliterate the sense of honor of the military, especially these veterans who have cross-strait emotions are the targets they want to humiliate. Duan Yikang , a public opinion representative of the DPP legislature, once openly insulted them as "rice bugs". And when the honor of the army is severely damaged, the will and fighting spirit will also be depressed. There are many " strawberry soldiers " in the army who are content with the status quo, and they are becoming more and more indifferent to the national feelings on both sides of the strait. This is exactly what the Taiwan independence camp likes to see.

Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government - Lujuba

Duan Yikang

General Gao Anguo was deeply saddened to see the gradual decline of Taiwan's military, but the KMT's weakness and powerlessness towards the DPP also made many veterans very angry. So General Gao Anguo began to turn his attention to the mainland. In 2014, he went to the mainland Xiamen City to participate in the "2014 China Cross-Strait Generals Forum". In 2016, he also publicly published an article in favor of the "peaceful reunification" of the two sides of the strait, and expressed his willingness to work hard for it. This is still very rare in Taiwan, many generals trained within the Kuomintang agree with the " 1992 Consensus ", but when it comes to the issue of "cross-strait reunification", it seems vague and faltering. General Gao Anguo's move is really commendable, and it is also representative to a certain extent. But with Tsai Ing-wen coming to power in 2016, many things have changed drastically. Although General Gao Anguo and others intend to contribute to cross-strait reunification, the road is blocked by the Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-wen. The independence faction in Taiwan is even more rampant, and the retirement annuities of soldiers have also been reduced. The future of the soldiers has been lost, and the fighting spirit of the army has been severely hit again.

Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government - Lujuba

Generals Forum on both sides of the Taiwan Strait

Taiwan military government and Taiwan civil government confrontation

Soldiers lose their fighting spirit, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts will take the opportunity to come out and make trouble. The Taiwan independence forces on the island are just a microcosm of the chaos in Taiwan's political arena. There are also even worse pro-Japanese political groups. They still believe that "Taiwan belongs to Japan", but they have been taken over by the US military. The vanguard of is the so-called "Taiwan Civil Government", which is a political group established in 2008. Police departments in many areas have listed them as members of the fraud group. The members of the organization are all extremely pro-Japanese "remnants of the emperor". Every year, they will form a delegation to Japan to celebrate the birthday of the Japanese Emperor , and they will also "visit the Yasukuni Shrine" collectively. They kept instilling "the colonial relationship between Japan and Taiwan" to the people on the island, and even issued "Taiwan Civilian Government ID Cards" to form an armed force "Black Bear Force". One of its original organizers, Cheng Zhongmo, , was a judge in Taiwan Province and also served as the deputy director of the judiciary. The main leaders of this organization, Sone Noriaki and Lin Zhisheng, are all bad deeds with a history of fraud. In 2018, Lin Zhisheng and his wife were prosecuted for fraud by the judiciary in Taiwan. But it is such a grassroots team composed of young people, but many university professors, researchers and celebrities join in. Among them are Jiang Weiwen, professor of the Department of Literature at National Taiwan University, , Cai Jiyuan, a financial researcher at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the "Academia Sinica", and so on. Among them, the worst behavior was Hong Suzhu, who openly insulted Taiwanese veterans in 2016. This move also attracted the condemnation of the entire Taiwan and the anger of Taiwanese soldiers.

Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government - Lujuba

Hong Suzhu was condemned for insulting veterans

In view of this, General Gao Anguo established the Taiwan military government in February 2018, and declared war on the "Taiwan Civil Government" organized by the Japanese traitor organization. In addition to cracking down on these spiritual Japanese, Taiwan's military government also openly supports the reunification of the two sides of the strait, and was recognized by Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen authorities as a reunification organization on the island. Their central idea is: "Support the 1992 Consensus against Taiwan independence, and support cross-strait reunification, welfare and people's livelihood." The participants are mainly retired soldiers, teachers, firefighters, etc. Admiral Linlian came to bless him. The establishment of this organization represents the distrust of Tsai Ing-wen by veterans groups in Taiwan, and it also reflects that the morale of the military on the island of Taiwan has been shaken. Today's officers are tomorrow's retired generals, and today's veterans are tomorrow's active soldiers. Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party have repeatedly humiliated retired veterans and cut retirement benefits and pensions, which will definitely bring anxiety and fear to the military on the island. Taiwan's army, which is already a "strawberry soldier", really has a question mark over its future morale.

Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government - Lujuba

Strawberry Soldiers

In 2021, the tension between the two sides of the strait will suddenly intensify, and the cloud of fierce war will permeate the island of Taiwan. Taiwan's soldiers, who are on the front line in the depths, are naturally very vigilant. Many young people who need to serve in the military even ask for military service in advance, so as not to catch up with the outbreak of conflict between the two sides of the strait. And opinion polls conducted by Taiwan's civil society show that although many young people are clamoring for war, they are very worried about going to the battlefield. In such an internal and external situation, General Gao Anguo stood up and raised his arms and shouted, demanding that the troops on the island of Taiwan not be victims of the Democratic Progressive Party, but dare to "revolt before the battle" and overthrow the Taiwan independence forces. His original words are:

"Generals and academies who lead the armed forces, for the sake of national justice, shouldWhen you stand up, you must stand up without hesitation! Acting on behalf of the heavens, saving the people of Taiwan from the dire straits, and ensuring the safety of the lives and property of the people of Taiwan is the true love of Taiwan! Combining with the unification faction to complete the historical mission of China's unification! Stay loyal in the torrent of history to reflect the history! "

These words can be said to be deafening and loud. More importantly, they shouted out the truth that many people want to say but dare not say, and can say but don't want to say. Soon, General Gao Anguo was also attacked by the DPP. Some people threatened to sanction him under the pretext of violating the criminal law. However, in the face of national justice, as a staunch unification personage, there are some things that cannot but be said, "If the country lives and dies for the benefit of the country, how can we avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings?"

Is there a possibility of an uprising in the Taiwan army? From the History of General Gao Anguo and the Taiwan Military Government - Lujuba

Veterans oppose Tsai Ing-wen’s government

In fact, whether the Taiwan army will revolt before the battle is a military issue.But judging from the current historical information on the island, the Taiwan army has a lot of black history, pornography, gambling and drugs , some people even blatantly resell armaments and military supplies, the morale and morale of the army are unknown. But we can't ignore that they have a lot of obsolete weapons from the United States after all, and these weapons are still lethal. And Taiwan Island There used to be U.S. troops in Taiwan who were responsible for training Taiwanese troops, so their combat effectiveness cannot be ignored. Especially when the real war of liberation of Taiwan comes, will these Taiwanese soldiers be forcibly tied to DPP chariots to fight? It’s easy to say.However, we can continue to exert pressure and intimidation on them, and more importantly, let them see our strong military strength and firm determination to regain Taiwan, disintegrate their fighting spirit, and break their nerves. Gao Anguo As one of the few unifying factions on the island, the general dared to issue the initiative of "front-line uprising", which is truly a hero. This is also his life experience gained from his decades of military service. Soldiers must have a large structure and responsibility, Especially in terms of national righteousness and historical progress, we must keep the world in mind and see clearly the future development trend. The army on Taiwan Island does not fight for "Taiwan independence". This is the clear consensus issued by many senior officials in the Taiwan military. Taiwan independence forces It is the common enemy on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and one day it will be put on the trial bench of history to accept the people's verdict. Let us wait and see how the situation in the Taiwan Strait will develop in the future.

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